Hit Or Miss

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By baneswar on Tumblr

“We got one coming this way!” Glenn called out as he lowered his binoculars. 

“You got it, Daryl?”

“Always do.” He grunted and lifted his crossbow, aiming carefully. He smiled to himself as his target fell back. Bastard. He thought to himself.

You slowly trudged along with your slight limp and heavy bag. Every now and then a sharp pain would shoot up your leg from your ankle. A herd almost got to you and you ended up tripping as you hurried away. You should’ve told more people that you were making a supply run. You only mentioned it to Andrea since she was keeping watch at the time. Everyone else probably thought you were still asleep in your tent and would be worried if they found out you went out on your own. 

No sense in making a big deal of it now, I’m almost there. You thought to yourself. 

You adjusted the straps of your full backpack and emerged from the treeline. You smiled at the glorious sight of camp, relieved that you had actually made it back.

All of a sudden, you heard a whirring sound and an excruciating pain in your shoulder. You screamed out in agony when you hit the ground. You lifted your head to see an arrow was settled right into your skin, causing the worst pain you had ever felt. 

You continued to scream and call out for help. Finally, you heard voices and the shuffling of feet coming closer to where you were writhing in pain.  

“Shit!” Glenn dropped to his knees. “It’s gonna be okay, (Y/N). Daryl, help me get her up. They probably heard her and are on their way now.”

Daryl looked shocked as he watched you toss and turn, tears in your eyes. 
You felt yourself starting to faint, everything became a blur and started to go dark.

“Daryl!” Glenn’s voice brought you back into consciousness.

He came to his senses and reached for you. The two of them pulled you to your feet and helped you across the field and into a tent. 

You collapsed onto your back and they hovered over you. Your vision started to slip away again but Glenn grabbed your other shoulder and shook you. “Stay awake, (Y/N)!”

“I’m so so sorry, (Y/N). I thought you were a damn walker.” Daryl smoothed back the dirty hair from your face.

You didn’t respond and just took deep breaths, trying not to focus on the wound and also trying to stay awake. Your eyelids felt heavy and you were fighting the urge to pass out. Daryl reached for your hand and squeezed it. His voice was full of worry and fear as he urged you to keep your eyes open.

Glenn ripped at the top of your shirt until the area was exposed. It wasn’t bleeding to terribly and he looked relieved at that. 

“God I’m so sorry.” Daryl whispered and he looked like he was holding back sobs. 

“Okay I’m gonna try to pull it out. You ready?” Glenn held the side of your face to make sure you were focusing on him. 

“No! No!” You panicked and lifted your head.

“Daryl you’re gonna have to hold her down.” Glenn ordered. 

He pinned your arms down by your sides and you struggled, begging Glenn to not touch it yet.

“(Y/N), I have to! It’ll be quick I promise.” You bit down on your lip so hard that you tasted blood and you closed your eyes as he gripped the arrow. 

“On the count of three, alright? 1…” He gripped it tighter and you cursed.


He didn’t get to three and you felt your skin tear as he ripped the arrow out. A stream of profanities left your mouth as he apologized. 

“Go ask Carol for bandages and something to clean it with.” He turned to look back at Daryl.

He obeyed and rushed to the opening, ducking out of the tent.

“This is all my fault.” Glenn shook his head as you looked up at him. 

“How?” You winced. 

“I told him you were a walker when I saw you.” He sighed. “How did I get you confused with the dead?”

“Probably because I was limping and I’m covered in guts.”

“That could be it.” He laughed at your sarcasm but went quiet. “When Daryl heard you scream…man I’ve never seen someone run so fast. I feel awful for him.”

You closed your eyes and hummed. “That would be sweet if he hadn’t just shot me.”

Glenn snickered at your response just as Daryl returned. He held a bottle of alcohol in one hand and some gauze in the other. He knelt down and screwed the top off.

“I’m sorry, this is gonna hurt like a bitch.” He slowly poured some of it onto your shoulder and you whimpered, holding back tears. His face was full of guilt as he dressed your wound. 

“I’ll go let Rick know what happened and that everyone’s okay.” Glenn left the two of you alone. 

It was quiet for a moment until he spoke up. “When I saw you fall…” he shook his head, “I was so scared. Please forgive me, (Y/N).”

You looked at him sadly. “Glenn told me what happened. You were just trying to protect the camp. It could’ve happened to anyone.” You attempted to comfort him but he still looked upset.

“I don’t know what I’d do without you. I’m so sorry.” He apologized again and you looked up into his eyes that were full of regret. 

“Hey, I lived didn’t I?” You joked even though the pain was still worse than you’ve ever felt.

“Don’t try to be funny, I just shot you with a f*ckin’ arrow. I’m serious…if I had killed you, I’d never be able to forgive myself. You mean too much to me…and everyone else.” He added and let his head fall in shame.

“Daryl, look at me.”

His tired eyes looked at you through dark shaggy hair and you smiled. 

“I’m alive.” You grabbed his hand and squeezed it. 

He leaned down and left a soft kiss on your forehead. “Yes you are, thank God." 

The bleeding had finally stopped and he changed the dressing for the third time. It still hurt like the devil but you were content that he was the one taking care of you. 

He sat with you for a long while, holding your hand in both of his. It was a nice feeling, just you and him. The last thing you saw before closing your eyes was him rubbing circles across your knuckles with his thumb. A smile lingered on your face as you drifted off to sleep.

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