Wake Up Call

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Terminus was an inflamed mess. Burning walkers were stumbling around the area, the remaining residents trying to fight them off as well as they could. Nobody knew who or what made the tank explode, but the gang was thankful that it did. They’d all made it over the fence and away from the madness. Everybody was panting, some still coughing from the amount of smoke they’d inhaled. Daryl was stood at the very end of the group, back turned to them and gazed fixed onto the fence in hopes of you being just right behind him. Maybe you’d just tripped and nobody noticed and you’d come crawling over the fence in no time. Or maybe you’d just decided to stay back and fight off the walkers without telling anyone. Daryl didn’t want to think of the worst thing that could’ve happened. You could be dead, for God’s sake. He’d already lost so many people. His brother was gone, he had no idea where Carol was or if she was still alive and now you too. You were his rock, even though he would never admit it aloud. 

“Daryl, I think we should go.” Rick said, carefully reaching out for his friend. Daryl didn’t want to have any of this, so he just stepped aside before Rick could touch him and kept glaring at the fence. He knew you. He knew you had to be somewhere safe and alive. You were strong and you wouldn’t go without a fight.  

“Daryl, I’m serious. It’s been too long, if she were still alive she’d be here by now.” Rick tried again, his voice soft but stern. He wanted to move as far away from Terminus as possible. Not that he had any doubts that they hadn’t gotten everybody in there, but the walkers could soon catch up to them and that was something that he wanted to avoid.

“Give’r five more minutes.” Daryl finally said. Rick just nodded and walked back to the rest of the group, explaining the situation. Five more minutes. That would be more than enough for you to catch up. You were a fast runner, Daryl knew that. So, he counted on those five minutes. If he didn’t see your face within those minutes, he knew what had happened to you. And so, he waited. Those five minutes were the longest he ever had to wait for. They felt like hours. And after each passing minute, he could feel his heart break more and more at the thought of you not ever returning back to him. Now, he started to regret all those times he lashed out on you and all those opportunities he didn’t take. 

“Daryl...” Rick said softly, putting his hand on Daryl’s forearm. Five minutes had passed and no sign of you. Nothing. Daryl squeezed his eyes shot, trying to stop to tears from escaping and finally let Rick pull him along with him, sparing one hopeless glance back to the fence. 

Your point of view

Suddenly, walker by walker fell with each gun shot you heard and you dared to look up at the shooter. You couldn’t believe it. Carol was actually here, and she was here to save you! You couldn’t help but smile and helped her take out the walkers with the few bullets you had left, until only a few walkers were left. Those were easy to take out with knives, Carol must’ve thought so too. You scrambled over to the ladder that you’d gotten up on earlier and climbed down after the coast was clear. Carol saw you come down and threw you something to stab with since your knife had been taken away. You felt hope again. You could do it, you could go back to your family, with Carol alongside of you. You could to it.

And you did it. The two of you had successfully stabbed any walker that was in attacking distance and made it out of Terminus with no injuries except for a few scratches here and there. After you made it over the fence, you couldn’t help but hug her. 

“Thank you so much. You saved my life, Carol.” You mumbled as she squeezed you tighter. 

“Anytime, honey. Now come on, we need to get you back to the other’s.” She told you and let go of you. The other’s were alive? You couldn’t believe it. You would see everyone again. You would see Daryl again. This time, you promised yourself, this time I’m going to tell him. You needed to tell him how you felt. After today’s events, you couldn’t keep it in anymore. Even if he didn’t feel the same way about you, you needed him to know. So you followed Carol as she lead the way through the woods. You didn’t know where she was going but you didn’t care. The only thing you really cared about was getting back to them. You stopped at a small puddle so Carol could wash off the dirt on her face before you continued walking. You were getting more anxious the further you went. Was she just walking in a random direction or did she really know where they were? Well, real life events confirmed the latter as you spotted your group further ahead of you. You couldn’t help but cry. Since Carol walked ahead of you, she was spotted first and engulfed in hugs by everyone. Rick just looked so happy to see her again, despite him being the one to send her away in the first place but you guessed that he was just happy that the group was back together. 

“Y/N...” You heard Daryl croak out as you watched him run up to you. Before you could make a move towards him, he already came crashing towards you, arms wide open as he immediately pulled you in a tight hug, “I thought ya were dead.”

You laughed in relief as the tears now spilled freely down your face, “I’m not. I’m here, Daryl.” You let go of him and reached up to push his hair out of his face, exposing his tear stained cheeks and watery eyes, “I love you so much.”

“Shit, I love ya too. Come ‘ere.” He replied and pulled you into another hug. For the both of you in that moment, a hug felt way more intimate than a kiss could. With a hug, you could feel each other’s hearts beat and that meant that you were both alive and well in each other’s arms. And that was all you needed in that moment. Just his embrace, his arms wrapped around you and his heartbeat against your chest.

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