Chapter 8

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Aqueous' point of view


"These are the knew Elementalists."

I examine the four sitting in front of us.

"Guys, this is Cassie," Aubin starts, pointing to a
pretty, blonde girl with pale skin and ocean blue eyes. "Arron," I glance to look at the boy being spotlighted, his bleach blonde hair and crystal blue eyes gleaming with pride.

Probably has air, would fit right in to the gang. I think while stealing a look at Aubin and Zeph.

"Blair and Timothy." He finishes, pointing out the on-edge girl with light brown hair and orange-brown eyes, standing next to a timid looking boy with darker hair and green eyes, both with quite tan skin.

"And this is Aqueous, Sear, and Terrene." He finishes as I awkwardly wave a hello to the others.

The sound of a bell interrupts our conversation, making us all look at Aubin questionably.

"That was the dinner bell." Aubin answers our silent question. "And that gives me and idea, why don't you all go eat and discuss more about yourselves."

We all stand but awkwardly wait there not knowing what, or where to go.

"The dining hall is right down that hallway, third door on the right." Aubin states, directing us down a hallway to our left.

"Ok," the blonde girl, I think Cassie was her name starts down the hall. She looks back when she sees none of us following. "Are you coming?"

"Oh, umm, yeah" I say waving for the others to follow.

Sear's point of view
We make our way down the hall and we're about to open the door to the dining hall when Blair stops us asking, "Ok, just to make sure, is there any nicknames you use for yourselves?"

"Oh yeah..." Zeph answers, "I go by Zeph, and she.." He starts but Q interrupts him saying, "Q, you can call me Q."

We all nod, and Blair continues asking, "What about you Terrance."

"Terrene!" I correct her,

"Whatever," she states, starting to get on my nerves, "Do you have an easier name?"

"Well, I...I..usually go by Terrene, but you ca..can call me Terra if you want." Terrene stutters.

"Well, which do you prefer?" Arron asks.

"I like Terrene." She answers quietly.

"Ok," Arron reply's, "Terrene it is!" I look down at Terrene who is smiling and get a surge of anger through my blood.

We open the door and feast our eyes upon the huge room, with old wooden tables all in lines of 5. I peer up to see chandeliers hanging off the ceiling like cob webs hanging off golden branches. We start walking towards two tables piled with food of all sorts ranging from meat to fruit and veggies.

I notice Blair dart for the front of the line almost knocking Terrene over but luckily I'm there to catch her.

"Oh, sorry, gotta love the food!" Blair says rubbing the back of her neck embarrassed.

"It's fine," Terrene giggles.

We all fill our plates with mountains of food, due to our hungry state. I examine the different food types of my friends and notice Q piling meat and vegetables onto her plate. Then I check out Zeph. He has a salad, cooked Brussels sprouts, and more green.

Of course he's a vegan, I could've guessed that the first time I saw him. I think to myself.

After that, I glance down at Terrene, who surprisingly has lot's of seafood ranging from shrimp, to salmon. When I walk through the line, I grab a rack of ribs, and a steak with asparagus. Gotta have some greens in the my body. I tell myself.

"Where are we gonna sit?" Q asks approaching us now with a couple shrimp kabobs  topping her plate.

"What about there," Zeph offers, pointing to a couple booths at the far end of the room.

"Fine by me, I just want this food in my system." I answer, "I'm soooo hungry."

"Ya, me too!" Terrene states laughing.

We make our way to the booth and all sit down, me by Terrene and Zeph by Q, and start to consume the food on our plate.

"Hey, do you mind if we sit over here?" Arron questions, directing our attention at the booth across the isle from our booth.

"Not at all go ahead!" Q replies, trying to make mher answer as small as possible to not interrupt her from eating.

Terrene's point of view

"Ok," Zeph states after we eat for a couple minutes, "I know we just met, so let's get to know each other, I'll start." Even though we are all busy eating, we involuntarily listen to what he has to say.

"As you may know, my full name is Zephyr Windchester, I've lived here all my life in the 2nd Quarter, A.K.A. the Air Quarter. My hobbies include: flying, reading, and exploring." He states, plastering a smile on his face, causing me to smile back. " Why don't you go next Q."

"Well..." Q starts, "Well, umm, I grew up in Ontario, Canada with my Parents and little sister: Steph. My full name is Aqueous Michelson and I like swimming, both speed and synchronized. I also enjoy exploring I guess." She finishes, and I rub her shoulder, knowing she misses her family.

"I'll go next." Sear says, so I turn my attention towards him. "I grew up in Minnesota, near the town of Cannon City. I wasn't really close with my parents so I mostly stayed with my uncle, so I guess he's considered my parent, or I mean parental guardian..." He starts to tense up and his breath quickens, so I place a hand on his shoulder causing him to look my way. I take in a deep breath, and Sear follows, copying my actions to help calm himself down. I stare into his eyes and for a split second, I see sadness slip through but it's quickly hidden when Zeph clears his throats causing me to blush at the awkward moment.

"I also lived in Cannon City with my family of four." I start, trying to take the attention off of Sear, "Me and my sister, Ella, look a lot alike. And my mom and dad are most average parents you'll get. I like reading, and acting, although I've got terrible stage fright."

Everyone laughs except Sear, probably remembering the incident involving puke, and shoes.


We all finish eating, our stomach are full to the brim, and start to get up to leave.

"Wait," I says stopping us, "Where are we going, I mean, we just got here, and-"

"You guys can stay with me," Zeph interrupts her, rubbing the back of his neck, "I mean, Some are going to have to double up, but I've got room."

"Wait, you have two bedrooms in your room?" Sear asks.

"Umm, ya, but here in Eloasis, each elementalist has their own dorm-sorta-thing."

"Cool," Q says shoving through the two boys, making me chuckle , "lead the way to this Dorm-sorta-thing."

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