By such-a-common-girl on Tumblr
You stand in front of your mirror, just having got out of the shower. Your hair is still wet and its clinging to your shoulders, but you don’t mind. At least you guys have showers again. You don’t look as tired anymore, and you’re looking a whole lot more healthy since you guys arrived to Alexandria. You don’t like to admit it, but going here probably saved your guys’ lives.
You stare at yourself in the reflection. There’s no hiding that you’re plus-sized. You have been your entire life, even when you were a kid. Even during the outbreak, when you would go days without food, you still looked about the same. You don’t mind, not really- you have come to terms with it and you usually don’t let it affect you. You know you’re a great, beautiful person regardless of your size, and you’re a good asset to the group.
The only time that you let it bother you is when it came to one specific person. Daryl Dixon.
You’re in love with him, and you have been ever since you met him on the farm. You were entranced by how much he cared for that little girl, even if he failed to admit it. You could tell he was a good person underneath his hard exterior. Plus, it helps that he is attractive as hell and his arm muscles are god-worthy. Not to mention that you really like his hair now that it’s longer.
You’ve never told him how you felt. Not only because you two are friends and you treasure your friendship, but because you’re afraid he’ll shoot you down because of your size. You feel like you aren’t good enough for him. That he’ll want someone like Rosita, who’s not only beautiful, but thin.
Snapping yourself out of your self-degrading thoughts, you wrapped your towel around your body and walk over to your room to pick out clothes for the day. Even though you had access to wear better clothing, you much preferred your normal jeans and t-shirts. They were more comfortable and easier to move around in.
Throwing your wet hair into a bun, you slide on your shoes and head out the front door. You spot someone coming in the main gate, and you recognize the mysterious person as Daryl.
“Can ‘ya help me carry this?” Daryl shouts to you from across the street, holding three giant bags that were almost to the point of over spilling.
“Yeah!” You say almost over-enthusiastically. You walk over to him and grab one of the bags, following him to where he was taking them. “Successful run?”
“Good, good.” You try and keep the conversation going. “What all did you find?”
“Some medical supplies, some clothes. Also found a bottle of whiskey. Thought about chuggin’ that down tonight. Wanna join?” He smiles. You know he’s just being friendly- that’s what friends do- but it still makes your stomach turn with nervousness.
“Uh, yeah, sure.”
Daryl nods at you as you two set down the bags in front of Rick’s house, presumably so he can go through everything.
You didn’t see Daryl for the rest of the day, and your thoughts were running wild. You kept telling yourself that maybe Daryl was joking about drinking together later, or that you heard him wrong. Sure, you two had “hung out” before, but nothing like that. And the thought of being alone with Daryl in his house, drinking alcohol, maybe you get butterflies in your stomach.
By the time that night time had arrived, you weren’t sure if you could go through with your plans. Daryl makes you insanely nervous and you have no idea why. After you had finished up working with Maggie, you were a sweaty mess and you were desperate for a shower. You were walking back over to your house, but someone running towards you made you stop.

Daryl Dixon Imagines
FanfictionAll credit is rightfully given! None of these are written by me unless I say otherwise! Almost ALL of these are written by beautiful people on Tumblr and all the credit rightfully goes to them. Enjoy! Started: 1/08/18 Copyright © 2018 Ashes_Nicole