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new conversations came and went while they all sat comfortably in yoongi's living room. the awkward tension that was once there, was now gone.

"so you two deadass met because hoseok's shower broke?" yoongi, who had zoned out while thinking, turned his attention to the short blonde. he just nodded in confirmation while hoseok answered with a small yes. that day had almost been two and a half months ago and as much as the story seemed unlikely, it was true.

jimin and the rest of the boys let out laughs that rang throughout the room. "that sounds like something you'd read out of a book. pretty cliche."

"you're right," taehyung spoke up. he glanced at the pair who were sitting beside each other on the couch and smirked. "almost like fate."

hoseok who had already grown accustom to the boy's teasing, simply smiled and shrugged while yoongi glared at him. oh he knew exactly what the boy with the box grin meant. and it aggravated yoongi. not because taehyung said it out loud, but because yoongi couldn't shake the feeling that he wasn't exactly wrong..

the redhead noticed the slight tension that hung in the air. so in order to release it, he smiled brightly and said, "of course. we were meant to be friends, aren't we?" hoseok's words settled in his own ears weirdly and he knew why. but he chose not the address it.

yoongi finally broke eye contact with the silver-haired man who had started to get uncomfortable under the intense stare. "agreed. friends."

ouch, hoseok thought. but really, what else did i expect? the dude is straight, get that out of your head.

"hmp, well do you guys want to hear a joke?" seokjin asked excitedly. all the boys seemed to have different reactions: namjoon's eyes widened, jimin shook his head vigorously, and yoongi groaned. the answer was obviously no among the three of them.

but taehyung, hoseok, and jungkook had the total opposite reaction.

the poll was completely split.

"wait, why don't you guys want him to tell a joke?" hoseok wasn't the only person who was confused at the 'no' answers. namjoon, who looked grim, shook his head knowingly, "you'll see."

"well they'll just have to take the stick out of their ass and suck it up cause i'm saying it anyway." seokjin readjusted himself on namjoon lap so he could face everyone. from what hoseok could tell, the only person who was excited was taehyung.

"what did the quarter say to the penny?" seokjin waited patiently for a response but was only answered with "we don't care" from jimin. the eldest glared at the boy, and in a quick flash, took off the sandal he was wearing, and threw it at the younger's head. "wrong! anyone else?"

"what did it say?" jungkook answered for all of them. the look in his eye told everyone that he didn't want to meet the same fate as jimin, who was rubbing his head where the shoe hit.

seokjin was already laughing before he even said the answer. "'you don't make much cents'."

what ever tension that was once there, was definitely gone now.

"hyung, are you- that wasn't funny!" jimin exclaimed. "i took a shoe in the head for that?" seokjin stopped laughing and pointed his crooked finger at the blonde. "would you like the next one up your ass instead?!"

the other boys burst out laughing as jimin's eyes widened and he shook his head frantically. "no thanks."

when all the laughs finally died down, yoongi, with a small smile still on his face, said, "ah, i hate you and your jokes, jin-hyung."

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