Tearing Us Apart

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By thewalkingdeadimagining on Tumblr

You couldn’t believe how easy it had been for one person to break you and your entire group. How were you supposed to move forward after watching a man bash your friend’s brains in? And that just wasn’t enough for this man.

Negan was his name. Negan. That name would give you chills for the rest of your life. Once he was finished slaughtering your friend, Abraham, he took the time to observe all the looks of heartbreak on everyone’s faces, relishing in the cries and the way their bodies trembled with fear and agony.

He noticed you, holding onto your wounded boyfriend as he was bleeding profusely, his normally tan skin was now white as a ghost. Daryl Dixon, who was usually your superman, was now curled up next to you, shaking with rage the more Negan laughed.

He’d gathered enough strength to punch Negan in the face even though you’d tried to stop him. You wished you could say it ended there but it didn’t. You all lost Glenn as a result of Daryl’s sudden lack of judgement. And then Daryl was taken with Negan when all was said and done. Your heart was broken, losing two friends and the love of your life all in the same night.

Daryl had fought as hard as he could to keep Negan from taking him away from you. You had nail marks on your arm from Daryl trying to stay with you and one of Negan’s men, Dwight pulling him towards his van.

“No!” you’d screamed. Dwight had finally pushed you down to the ground, which forced you out of Daryl’s grip. He was shouting your name but your own sobs were drowning him out.

“He’s mine now,” you heard Negan say to Rick. Negan turned to you while Rick was blubbering and shaking on the ground, “I’ll take good care of him, Y/N. Don’t you worry, pretty lady.”

“Please don’t take him,” you wept, “Please I’m begging you.”

“Sorry, darlin’,” Negan said, patting your shoulder as he stood up, “Begging doesn’t work on me. Let’s head out!”

And just like that, Negan, his boys, and Daryl were gone. Maggie and Sasha continued to Hilltop and Rick took the rest of you back to Alexandria to get ready for Negan’s return in one week. You couldn’t care less if Negan took all your belongings. You just wanted to know if Daryl was okay.

Those first few days were unbearable. Once Daryl arrived in The Sanctuary and his wounds were treated, he was stripped and thrown into a dark room with the same overly cheery song playing over and over again on a speaker. At first, it kept him from sleeping but eventually he managed to find sleep. They barely fed him and when they did, he was given a sandwich with dog food. It barely had a taste but he still couldn’t stand it. Still, it was food and he was hungry.

But what about you? He couldn’t get the image of you completely broken, crying into the dirt as he was forced from your arms. He wanted his friends back, he wanted you back. He’d already made an escape attempt, which just led to him getting the shit kicked out of him.

And now Daryl was standing in Negan’s bedroom with him, having finally been given some clothes to wear even if they were filthy, stinking sweats. Negan was swinging his bat around, pacing back and forth going on and on about how compassionate he was and he was a “stand-up guy” and all that.

“Hey,” Negan said, “You listening? Or are you a little distracted?”

“Probably distracted by that girl,” Dwight piped in, “His little girlfriend.”

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