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the trust had continued to grow between yoongi and hoseok over the past month. hoseok's elder had even given him a key to his place because yoongi didn't want to have to wake up every morning to let him in.

hoseok began to really like yoongi and now considered him one of his closest friends. right beside namjoon, of course.

he knew yoongi was a lot more comfortable around him that he used to be. it was easy for him to be himself around hoseok now and that made him really happy. he loved seeing yoongi's beautiful smile when he laughed.

it was a regular routine now. hoseok came over at eleven o'clock, and yoongi was waiting on the couch by the time he came out of the shower.

hoseok walked over to the cushions and sat down, pulling out his phone. the other boy hadn't moved from his spot on the other side of the couch. soon, the redhead felt a shift on the couch and a warm body press against his. hoseok could feel his face start to match his hair as yoongi's head appeared on his lap.

out of pure instinct, hoseok began running his fingers through yoongi's hair, just playing with it. hoseok knew that he was always groggy and still a little bit sleepy every time he came out of his room, so it wasn't a surprise when he saw yoongi's eyes flutter close.

he continued scrolling through his social media, while his elder started to slowly fall asleep on his lap. when hoseok thought he was completely asleep, he smiled softly and took his hand away, not bothering to play with it anymore, but as soon as he did so, yoongi groaned.

"no," yoongi whined, dragging on the 'o.' "keep on." hoseok lightly laughed at his hyung's cuteness. he placed his hand back in his hair, and they both stayed in that position for awhile.

"can i ask you a favor?" yoongi had finally spoken after a few minute of comfortable silence.

"mhm," hoseok hummed, pretty content in their actions at the moment. yoongi turned his head upwards toward hoseok looking him in the eye. "will you help me dye my hair and do the undercut please?"

hoseok swallowed nervously. "uh, i don't know, yoongi. i don't want to accidentally mess it up. i've never been good at cutting hair."

yoongi sat up from his spot on hoseok's lap and shook his head. "if i'm honest, i really don't care. i just wanna try something new, and it's hard to do the undercut myself. please, hoseok?"

all hoseok was worried about was messing up his hair, and he really did not want to ruin his friendship with yoongi over hair, but then again, how could he say no to yoongi? hoseok sighed reluctantly. " i... guess."

yoongi smiled wide. "great. thank you so much." he got up from the couch and made his way to the kitchen and opened up a small plastic bag. "i got the hair dye yesterday, and the razor is already in my bathroom. i wanted to try bleach blonde, so, i hope it looks good."

"i'm sure it will. when do you want to start?" hoseok asked while picking up the box of dye.

"right now."

"here's the razor," yoongi said, taking it from the cabinet above the sink and sticking it in hoseok's hand. "ready whenever you are."

hoseok nervously sat down on the toilet as yoongi got on the ground in between his legs. he lifted up the top part of yoongi's hair so he could see which part he needed to cut. hoseok switched the razor on and just as he was about to start, he shuts it off and stutters, "i-i don't know about this, yoongi. i could hurt you. can't you just go to a stylist? they'd do much better than-"

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