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hoseok was close to falling asleep, he could feel it. his drowsiness was creeping up to his eyelids, and they were slowly closing. which was usual, it was two in the morning.

his hyung was in the same position as earlier. hoseok's back against the couch laying down while yoongi lays in between his legs with his head buried in the redhead's neck. this position helped calm him down when the storm hit, and now it was just lightly thundering.

then hoseok felt a shift from on top of his warm body. the weight of yoongi was slightly lifted off of him. the youngest was too tired. his eyes hardly opened, and it was blurry, but he could make it out.

yoongi was hovering over him.

the blonde wasn't thinking. no, not at all. but he couldn't control himself and he needed to let his feelings out on the one he felt them for.

but as for hoseok, he was confused, to say the least. his mind was foggy, but down deep in his stomach he felt the butterflies, and he knew what yoongi was doing.

hoseok's eyes were clear all of a sudden, and he could see perfectly now. yoongi over him, breathing slightly heavily to where his hot breath fanned across hoseok's mouth.

the look that was in the elder's eyes was something hoseok had never seen before. nervousness, fear, confusion and something else that was not obvious, were all there. but hoseok knew what that other feeling was.

it was desire, or maybe even something else, because hoseok felt it too.

yoongi's eyes kept flickering between the other's lips and eyes, continuously breaking their gaze.

hoseok wasn't thinking. but he didn't care. he wanted it so bad. he needed it. he was cutting his own promise to himself, but frankly, he didn't care.

he leaned upwards, but yoongi pulled back, sitting up. hoseok was so entranced that as he did so, he followed him unknowingly. and now they were both facing each other.

"hoseok..." it was barely audible, but it was there and hoseok heard it.

yoongi was breathing like he had run a marathon and hoseok suddenly felt terrible for him. he truly was confused. he knew the older had always considered himself straight. and now he was questioning all of that.

"i'm going to try something.." yoongi's actions were so fast that hoseok was surprised. the blonde moved closer, his eyes still locked on the younger's. slowly and gently, yoongi's hand cupped the side of hoseok's face. the other ran through hoseok's hair.

and suddenly he was there.

yoongi's lips were on his. heat spread over both of their bodies, trapping them in an intense moment. his soft yet chapped lips were gentle on hoseok's. curious even. and hoseok couldn't stop himself from kissing back.

but as soon as his arms wrapped around the elder's waist, he pulled away. the warmth that was once overwhelming hoseok's body was gone. now it was only the heat of yoongi pressed against him that kept him warm.

"please. don't kiss back." and once again hoseok was confused, but he soon knew. he was experimenting.

yoongi's lips placed against his again, but this time he didn't kiss back. it was odd not moving while yoongi's moved against him in a way that drove hoseok crazy. but all he settled on was rubbing soothing circle with his thumb through the fabric of yoongi's black shirt.

but yoongi was ready. so he mumbled against hoseok's lips, "kiss me back."

and so he did.

the intensity was back as hoseok moved against yoongi, finally doing what he had wanted to do for so long.

it was a mix of passion, desire, and longing thrown between them and they kissed, wanting to fill up each feeling they had.

yoongi groaned against hoseok's soft, smooth lips as he pulled his bottom lip between his and sucked. and hoseok took the chance to slip his tongue into the others mouth, dominating him.

hoseok's hands slipped down to yoongi's thighs and gripped them, pulling the elder into his lap, so his legs wrapped around his waist. it was all moving so fast.

yoongi leaned more into the kiss, pushing hoseok further back to where he was laying down, his own dominance appearing.

hoseok didn't know if it was the buzzing of the tv or not, but he felt like he was vibrating. he was more alive than ever before.

hoseok was reactive on instincts when he let his hands slip under yoongi's loose shirt, and run them up the sides of his waist. but the elder freaked and pulled back.

yoongi's eyes were wider than ever. he was stiff, and the events that had just happened before him crashed down into his conscious. what the fuck did he do?

hoseok was still laying down while yoongi still sat on his lap, straddling him. the redhead was concerned at the sudden change in yoongi's attitude. the whole mood was thrown off.

his heart was racing thinking he did something but nevertheless, placed his hands on yoongi's thighs, rubbing his thumb onto his bare skin to calm him down. "love, are you okay?"

hoseok's term of endearment settled deep in yoongi's heart as his face tinted with the pink color that hoseok loved so much. and if yoongi was being honest with himself, he didn't know if he was okay. what did i just do? what is wrong with me?

"no.." he whispered, and hoseok's face immediately dropped. "no, i'm not okay. i'm sorry, i have to go."

and he was gone. the blonde hopped off hoseok as fast as he could, only stopping to open and slam the door shut, running into the cold rain that was still coming down outside. hoseok felt the rattle of the slamming door course through his body, wondering himself, what the fuck just happened?

a/n two questions: would you guys ever want me to do a yoonmin book in the future? & is my updating time good for most of you? (i need to know for future books)

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