Imagine being married to Daryl and finding a baby with him on a run.

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Daryl had fell for you the first time he had met you in Atlanta. You were kind to everyone yet you also didn’t took shit from anyone.

You acted tough when you needed to but were sensitive enough to always care for members of the group. That’s what made him fall for you in the first place.

He acted differently from himself with you, he was talkative and always trying to find a way to be around you.

He could come up with any excuse just to be near you. He had always showed you his kidness and was comfortable around you.

You didn’t think much of him at first but soon enough you warmed up to him.

You liked that he always talked to you about his day or anything really. It made you smile to see him so different around you.


After losing his brother on the rooftop, you were the only one he seemed to be talking about how he felt and you consoled him.

As you spent your days at the farm looking for Sophia, the two of you grew closer and started to see each other.

Your relationship became more and more serious as time passed by. As you welcomed the people from Woodbury at the prison, Daryl felt the need to marry you to show you how much he truly loved you.


“Y/N…marry me…” He had asked. you as you walked back from a run with him.

You were startled by his sudden question but it made you smile nontheless.

You looked over at him and said “And what if I don’t want to?”

You saw how shock he was the moment you questionned him. He stopped you as you walked and shook his head.

You laughed at him and it only made him more nervous.

“Am I…Am I rushing things?” He asked nervously.

You shook your head and smiled at him. You inched him closer and suddenly hugged him.

“No…not at all…it was a joke Daryl… and I only laughed because I never expected for you to just pop the question out of no where…I never thought you wanted to marry me…”

“Of course, I wanna marry you…I don’t know since when but…I always want you by my side…”

He was so sincere, you couldn’t help but find him adorable. You kissed his cheek and told him “Then be prepared for me always being by your side…”

He widened his eyes and asked “Is it a…yes?”

You nodded and he couldn’t hide his joy and excitement. He grabbed you in a tight hug and surprised you by carrying you the whole way back.

You never saw him smile so much and it only made your day.


It had been a few weeks, since you got “married” to each other and you couldn’t be any happier.

Daryl was much more livelier since and loved calling you wife or refering you as “my wife” while talking with the others. It made them smile and laugh to see him that way and couldn’t wait to see your family grow, one day.


One morning, you and Daryl had been asked to go on a run as supplies at the prison were running low.

You agreed and took a care to the nearest town to see if anything could’ve been worth.

The two of you arrived and walked around to look at the stores. You told him to split up, that way it’ll be faster.

However, he couldn’t stop complaining and pouting at you, you deicded to stick together.

You looked around and you both found most of the essential things you needed for the prison. You found a few walkers but easily eliminated them.

As you looked at the things in your bag you told Daryl it was enough and had decided to walk back to the car.

Daryl walked in front of you and suddenly you heard a distant cry. You stopped and listened carefully.

You slowly backed away from Daryl and walked towards the sound. He was talking and noticed you didn’t answer so he looked back.

As the sound got louder, you fasten your pace and looked around to find it.

“Y/N! What are you doing?!” Daryl yelled as he caught up to you.

You turned back and put a finger to your mouth to signal him to be quiet. You heard another cry and Daryl as well.

“A baby?!” Daryl said surprised.

You nodded and grabbed his arm to follow it. You suddenly turned a corner and that’s when you saw a young woman holding tightly a baby to her.

You both looked at each other surprised and unsure of what to do. As it cried louder, you immediately got closer and tried to wake her up but she was already gone.

Daryl could only think of trying to get the child to safety and took it from the mother’s arms. He handed to you and told you to go wait in the car.

You sat in the car and calmed it down as much as you could.

Daryl went to find a shovel and dug a place for the mother’s body to rest properly. Once he finished, he stared at it for a while and made a promise to protect that child.


As he got in the car, you saw his eyes were red and he immediately grabbed your hand. You reassured him and consoled him. He then looked at you in the eyes and told you “Y/N…We’ve gotta take care of this kid…like our own…alright…“

You nodded and you hugged him as tightly as you could.


As you arrived at the prison, people immediately noticed the new addition to the group. Daryl was holding her and making sure she was alright.

You had told them how you found her and they couldn’t help but praise the both of you for what you did. The moment they saw the child they were all smiling, you couldn’t help but hold the tears and just enjoy their company.

Maggie had then asked Daryl to hold it and he let her. As she touched the baby she suddenly asked him "What’s her name…”

He looked at you and you noticed his eyes getting watery. He looked back at her and told her “Hope…because that’s what she is to us…”

You smiled at him and couldn’t be any happier of your growing family.

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