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it was three o'clock in the afternoon, and yoongi sat in the bittersweet cafe with a hot cup of black coffee, waiting for his friend.

his head rested on the palm of his hand as his other hand held a straw that he used to stir the dark liquid in circles that caused little clicks to echo in the air when it hit the sides. yoongi didn't need a mirror to see the state he was in. dark circles were probably prominent against his pale skin, and red eyes due to numerous crying fits, most likely making him look like he was high.

it had officially been four days since yoongi had last laid eyes on the beautiful sunshine that is his best friend. he missed hoseok a hell of a lot more than he'd let on, but boy did he just want to hug him again.

ding! the front door of the cafe swung open signaling the jingle of the overhanging bell. an irritated yet curious park jimin stepped through the door to be greeted by the fresh smell of their signature coffee. it was the blonde's day off, and he hated being at his workplace when it was unnecessary, but one of his best friends needed him so who was he to blow yoongi off?

jimin's eyes looked on a petite figure, which matched his own pretty well, and honestly, the first thing he noticed was his hair. yoongi's naturally dark roots contrasted the bleach blonde hair that looked like it hadn't been brushed in days. he was unkept, to say the least, which sparked some concern in the younger's eyes. yoongi was usually always well kept, and his current state was a huge red flag to jimin.

"well you look like the world just dropped on your shoulders," jimin mused. the elder's head shot up to see his friend pull out a chair across from him and sit down.

"yeah it basically did," yoongi sighed, still circling the coffee with the small straw. jimin observed the his best friend with concern. something was definitely wrong and he was impatient to know.

"so what made you decide to call me to my place of work on my day off?" he joked, trying to lighten the mood but this didn't help as yoongi's heart sped up.

the realization that he was about to tell jimin what had happened the other day set in and he felt himself panic a bit. yoongi honestly couldn't tell you the reason why he was even nervous. of course he knew jimin would support him no matter what so he couldn't even find a reason not to tell him.

man up, you fucker, yoongi's self conscience told himself. don't be nervous. this was going to happen away so you might as well get it out of the way.

yoongi clenched his coffee cup in between his large hands and gritted his teeth. slowly, he inhaled and exhaled calming himself down.

"i kissed him."

jimin cocked an eyebrow, letting his words sink in for a second. yoongi thought this was going to be his only reaction until the younger's jaw literally dropped and his eyes widened. "..what?"

his words were basically a whisper, which made yoongi's heart drop as he looked down at the table with red cheeks.

the dirty blonde rested his elbows on the table while his hands ran through his hair. "who? hoseok?"

yoongi fiddled with his fingers, still not looking up. he didn't want to see jimin's face. "um.. y-yeah."

"give me a second to.. think," jimin said, his voice traveling off. yoongi's head shot up as his mind filled with worry that jimin would be upset with him for how he feels. "what do you mean 'think'?"

the younger rubbed his eyes. "well, you did just tell me you're practically gay! i need to process that, yoongi-hyung!"

yoongi swatted at jimin to keep his voice down. "shut up! people could hear you." his eyes frantically darted across the small cafe to see if anyone was listening, and to his relief, no one was.

his heart felt like it pummeled. yoongi's not trying to say he expected a better reaction but that's exactly what he's saying. maybe going to jimin for help wasn't the best idea. "i didn't really expect you to react like this.."

jimin's eyes fluttered open to see the elder's face in slight shock with tears glazing over his brown eyes. he quickly retracted, realizing his reaction may have come across in a negative way. "no, no, hyung. i'm not upset or anything, just give me a minute to.. process this."

so yoongi waited for jimin to speak up. jimin was beyond confused at the sudden confession that he definitely wasn't expecting. he felt kind of bad because of his first reaction, but how else was he supposed to react? the person he had known for most of his life just basically came out to him, of course he was shocked!

jimin had so many questions building up but he settled on one. "you called me here to tell me you're.. gay?"

yoongi bit his lip and glanced down. "well.. i really asked you to come here to help me figure out my feelings.." he trailed off, realizing now that jimin probably wasn't the best candidate to go to for 'guy talk'.

the same thought seemed to flash in jimin's mind. "hyung, are you kidding? i understand you wanting to come out to me- which i totally accept you of course!" he added hastily. "-but you want me, a straight male, to help you figure out if you like a guy?"

"i'm sorry, okay! god damn, it's not like i wanted to have to come to you for this but you're my only choice, jimin!" yoongi was starting to get oddly mad at him even though he knew he shouldn't. "whatever, just forget it."

jimin let out a shaky breath and placed his head in his hands. "i can't just 'forget about it'! and i'm sorry, i know i shouldn't have acted like that.. for your sake, i'll try. but be patient with me, i can't exactly relate to what you're feeling."

"thank you," yoongi sighed, his breath coming out shaky.

after about thirty seconds, jimin asked his first real question. "i need you to help me understand how you're feeling.. i'm not exactly the greatest at 'guy talk'," he lightly chuckled. a small smile made its way onto yoongi's face due to the irony of the situation.

yoongi waited about a minute before he could come up with the right words to help explain how he feels to his straight friend. "what confuses me mainly, is that he's a guy. i've never, not once in my life, have looked at a guy like i have hoseok. it's odd, but in a good way, i think. he's always there for me when i need him. he's the person i feel closest to the most- no offense- and i feel like he'll always be there. hoseok is the most perfect person in world, to me. he's smart, he's beautiful, he's kind, and so many more things that i could list. and i just.. don't know, jimin. i'm confused as fuck." he didn't even realize a few tears leaked over his eyelids as he ranted his heart out to jimin.

as for the younger, he seemed to kind of understand. "i can't relate to why you're confused, but i can understand it." jimin slightly leaned forward on his arms. "yoongi-hyung, i feel like you've said enough to figure out whether you like him or not. putting all sexualities aside, could you see yourself in a relationship with him?"

could i? yoongi thought, and though his mangled and confused thoughts, his first answer was yes. "yeah.. yeah, i think so."

it was like something clicked in yoongi's head when he said that out loud. his heart seemed to expand and butterflies filled his stomach. he liked hoseok.

and then yoongi broke down into tears.

it was too much to take in. everything he thought he knew about himself, was completely irrelevant. it felt like he had his identity stripped from him and it was replaced with a total strangers. but somehow, down deep inside him, he knew that it would be okay if hoseok was there.

"j.. ji-jimin.. i-i.." yoongi sobbed, incoherent words pushing out of his throat. jimin slipped out of his chair across from yoongi and sat beside him, pulling the crying boy into a reassuring hug.

as the elder cried into his friends shoulder, jimin rubbed his hand up and down the boy's back, trying to calm him down. "it's okay, hyung. i'm here and i always will be. everything will be alright, i promise."

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