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final chapter

hoseok didn't take namjoon's advice of telling yoongi that he loved him. he was already confused enough and he didn't want to make it worse on the poor boy.

so he was going wait until yoongi came to him. he knew that his hyung was someone who likes closure; whether it be good or bad, he's the type of person who needs it.

it was a tuesday, officially one week since yoongi had kissed him. hoseok had gotten up that morning to attend his college classes but when he checked his email, he saw that his professor canceled the lecture due to him being sick. the redhead was silently happy that he had the day off but knew that it would come back and bite him in the ass some day soon.

just yesterday, hoseok had finally gotten his hot water heater fixed. to his dismay, the cost was free for him because apparently the landlord is required to upkeep any damage that happens to the apartment. just like a couple months ago, all hoseok wanted to do at the moment was slam his head into a wall. he hated being an adult.

hoseok let out a deep sigh as he walked out of his steaming bathroom and plopped down on his small couch. hot showers were the best thing in the world to him. for fifteen minutes a day, hoseok could forget about everything.

that is until he steps out and finds a message from none other then min yoongi.

the redhead thinks his heart literally jumped into his throat when the text appeared on his screen and he read the words:

' if you don't hate me yet, meet me at the park that's closest to the apartment complex at 5:30PM. we need to talk. '

hoseok felt like he was shitting bricks when he glanced at the clock that read four fifty-six in the afternoon. he knew this day would eventually come but now all he could think about was if running away from his problems was a good choice.

hoseok was genuinely surprised his legs didn't collapse at how much he was shaking while walking the short distance to the park. the redhead knew which one yoongi was referring to because one night, two months ago, neither of the boys could sleep so they took a walk down the block and swung on the old swing set inside the park until about three in the morning. all hoseok really remembers from that night, is both of them spilling everything to each other in their tired haze, not caring if it was too personal or if they'd regret it in the morning. but neither of them did, it just made them closer.

"fuck, fuck, fuck what do i do? what do i say-?" he was ranting to himself. he had shot namjoon a text before he left, telling him his situation, but only responded with a 'good luck'. hoseok made a mental note to beat his ass later.

the sun was slowly setting to the west, painting a beautiful image of pinks and multiple shades of oranges in the sky. hoseok's footsteps, he thought, were getting quicker and more stiff the closer he got to the park. even if he was scared shitless, facing yoongi now was better than later.

and even if his hyung didn't feel the same way, he had to let yoongi know just how deep hoseok's feelings were for him.

his feet stepped into the soft, green grass hesitantly, knowing that he was closer to the boy he loved more than anything. the redhead scanned the open area with tentative eyes, searching for yoongi while nerves built up in the pit of his stomach. his eyes passed over small kids, teenagers, and parents but no yoongi- that is until they traveled to the far left to see a small male seated on a picnic table.

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