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the bell above the door at 'bittersweet cafe' jingled, signaling another customer.

jungkook sighed and started his welcoming introduction with a monotoned voice. "welcome to bittersweet cafe, how can i help you-?" he quickly cut his words off when he saw who had walked through the door. "hyung? what are you doing here?" he asked with a puzzled look on his face.

min yoongi's small figure slowly made his way to the front counter. "nice to see you too, kook. and i'm here for a stress reliever." he sighed. yoongi wasn't lying when he told hoseok all those weeks ago that he loved making music. but the cons to it was being extremely exhausted.

"oh? what kind of coffee can i get you?" jungkook asked, positioning himself behind the register, ready to take his order.

"black coffee. if it wasn't six thirty in the afternoon, i would say an expresso." the blonde yawned as handed jungkook the money required for the drink.

jungkook nodded and got yoongi's change. "coming right up. jiminie-hyung! come handle the front while i make yoongi-hyung's coffee."

the raven haired man disappeared to the back and a short, enthusiastic blonde appeared soon after. "yoongi? hey! what are you doing here?"

yoongi just blinked at the smiling boy and rolled his eyes. "honorifics, jimin. and i'm getting coffee to see if it'll help me last the rest of the afternoon."

"why do you need to 'last the rest of the afternoon'? just go home and sleep, hyung."

"can't," yoongi sighed rubbing his eyes. "promised hoseok we'd hang out tonight since he has class tomorrow and i have work again. and by the way, since when do you work here?"

"oh, yeah!" jimin exclaimed with wide eyes and a smile, almost like he forgot he worked there. "jungkookie scored me a job! i got fired from my last one and so he said he'd talk to his boss about hiring me- so here i am!"

yoongi was, to say the least, flabbergasted. "jimin- what the fuck? this is like your tenth job in the past year!"

jimin waved him off dismissively. "don't worry about it. all those other jobs i sucked at, but i'm actually pretty good at this one. kookie is a good teacher- and he even said i'm a fast learner! i guess, being a barista is the job made for me," jimin finished with a giggle.

"'kookie', huh?" yoongi questioned suggestively with a smirk. "nice nickname, jimin."

the blonde blushed and pushed yoongi's shoulder from over the counter. "hyung, no! i'm straight, it's nothing like that!" jimin whisper shouted. he looked behind him to see if jungkook had heard, but fortunately, he was busy putting the lid on yoongi's coffee.

"well i know for a fact jungkook isn't," yoongi shrugged. the look on jimin's face was enough to make him start laughing again.

"h-how do you know that?" he whispered, obviously shook. "i mean, it's not really a surprise, but how do you know for sure?"

"hoseok told me," yoongi said, still somewhat laughing. "but it's whatever. i was just messing with you."

jimin huffed at the elder but turned around to the sound of jungkook's voice from beside him.

"one black coffee for min yoongi. you're welcome," jungkook said while placing the cup on the surface separating them.

yoongi picked it up and took a sip from the hot cup. the blonde groaned at the familiar taste. it had been so long since yoongi had coffee and honestly, it was already helping his bad mood.

"are you sticking around, hyung?"

the eldest, nodded. "yes, but just for a few minutes until i finish."

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