By such-a-common girl on Tumblr
You watch him as he walks back from the field, covered in dirt, his crossbow behind his shoulder. You know he has to be utterly exhausted from being out there all day- he got up the same time the sun did, and left only a few minutes afterwards. It’s sunset, and he’s only just now coming back.
Daryl Dixon. You’ve never met a man quite like him. When he and his group came onto your farm, you took interest in him immediately. You’re a quiet person- you don’t talk much, not even to your own family. You’ve always been introverted and preferred being alone than being with other people. This certainly didn’t change once this new group showed up here, but rather enhanced it.
This personality trait of yours became helpful after a while. Being a quiet and stand-offish person made you observant. You noticed that Daryl has a rough demeanor. He doesn’t talk much (but if he does, it’s usually a rude comment) and he typically keeps to himself. He pretends as if the only thing he cares about is himself, and is rude to anyone who says otherwise. But, you also noticed another side of him. The side that he thinks that no one knows about. The side that cares.
You first noticed it when you very first got here. Everyone was worried about Carl, who was shot, but was recovering. Daryl pretended like he didn’t care, and to anyone else, it was convincing. But you could tell that deep inside, he was worried for the kid. You didn’t bring this up to him- you wouldn’t. He’s the way he is for a reason, and you felt like it wasn’t your place as a stranger to say anything.
You noticed it for the second time, the time that is more prominent and you’re sure you’re not the only one who has noticed. The little girl Sophia who is missing. From what Carol has said, Daryl cared about that little girl like she was his own.
You know that’s where he is coming back from right now. He gets up every day to go look for her, and comes home late every night. He hasn’t found her yet, and you know it’s eating him up inside. He wants more than anything to find her, even if he denies it to anyone who asks. And your heart hurts for him, even though you’ve never actually spoke to the man. You know what it feels like to have someone you love go missing, or die.
Because of this, you’ve taken a liking to Daryl, even though you’ve never talked to him. Both Maggie, your sister, and your father Hershel think you’re crazy for it. They don’t understand why you like Daryl of all people. You would just shrug when they asked why. If you’re honest, you’re not even sure yourself. He’s different, and you like that. You don’t care if your family thinks he’s just some redneck who disappears into the woods everyday- you know there is another side of him.
“Y/N, come help with dinner.” Maggie opens the door of the house, stepping onto the patio where you are.
“Okay.” You say, tearing your eyes away from Daryl. You get up from the steps of the porch, following Maggie inside to the kitchen. You turn around again, hoping to catch another glimpse of him, but the sun is too far down to see clearly into the field anymore.
“You’ve got to stop with that man.” Maggie sighs, handing you a potato to cut up. You grab a knife from the counter and begin to slice.
“Stop what, exactly? We’ve never spoken once.”
“Yeah, because you don’t talk to anybody. I’m really worried about you, Y/N. You used to be so… Fun. Lighthearted. Now you’ve just shut everyone out. You haven’t said one word to anybody in Rick’s group. Not even the man you’ve been eyeing since day one.”
“I wouldn’t use the words fun and lighthearted to describe me, not even before this, Mags. I’ve always been quiet and preferred to be alone.” You roll your eyes, finishing cutting up your potato and putting it into the water.
“I just wish you would talk to me. I love Beth and Shawn, but you’re the only real sister I have.”
“It’s not personal.” You say simply. “If you want someone to chat it up with, go talk to someone else. I’m not your girl.”
The rest of the dinner preparations are done in silence, much to your liking. You’re not trying to hurt Maggie’s feelings, or anyone’s for that matter. It’s just not your personality, and she just doesn’t seem to understand that. None of your family seems to.
“Mind going to the well to get more water?” Maggie asks once you finish up cutting all the potatoes and other dinner items.
You nod, and set your knife down. You breathe a sigh of relief once you step outside into the outdoors, the cool wind hitting your face. After your conversation with Maggie earlier, things were tense, and you couldn’t stand to be in there with her any longer.
You grab the flashlight from the chair beside the door, and turn it on as you walk towards the well. You probably didn’t need the flashlight in retrospect, since Rick’s group’s fire was lighting the way pretty well.
You’re almost to the well when you see two dark figures standing to your left, only a few feet away from the rest of the group. Shane and Daryl. They seem to be arguing, or to be specific, Shane is arguing. Daryl just seems to be standing there listening to Shane yell at him.
You and Shane make eye contact as you walk over to the well, and he adverts his eyes as he continues to yell at him.
“You fuckin’ redneck, get outta here. You ain’t gonna find that little girl.” Shane spits out to Daryl, making you freeze up as you pull the bucket of water up from the well.
Another thing about being quiet and normally keeping to yourself is that people say whatever they want in front of you. They don’t think you’ll say anything, and you learn a lot of shit about people because they think that. Or they think you’re not listening.
“Oh, not gonna say anything, huh?” Shane gets up in Daryl’s face. “Pathetic. You’re pathetic.”
You try and ignore him, but anger is rising up inside of you. How dare Shane just talk to Daryl like that? How does he think its okay to talk to anyone like that?
You pull up the water bucket, unlatching it from the rope and putting it underneath your arm. You begin to walk back, attempting to just ignore it, leave them alone. You try and remember what your father told all of you when their group first got here- don’t get in their business.
“You aint good enough to be here. You’re just some redneck scum, you understand me?”
That was it. That was enough. You set down the water bucket and stomp over to Shane and Daryl, pushing Shane out of Daryl’s face.
“One more time.” You clench your jaw, staring daggers at Shane. “Insult him ONE more time. I dare you.”
The look on Shane’s face was priceless. Nobody, including him, has ever seen you like this before. You even surprised yourself.
“Oh, got nothing to fucking say now, do we?” You yell, gathering the attention from the rest of the group. “Don’t be a dick. Daryl’s done more for that little girl in the amount of time you guys have been here than I’m sure you ever have. Daryl is a great fucking guy, and if I ever fucking hear you insulting him one more time, I will have you kicked the fuck off this farm. Only you. You understand me?” You mock Shane’s comment from a few moments ago.
Shane opens his mouth to say something but closes it quickly, clenching his jaw. He looks between you and Daryl, and shakes his head before walking away.
Maggie was standing on the porch of the house, staring at you with her eyes wide. Whether it was in admiration or fear, you’re not sure. The rest of Daryl’s group, though, was looking at you in shock.
“You didn’t have ‘ta do that.” Daryl mumbles. You smile at him, and pick up the bucket of water, about to head back to the house.
“Hey, wait,” Daryl puts his hand on your shoulder, stopping you.
“I… Thank you.” He says. “I don’t think we’ve ever actually met, but… ‘M Daryl.” He extends his hand out in an awkward manner, as if he’s never actually shaken someone’s hand before.
You smile at him, and shake his hand.

Daryl Dixon Imagines
FanfictionAll credit is rightfully given! None of these are written by me unless I say otherwise! Almost ALL of these are written by beautiful people on Tumblr and all the credit rightfully goes to them. Enjoy! Started: 1/08/18 Copyright © 2018 Ashes_Nicole