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It's Friday. Two days before Christmas. The time where most stores are closing early. The time where all there presents are wrapped and under the tree or some hidden in secret places. I haven't slept since the fair. Yea a nap everynow and then but the nightmares are getting worse as if my body can sense something bads about to happen and its warning me. I havent spoken to Joey. He comes over and gives me those intense stares a lot. I just sigh and go to my room.
"Yo bra! We are meeting with everyone at the cafe get dressed." Alex says opening my door.
"I'm not going."
"Yes You are. Youve been in this room for four days now come on get up." He replys dragging me out of the bed onto the floor and leaving.
I decide hes right and put on high waisted jeans and a cropped hoodie.
We make it to the cafe and I'm stuck sitting between Joey and Alex.
"Hey" selena says getting my attention and a few others as she sits across from me
"Whats wrong You look like you havent slept in days?"
"That's beacuse I haven't" I sigh
"Just somethings on my mind lately" I shrug and glace at alex who frowns down at me
She nods and starts a conversation with josiah. I feel a nudge from Joey on my left and I look at him and he gives me a small smile.
"Are You ok?"
"As if You care" I mumble looking down
"I'm sorry about the other day. I'm trying I really am" he sighs. I ignore him and eat.
Night five. No sleep. Kill me.
I groan and crawl to the roof looking at the stars. I hear somekne lay beside me but ignore him.
"I do care bre. I care about you more than you realize." I look at Joey and frown
"I dont know. Ever since I met you ive felt like I need to worry about everything you do. I feel as if one day you will get yourself hurt and I need to be there to stop you from it." He sighs and brushes a strand of hair from my face. His own so close I cand smell his aurora of gaterade mixed with axe and mint.
"Joey... I can take care of myself"
"Trust me I know. Your strong. I like that about you. But part of me feels like someone in the past hurt you badly and I need to fix it. In order for that to happen I need to know what there is to fix." Still too close
"I cant tell you that yet.."
"Thats Fine. I'll be waiting when your ready" he mumbles and brushes his lips on mine
"Shhh" he says as he finally preses his lips to my own. The kiss is full of hunger and passion. Something ive only had with one person.
"Wow" he grins pulling away from our short kiss.
"Yea Wow."
He stands up with the grin on his face.
"Goodnight baby girl try to get some sleep for me." With that hes off the roof back into his own home.

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