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the jiggle of the bell above the starbucks door goes off as yoongi opens it to let hoseok through. as soon as his feet step inside, his nose in confronted with the scent of pastries and coffee. hoseok smiles at the familiar smell.

"have you ever been here before?" yoongi asks as they walk over to order their food.

"of course. i mean, who hasn't been to starbucks?" hoseok shrugs and sticks his hands in his pockets as he scans the menu.

"true," is all he replies. the barista calls him up to order. "i'd like a plain black coffee and a chicken sandwich." (a/n yes, despite popular belief, starbucks serves food.)

"are you two together?" the girl asks, gesturing in between the boys. hoseok's eyes widen in shock, and he stutters out no while yoongi answers with yes. the barista looks at hoseok weirdly and types something into the automatic register. why did yoongi say yes?

"so what would you like?" they both look at hoseok waiting for his answer, and only then does he realize that she didn't mean together together, she said ordering as one.

"oh, um, sorry," hoseok's eyes frantically check over the menu and he picks the first thing it lands on. "just a black coffee."

yoongi looks at hoseok oddly as to why he didn't order anything to eat but hoseok quickly reassures him that he wasn't hungry. "it's okay. i had a big breakfast this morning."

the guy just shrugged and quickly paid for both of their orders. they made their way to a seat in the back so they could wait comfortably for their food.

"are you sure you're not hungry? i don't mind paying for your food," yoongi said resting back against his chair.

hoseok folding his hands across the table, leaning forward, "no, it's fine. i'm not that hungry but thank you for the offer, yoon..gi?" he hesitated on this name once again, still not sure on how he feels about honorifics or if hoseok was even younger than him or not.

yoongi seemed to catch on to hoseok's hesitation as he quickly said, "don't worry about honorifics with me, even if you are younger. the only time i care is when it's a girl, and we're soon-to-be friends anyway." he rolled his shoulders and shrugged once again.

"oh okay," hoseok mumbled, but suddenly he smiled now feeling like he could talk to him easier now. "how long have you lived in seoul?"

"not my whole life that's for sure," yoongi said. "daegu, born and raised. what about you?"


"wow, really? you came that far? why?" questions tumbled out of yoongi's mouth as an interested and almost shocked expression washed over his face.

hoseok nodded shyly and scratched the back of his neck. "well... yeah. i came here because the place where i lived, it was small and–" hoseok stopped suddenly, too embarrassed about to say what he really wanted.

"–and what?" yoongi questioned. he had caught on to hoseok's hesitation and started to pry a bit. "secrets don't make friends, hoseok." he sarcastically winked, trying to make him loosen up a bit but all it did was make hoseok blush.

"it's just what i'm passionate about, and i don't know if i wanna say it." hoseok placed his hands on the table and clasped them together. his gaze wasn't fixed on yoongi anymore.

yoongi thought for a second and approach the situation a different way. "i have a passion, too. and it's not something i tell everyone, so what about if i tell you mine, and then you tell me yours?"

hoseok smiled lightly and nodded, motioning for the other to go on. "hm, well i guess you could say i have a thing for producing music. so that's why i mostly came to seoul. for a better chance but i can tell it's not going to happen." yoongi shrugged and leaned back in his chair while hoseok looked at him in awe.

"that's so cool! and don't tell yourself that, you never know, it could happen."

hoseok noticed that yoongi seemed to not want to listen to his advice and completely ignored it. "so what's yours?"

smiling and not seeming to care what the other thought anymore, hoseok said, "dancing. i've done it since i was a kid and i really love it."

"dancing? really?" yoongi asked, shocked.

hoseok's smile faltered, and he looked down. "yeah. i mean, i know it's stupid.. but i still love it."

"no, no hoseok it's not stupid." yoongi shook his head, and hoseok looked back up at him. "it's cool."

"really? you didn't seem to think so at first."

"well, that's because i was surprised. i've never met a guy who was passionate about dancing. it's cool, don't worry." yoongi looked behind hoseok. "our food is done." he quickly got up and went to the counter where the food yoongi had ordered and the two black coffees, were laying on a black tray.

yoongi's words calmed hoseok, so he wasn't as self-conscious about it. he'd never gotten that kind of reaction from another male before.

he smiled again and said to yoongi, who had handed him his coffee, "maybe when we go back, you could show me something you've done and then i can show you a dance?"

"no," yoongi bluntly stated. he didn't even look up at hoseok who was so shocked at the cold response that he didn't even process it for a few seconds. the smile that had just been on his face disappeared again. "oh.. okay."

hoseok had immediately gone quiet and took a sip of his coffee to give him something to do. yoongi glanced up and realized he may have hurt the other's feelings. "hey." hoseok glanced up from under his lashes and questioned, "yeah?"

"sorry, if i came off as mean but i'm just not ready to show anyone yet. maybe another time." hoseok could tell yoongi was being as sincere as he could be, so he smiled again. "don't worry about it. it's fine."

"great," yoongi mumbled. a few minutes of silence overcame them as yoongi ate his sandwich and hoseok took small sips of his coffee, it still being hot.

hoseok suddenly asked, "so what brought you to the apartment complex?" yoongi was in the middle of chewing when he asked the question, so he quickly swallowed. "really no specific reason. it's the closest one to my friends, and it's not that expensive. what about you?"

"same reason, if i'm being honest. the place is cheap which i guess can be a bad thing because of what happened to my shower." yoongi laughed which immediately made hoseok crack up. the smile on yoongi's face is too cute, hoseok thought. it was full and gummy, showing a lot of teeth. it was contagious.

"i hope i'm not a burden, yoongi. i don't want to trouble you."

"you won't, i promise."

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