By kat-mays on Tumblr
(Your pov)
Crouched down low, I quickly made my way through the forest careful to avoid stepping on anything that would reveal my position. A a gun with a silencer on it was pressed against my thigh, ready to be fired at any moment.
Pushing through a bush I bit my lip in concentration as I saw the deer I had been tracking the whole morning. Quickly pushing my matted (h/c) hair out of my face, I raised my gun and without hesitation, pulled the trigger. The deer fell to the ground, the bullet having gone right through its head.
“Yes! Oh fuck ya take that you little-” I yelled at I pushed through the bush, momentarily forgetting that there could be walkers around.
With a little difficulty, I hoisted the deer up on to my shoulder, almost falling over under the weight, and pushed forward back to the prison. An hour and many choice words later I drug myself and the deer under a small hole in the fence and laid down in the grass to take a break. I grimaced when I saw I was face to face with the deer and rolled over on to my side. I saw Glenn standing up in the watch tower looking through the binoculars at me. I waved but instead of waving back he turned and ran out of the tower.
“I see how it is, weirdo…” I mumbled grabbing the deer once more and stumbling into the prison were I was instantly met with yelling.
“(Y/n)! Where have you been?” Maggie yelled pulling my into a tight hug and causing me to drop my deer. I had been with The Greene family since this whole thing started. They were like a second family to me.
“I was hunting.” I said pulling back.
“Daryl has been going insane. We thought-” she was cut off as the man himself came stomping down the stairs.
“-You got kidnapped or eaten by a walker in the middle of the night. Where have you been?” Daryl yelled.
The rest of the room silenced, watching the scene in front of them unfold.
“I was out, hunting. I saw a deer this morning and went after it.” I said, slightly embarrassed at the way he was treating me like a child in front of everyone.
“Really, you just walk off into the woods with no one to protect you? You could’ve been killed or bitten and nobody would’ve known!”
Oh hell no. “I don’t need anyone to protect me, Daryl! I can do whatever I want, I don’t need you to babysit me.” I growled, not caring who was watching anymore.
“Well obviously you do if your just gonna go wandering off like that.”
“Fuck you, Dixon! You don’t control me, I don’t care what you say. If I want to go out and hunt I can go out and hunt, I don’t need your permission. Obviously, I’m fine and I can take care of myself.”
“No you can’t! You don’t get it, do you? You are weak and selfish and stupid. You can’t take care of yourself!”
I reached up and slapped him before I could stop myself earning a collective gasp from the growing crowd that was now watching us like a tv show.
His eyes widened, “(Y/n)-” he started but I turned and stomped out before he could say anything else.
I pushed out the doors and walked put into the field and climbed on top of the turned over bus.
“Who needs him.” I muttered to myself. “I definitely don’t. I can take care of myself.”
Pulling my knees up to my chest, I rested my head on them and looked out at the fence. Walkers were pushing up against it like usual and the groans could be heard from all around.
I fiddled with the falling apart leather on my old boots. This had been our first fight. Well first real fight, we’d argued over small, stupid things like whether or not it was ok to tell other people about how much of a cuddler he was. Or if it was my right as a girlfriend to kiss him and hug him in public, as he was always a little reserved with the whole PDA thing and I learned to just accept that.
But this was our first big fight with yelling and not to mention I slapped him, which I was starting to feel bad about. But he deserved it, calling me weak and saying I needed a babysitter. Who does he think he is?
I don’t know how long I sat in that bus before I saw it. A person ducking under some low hanging branches caught my gaze. It couldn’t have been a walker, it wasn’t stumbling, it moved with precision.
I thought of the war we were fighting with the town Woodbury and jumped off the bus. My first instincts told me to go in and tell Rick or Daryl. But my pride told me I could handle this myself. So I did.
Ducking under the fence I quickly dove into some tall grass as to not be seen by Glenn who was once again up in the watch tower. I did an army crawl into the trees and out of Glenn’s sight before standing up and running in the direction I saw the figure. Biting my lip, I quickly pulled out my gun when I head the sound of leaves and twigs breaking. The footsteps where coming closer and closer and I jumped in front of the person, only to stop confused when no one was there.
“What the…” I mumbled looking around and lowering my gun.
Suddenly something hard hit me in the head and everything went black.

Daryl Dixon Imagines
FanfictionAll credit is rightfully given! None of these are written by me unless I say otherwise! Almost ALL of these are written by beautiful people on Tumblr and all the credit rightfully goes to them. Enjoy! Started: 1/08/18 Copyright © 2018 Ashes_Nicole