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smut ahead, you are warned.

     Hot water glided over the two boy's skin and sounds of heavy breathing could probably heard from down the hall as they filled the atmosphere around them, just making it even harder to breath in the stuffy, hot air.

     Hoseok's lips traveled down Yoongi's jaw and to one of his many sweet spots below his ear. Soon, his lips move down to the base of Yoongi's throat, sucking and bitting, as he formed a dark bruise against his pale skin. The elder lets a high-pitch whine come up his throat and roughly grips Hoseok's waist as he subconsciously thrusts his hips forward. Hoseok moans deeply when their over sensitive dicks come into contact.

     "Fuck, Yoongi, that was hot," Hoseok breathed. Yoongi groaned into his shoulder as he felt him grind forward, causing the elder's hips to buckle.

"Hoseok, Hoseok," he whined, putting emphasis on his name to get his attention. "It's my turn."

Hoseok was to say the least, confused but knew what he was talking about when Yoongi suddenly dropped to his knees in front of him. The elder doesn't waste time doing what he knows will pleasure Hoseok. He pumps him once, twice, and smears the precum around the tip of his cock. He then lets his tongue flick over Hoseok's sensitive and prominent veins, earning himself a long drawn out moan from the younger. Yoongi's small, warmth breaths fanned over his boyfriends member, making his blood rush downwards, exciting it even more. The boy then flattens out his tongue and sucks at Hoseok's dripping tip as the younger threads his slender fingers into Yoongi's black locks, giving them a small tug. "S-Stop fucking teasing," he practically growled, moans still rolling off his tongue.

The boy smirked, but obeyed Hoseok's commands anyway, wrapping two fingers around the base of Hoseok's cock and attaching his small lips to the head.

As a former straight boy, Yoongi surely didn't give blowjobs like one. He just goes for it like he's sucked dick his whole life. Making everything slick with spit, and taking Hoseok deeper, never stopping even when the tip hit the back of his throat while looking back up at Hoseok through his lashes like a goddamn porn star. The redhead snapped his hips forward, unable to control himself as Yoongi choked around his length, sending vibrations around his pulsating member.

     The elder didn't stop moving down until the tip of his nose grazed the skin below Hoseok's belly button. Yoongi then hallowed out his cheeks, maximizing Hoseok's pleasure as he soon picked up a rhythm. The boy dung his tongue into the slit every time he came back up, then went back down until he took the whole thing in, and repeating that process over and over again.

     It doesn't take long before Hoseok gasps out a warning and tugs at Yoongi's hair and then comes hard, his whole body shaking with the effort of staying up right. Yoongi detaches with an audible pop and stands up, seemly proud of himself for making his boyfriend breathless with his orgasm.

     Hoseok leans his head backwards against the shower wall, panting. That would probably be the best blowjob he'll ever receive. "Where the hell did you learn to give blowjobs like that?"

     Yoongi almost laughs and leans beside Hoseok, giving him a minute to catch his breath. "I was good, huh?"

     "Shut up, you just sucked my brains out through my dick. You know you were good."

     At this, Yoongi actually does giggle. The younger glares at him and moves forward to scrape his teeth along his hyung's neck, stopping to suck on a vein (that Hoseok knew was another sweet spot) which caused a soft moan to escape Yoongi's lips. Hoseok smirked against his neck, and then pulled away.

     "Asshole," Yoongi mumbled, punching at Hoseok's shoulder but all he did was laugh and pull him closer, pressing a gentle kiss to the boy's lips.

     They stood there for a few seconds, melting into each other's touch, but Hoseok pulled away as he could feel the shower water start to turn cold. "Let's wash up and get out. I'd rather not take a cold shower," the younger said, letting go of Yoongi's waist so he could reach over and get the shampoo. He lathered up the soap in his hands and started to massage his hyung's scalp with it, causing Yoongi to close his eyes in relaxation as leaned into Hoseok's touch.

     They were silent while Hoseok washed Yoongi, letting him be pampered by his boyfriend. Suddenly his heart filled with love as he watched Hoseok care for him with gentle and soft touches. "I love you." Boy, did Yoongi love him.

     Hoseok stopped what he was doing and locked eyes with Yoongi. A warm smile graced his lips while he stared into Yoongi's eyes, hoping that his dark orbs could tell a thousand love letters.

     "I love you, too. More than you could imagine."

a/n i'm cringing i hate writing smut EW EW EWWW.
but anyway, i knew some of you probably expected smut while reading this but never got it so here you go lmao. hope it didn't make you cringe.
this was also a birthday gift from me bc ya girl is 15 lol so pls enjoy, i spent lots of time on this.
well that's officially the end this time. i'm wayyy go attached to this book but i ended it on a book note.
if any of you guys want to read more of my books, i currently have one called 'homophobic' published rn and i'm working really hard on it. i'm actually proud of the story line so i hope you enjoy it if you check it out.

i love you, my dudes!! bye bye.

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