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the cold air from the air conditioner washed over the room as the two boys resumed the same position as before. they pulled a blanket over both of their bare legs to stay warm. the next few minutes were overcome with silence as yoongi checked his semi-dry, blonde hair on the camera on his phone.

"do you like it?" hoseok asked nervously. he scanned his elder's face, almost waiting for a look of disgust to wash over his emotionless face.

yoongi quickly glanced up and hoseok and flashed him a gummy smile that calmed the redhead down a bit. "yes, thank you."

he let out a breath of relief and smiled at his friend. "good." hoseok watched as yoongi rolled off the couch and walked to the kitchen. "i'll order pizza tonight. my treat since you helped with my hair."

guilt filled hoseok's body as he sat up on the couch so he could talk to him better. hoseok hated when people paid for him. especially since it was his turn to buy the food this time. "what, no. it's my turn."

yoongi rolled his eyes, not looking up at hoseok as he dialed a number into his phone. "let me be nice for once."

the younger laughed and hopped off the couch to go over to yoongi who was behind the counter. he quickly pulled him into a bear hug from behind and whispered into his ear, "thanks, yoongz."

a blush crept up yoongi's cheeks due to the proximity of their bodies, but he shook it off and responded, "you're welcome, hobi."

"that pizza man better hurry the fuck up because i'm hungry and it looks like storm clouds are rolling in."

the elder was growing impatient as five o'clock carried onto six o'clock. he had ordered the pizza almost an hour ago. hoseok could hear yoongi's stomach growling as he paced in front of the window.

hoseok's stomach filled with dread at his words. he moved off the couch to get a look at the clouds, and sure enough, as yoongi said, the clouds were dark and coming closer to the apartment complex, causing darkness to fill the dim room instead of sunlight.

"fuck," hoseok swore softly. yoongi, who had been studying the clouds with curious eyes, looked at hoseok and asked, "what's wrong?"

"oh-uh, nothing." he was terrified of storms ever since he was a kid, but he was not letting yoongi know that information. he'd have to hide it until it was his normal time to go back to his apartment.

yoongi shrugged it off and looked back out the window. his eyes dilated when he spotted the delivery guy. "he's here!"

the newly blonde grabbed his money off the counter and rushed to the door when the pizza boy knocked. yoongi didn't bother to try and be nice knowing that the guy was late and he was extremely hungry.

"yeah, okay, thanks." the money and pizza were quickly exchanged, and yoongi had to add extra force to shut the door due to the harsh wind outside. hoseok's heart hammers against his chest but pushes the thoughts away as the smell of pizza filled his lungs.

neither of them wasted time on eating. both boys settled on the couch with the box on the living room table that was covered with magazines of k-idols and coke cans and dug in. the sounds and the light coming from the TV were the only things occupying the two boys seeing as yoongi nor hoseok wanted to talk around the food in their mouths.

soon the pizza was gone, and the only thing that could be heard was the tv and the occasional chuckle from hoseok. the best part of their friendship was that whenever it was silent, it was never uncomfortable.

the first person to move was hoseok. his cuddly side of him came out as he got further invested in the movie. he scooted closer to yoongi, out of instinct, who had no idea he had moved until the redhead wrapped his arm between the blonde's so they could be closer. yoongi's breath hitched as he felt hoseok's head get placed on his shoulder. the elder felt something inside him soften as hoseok cuddled closer to his side, making him smile lightly. yoongi leaned into the other's warmth and set his head on top of his, their hair mixing in a clash of blonde and red.

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