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"so, i was thinking," yoongi stated out loud from the other side of the couch. "of having friends over tonight and was wondering if you wanted to invite yours? so our friend groups could meet."

both of them were laying down on the couch, one leaning against the right armrest, and the other boy against the other. their legs were tangled together in the middle. hoseok quickly smiled. he thought it was a great idea. yoongi had always spoken highly of his friends and he had wanted to meet them for a while. they sounded awesome.

"oh, that's a good idea! what are your friends names again?"

yoongi pushes his month and a half old blonde hair off his forehead and started listing them off one by one, with his fingers. "seokjin, jimin, and taehyung."

hoseok jumped up from his sitting position, startled. "seokjin? as in kim seokjin?"

the other boy raised his eyebrow and copied hoseok position. "yeah? why?"

"that's namjoon's boyfriend!" the redhead was amazed. his newer best friend was friends with his other best friend's boyfriend. hoseok doesn't know why that fascinates him so much. "holy shit, our friend groups are semi-connected. yet they've never met?"

yoongi shrugged, obviously not as shocked. "the worlds fucking small, man." he got up from the couch, grabbing his water to go refill it in the kitchen. "text your friend jungkook and see if he wants to come. there is no point messaging namjoon if seokjin is coming because where one goes, so does the other."

the younger laughed and agreed with yoongi. "you're right. okay hold on, i'll message him." and so that's what hoseok did. he texted jungkook telling him that his friend, yoongi, was inviting friends other and wanted to meet his own. the boy responded right away:

of course, hyung! i have nothing else to do.

soon, it was all settled. both hoseok and yoongi's friend groups agreed to come and meet, them only knowing each other through what the two boys have said to them. it made hoseok excited. he liked yoongi and wanted to connect with the people that meant the most in his life- his friends.

it was almost two o'clock when the first knock sounded at the door. it was soft and almost shy, but yoongi seemed to know who it was right away. "come in, taehyung."

the door creaked as it was pushed open by a silvered hair male with tan skin and a box-shaped grin. "hey, yoongi-hyung."

as soon as taehyung stepped into the room, hoseok could feel the aura of kindness radiating off of him. the way a smile automatically went to his face when he saw hoseok and how he giggled and looked away, showed how bubbly the boy is.

hoseok was already liking his friends, and he hasn't even said a word to them.

he stood up with the brightest smile and stuck his hand out towards taehyung. "hi, i'm jung hoseok."

the box-grin was back, and his deep voice rang through hoseok's ears. "i'm kim taehyung."

taehyung turned to yoongi. "i'm gonna go to the bathroom, hyung. i'll be right back."

the tall man made is way out of the living room and into the hall. hoseok only spoke up until the door shut. "i thought you didn't care if people used honorifics."

the blonde shrugged and sat back down on the couch. "i guess you're just special."

hoseok saw the faintest blush creep until the boys face and he could feel his own ears go slightly red.

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