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it was the day after yoongi had agreed to let hoseok use his shower. hoseok had thought over his answer and reaction so many times, that he was beginning to question it. what he just saying that to get me to shut up? i mean what if he actually is a murderer...

deciding that he was way overreacting, hoseok grabbed his clothes and started to walk the short distance between his and yoongi's apartment. the guy may be a douchebag at times but if he was letting me use his shower, you won't hear me complaining about him.

hoseok knocks and smiles widely, waiting for the door to open. when it does, it looks like yoongi just rolled out of bed, like he did yesterday. but this time it was 11 o'clock.

"hello," hoseok says, his smile somewhat leaves his face seeing as the other never returned it. hoseok awkwardly coughs just waiting for him to say something or invite him in.

yoongi steps back to let him through but since he only left a narrow space for hoseok to move through, his shoulder presses up against the guy's chest as he passes.

"i'll show you the bathroom," he states, tiredly, before hoseok even has to chance to ask. yoongi's apartment is a little bigger than mine, hoseok thought to himself, as his eyes gazed over the layout. right when you walk in, you're in the living room and to the left, there's a small kitchen. as yoongi leads hoseok across the living room to the other side where a hallway is, he glances left to another small pathway beside the kitchen, with a door which he guesses, is the owner's bedroom because he is able to make out a bed through it.

"here it is," yoongi says, knocking hoseok out of his observation of the place. "there's soap in there if you need it," he sees yoongi glance down at his arms, and only then does hoseok realize that he forgot to bring some. his face flushes and hoseok catches a smirk slowly growing on the mint guys face. did he enjoy my embarrassment?

"a towel is also in there. do you need anything else?" yoongi's eyebrows raise and almost too quick, hoseok shakes his head.

"thank you.. uh, yoongi." hoseok hesitates on using his real name, not knowing at the moment if yoongi was older than him. i guess we'll discuss honorifics later. the guy doesn't react in any other way then turning around and most likely doing what he was just doing.

hoseok shuts the door and gets undressed, ready for his next shower after almost twenty-four hours of not having one. he starts the water and waits for it to get warm as it runs over his hands. when it's ready, hoseok jumps in and automatically his muscles relax. he doesn't want to take too long of a shower just because it's not hoseok paying the water bill here, so he doesn't take much time to just stand there.

hoseok shuts off the water and he rolls his shoulders. showers were always the best part of the day for him. it's where he thinks and just relaxes. which adds another reason to why hoseok really fucking wishes his shower still works at his place.

hoseok takes the towel yoongi had given him and dries off. he quickly gets changed and gathers his stuff together. it would be nice just to leave without talking to yoongi but hoseok feels like he needs to thank him. he'd feel bad if he didn't.

he peeks his head around the corner of the hallway and peers into the living room that leads exactly into the kitchen. yoongi sits at his table, scrolling through his phone, not seeming to pay attention to the world outside of technology. but then again, who does?

"hey.." hoseok says hesitantly. he cringes. it almost sounded like a question in his ears.

"oh, hi?" yoongi returns with a questionable response, like hoseok. he looks up from his phone and they both take about five seconds to just observe each other.

goddammit, hoseok, stop being awkward and say something!

"uh, i just wanted to say thank you again for letting me use your shower."

"it's no problem". his eyebrows furrow and he turns off his phone to put his attention on him. yoongi's face is unreadable and hoseok takes that as his que to get the fuck out.

"well okay, see you tomorrow," hoseok rushes his words as he almost speed walks to the door. he doesn't think that conversation could have gotten anymore uncomfortable.

"hoseok, wait, let's be friends."

hoseok's hand was locked around the doorknob when those words came out of yoongi's mouth. his head was rushing with thoughts and he didn't know what to say. panicking and knowing perfectly well he heard him right, he asks "what?" to spare himself some time to think.

"i said," yoongi stood up from his chair and moved a bit closer to him, "let's be friends. i mean, if you're going to be here every day for a while, we might as well make a friendship out of it."

"okay, let's do it then," hoseok says, taking his hand off the door handle. he was right, really. it would just awkward if they weren't friends so they might as well try.

"great." a small smile spreads across his face. wow, hoseok thought to himself, why does his smile actually look like it could calm storms. he was definitely not over exaggerating. a smile from yoongi, an emotionless person from what it seems, made his nerves almost go away.

"wanna go get lunch with me then?"

in a friendship perspective, this wasn't an odd thing to ask. just two dudes getting food. but he doesn't know about hoseok being gay and he feels like if he did, the whole situation would be different.

stop thinking like that, it's just getting food. it's not like he asked you on a date, dumbass.

hoseok swears in his head, it's like my self-conscious hates me.

"yeah, okay. let's do it."

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