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(warning: chapter has scenes of sickness)

hoseok couldn't even think clearly as his feet carried him to his toilet at an unbelievable speed.

the boy's stomach rolled as he vomited up his food from yesterday night. after he and everyone left yoongi's apartment at around one in the morning, his stomach started to hurt a bit, but hoseok shrugged it off thinking it was nothing. he was obviously wrong.

when hoseok felt like he had finally got everything out, he wiped his mouth on a towel and stumbled back to his bed. he most have must have dozed off because the next thing he remembered was the sound of his name being called out.


the door of his apartment slammed shut as the one, and only min yoongi made his way into the small complex.

hoseok couldn't even call out to the blonde to tell him to go anyway because he was too weak. he couldn't move at the moment. and he was afraid that if he opened his mouth, more than just words would be flying out.

"hey, are you in here?" yoongi's voice was now outside of his bedroom door, and all hoseok could do was pray to the gods that he wouldn't open the door and see him incredibly ill. pale face, sweaty, and of course, sick to his stomach.

but of course he was unlucky as the boy called out, his voice muffled by the door, "i know you're home. i'm coming in."

the door creaked on its hinges as it slowly opened. "hey, you didn't come over this morning to take your shower so i thought i'd check on you- holy shit, hoseok, are you okay?"

yoongi stopped at the doorway and just looked down at the sick boy, shocked. hoseok could tell he was surprised so he answered the best he could without anything extra escaping his mouth. "no, not rea.. really."

"how did this even happen, you were fine last night?" yoongi's normal, laidback expression was replaced with concern as he sat down on the edge of the bed.

hoseok weakly shrugged, not able to answer with words. he hoped yoongi would catch on that he didn't want to be asked any more questions, and luckily, he did.

yoongi brought up his hand to hoseok's forehead to press it there. heat radiated off the sick boy's head. he definitely has a fever.

"you've got a fever." he moved his hand off hoseok's forehead and instead started pushing the hair out of his face and running his hand through it in a soothing manner. the gesture was comforting to hoseok and somewhere in his stomach over the sickly mess, he could feel butterflies erupt like they usually do when yoongi shows any affection towards him.

hoseok closes his eyes and tries to relax. after about a minute of this, yoongi stops playing with his hair and starts talking. "i'll stay here and take care of you."

the younger just opened his eyes tiredly and shook his head. "no. you could just get sick as well. i can take care of myself, it's fine." he attempted to sit up, but his stomach had other plans. it cramped up, and hoseok let out a gasp of pain. yoongi slowly pushed him back down and stated firmly, "it's obviously not fine. you're not able to even sit up hardly."

groaning, hoseok laid back down, not even bothering to look at his elder. "i don't want you to get sick, though. it'll just be ten times as worse if we are both in my state."

"what you most likely have is just food poisoning, which isn't contagious. and i have a strong immune system, if not, so don't worry about me." yoongi shrugged. he took off the yellow hoodie he was wearing, which hoseok noticed as his, and set it beside him.

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