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the obnoxious ringing coming from hoseok's phone that bounced off the small bathroom walls, made him almost jump out of the shower.

hoseok peaked his head out from behind the curtain to look at the caller ID of the person who had interrupted his daily routine, and read the words "jimin" that displayed in bright letters.

he found it odd that jimin was calling him considering they had only became friends maybe a week ago but he didn't dwell on the thought as he quickly shut off the hot water while drying his hands on a towel and pressed the green button on his phone.

"hi, jimin," the redhead greeted. "can i help you?"

"hey, hyung!" jimin answered, his usual bubbly voice coming through the phone. "and yes, i have a question."

hoseok's anxiety always shot up when people started a conversation like that, but he could practically hear the smile in the younger's voice. "okay, shoot."

"well i'm having this party slash get together at a small club this weekend, and i was wondering if you and yoongi wanted to come?"

the tension released and a smile returned to the boy's face. "of course!" but something seemed off. "but- not trying to sound rude or anything!- but why didn't you just call yoongi and ask him because.. well, we're not exactly close friends."

a muffled sigh was heard over the phone. "well, if you want the truth, i did try calling him, but he told me right away that he didn't want to. i invited you as well but he still said no... so i called you to see if you could convince him to come- but only if you want to come!"

the older nodded but quickly said yes when he realized he couldn't see him. "yes, i'll talk to him."

"yay! thank you so much. and good luck, he's hard to convince."

the call yoongi got from jimin just an hour ago, left him oddly agitated.

not gonna lie, yoongi enjoyed clubs a little too much. the drinking and music always left him feeling good but at the cost of a few consequences. but he also couldn't get this weird feeling out of his stomach that if he had accepted the invitation, something would go wrong.

and what agitated him, even more, was when hoseok walked out of the bathroom, rambling about a 'get together' that jimin had invited them to.

"so jimin just called me and was saying how he wants us to come to his party-thing tonight," hoseok stated lightly as he sat down on the couch.

yoongi glanced up from his phone to look at the smiling boy but quickly crushed his dreams by bluntly saying, "no."

the smile that was once on hoseok's face vanished and was replaced by a pout. "aw, why not, yoongz?"

"because i said." the blonde made the mistake of looking up and locking gazes with hoseok's puppy dog eyes. immediately, yoongi softened and started stuttering. "well, i-i don't really feel up to it."

"please," hoseok whined. he moved closer and rested his head on yoongi's shoulder. "it's just one party. and it's a good chance for our friends to get to know each other."

yeah right, yoongi thought. he knew surely knew that at parties they all went their separate ways to do their own thing. and he thinks hoseok knows that as well.

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