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"fuck, fuckity, fuck!" hoseok hisses due to the warm water coming from his shower suddenly turning scolding hot. his body jerks around to spin the nob over to the cold side but before he could, the water shuts off completely.

"what the hell?" hoseok whispers, quite confused at the sudden turn of events. his hands fiddle with the nobs, trying to turn on the water again but he soon finds out it's no use.

he groans with frustration at the situation and grabs a towel from the rack beside the shower. drying off, hoseok grabs his clothes that he had laying on the bathroom counter and gets dressed. his good mood ruined, he goes to check the hot water heater that rests beside the washing machine. his eyebrows furrow in confusion at what is wrong but he goes to the kitchen to see if the hot water works there. he turns the hot water nob all the way to the side, seeing if any will come out. after letting the cool water run over his fingertips for a good two minutes, he shuts it off and comes to a frustrating conclusion that the hot water heater is broken.

"just great..." hoseok mumbles. no hot water. meaning no hot or even warm showers. he definitely couldn't fix this himself and it's not like he can call a repairman either. he doesn't make enough money for that, what he'd have to do is save up. but he can't go without bathing. going one day without it makes hoseok feel disgusted.

so what am i going to do now?

hoseok's best friend, namjoon, lives with his boyfriend about fifteen minutes from here, so it wouldn't be possible to go there. maybe he can call the repairman and just go without lights for awhile?

hoseok, are you fucking dumb, you can't live without lights either.

he has never wanted to bang his head so hard up against a wall than he has right now. "fuck this." hoseok never thought being an adult would be this hard.

but the more he thought, maybe there is another option. a guy had just moved into the apartment right beside his merely a week ago. so maybe he'd be willing to let hoseok use his.

he smiles at the possibility, hoping that his wish would come true. hoseok doesn't wait and dwell on the possibility. he heads over right away. of course, he's a little nervous knocking on the door of a stranger. don't judge, for all hoseok knows, he could be a serial killer.

when he approaches the door he takes a deep breath.

you got this, hoseok. just smile and you've got it.

"okay, okay". he knocks on the door a few times and steps back, waiting for the guy to open. when ten seconds go by and hoseok doesn't hear a sound, he knocks again frowning.

this dude can't seriously be asleep, can he? it's almost one!

frustrated now, he knocks louder. his neighbor better answer this time.

suddenly, the door opens, revealing a mint haired, almost silver, man who looks like they just got out of bed.

"yes?" his voice is raspy from just waking up and hoseok can already feel his hands getting sweaty. hoseok tries to smile again but it just falters under the guy's stare. it's hard not to be nervous when you add the fact that he is extremely attractive.

jung hoseok, STOP checking him out and ask the damn question. don't let your gay show too much.

"oh- uh..." hoseok's eyes shift from the guy's eyes to his own feet. it's hard looking at the mint haired man straight on for many reasons. "well i- uh..."

the guy groaned and rubbed his eyes. "can i help you with something?"

hoseok exhales again and takes a deep breath. swallowing the lump in his throat, he says, "uhh yeah you can. well i've just discovered my shower broke so i don't have anymore hot water. and that's pretty essential to life so do you mind if i can use your shower for a little while?"


hoseok blinks repeatedly, thinking he misheard. "what?"

he continues to stare into hoseok's eyes. "did i stutter? i said no."

hoseok's own anger catching up to him, he crosses his arms and stands taller, since he is bigger than the guy. even if it's only by a few inches or so. "why not?"

"am i obliged to give you a reason? i don't know you, so no." he stands still, not moving his eyes from hoseok's even though hoseok keeps glancing away. he has to admit, the guy is intimidating.

deciding to drop the whole tough act, hoseok signs. "please.. i really need to use it."

the guy raises an eyebrow. "just take a cold shower, dude. or, hire a plumber or something."

hoseok bites his lip, thinking. he says the next excuse that pops into his head. "well- i have sensitive skin. cold water hurts it."

"ohmygod," hoseok heard him whisper, all as one word, showing his exaggeration. the guy lays his head on the door for a second thinking. "if your shower is broken, why is your hair wet?"

he points at the top of hoseok's head and he tries to follow the guy's finger with his eyes but soon realize that hoseok is just looking at the back of his own head. hoseok picks up a piece of his own hair and feels it. definitely wet. he mentally face palms himself for doing so. i'm such a dumbass.

"i was in the shower right when it broke, so, i realized that only about ten or twenty minutes ago." hoseok could see it in the guy's eyes that his mind was hardly changing so hoseok had to step up his begging. "please, please, please. can you just do me this one favor until i'm able to hire someone to fix it?"


for the second time today, hoseok blinks rapidly. "huh?"

"jesus, do i have to repeat myself with everything?" the guy runs his fingers through his mint hair, agitated, "i said fine. you can use my shower for a while."

"yay!" hoseok being the affectionate guy he is, lounges for a hug but realizes right as he did it. the guy's eyes widened in alarm. hoseok's face flushes and he mutters sorry. instead of trying to embrace him this time, he sticks out his hand. "i'm jung hoseok."

"i'm min yoongi."

— hi! this is my first ever fanfiction on this account and i'm hoping it turns out well and that you guys like it! most chapters will most likely be this length so don't worry about them being too long. and i update every five days xx

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