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Taylor's prospective

      Today is my first day of work back in Canada. I've been modeling in Tokyo, Japan, for three years now. My depression started to get bad again, and I really missed my family. Specifically my brother Blake and his best friend Mike. I stepped on set the nice thing being that no matter where you are in the world behind the scenes of the photo shoot is pretty much the same. I sat down at hair and makeup, and noticed I had a text.

Hey, is it okay if I bring a friend to your shoot today? He's been in his house for three days with his cats and dog, and we're starting to worry about him.- Mike

Omg lol sure. Just so you know I'm shooting for a underwear company today so it might be a bit awkward.- Tay

   I sat in the chair as the hairstylist and makeup artist fused over me. "Taylor hi so I just want to give you a little feeling for what you're gonna be doing today. We have 6 bra and underwear sets for you to model. We hope to be wrapped by 10. I'm not gonna tell you how to do your job whatever you feel is fitting for the outfit you do." The director of the shoot said to me. I nodded my head to show I understand.
   Once the makeup artist and hairstylist were finished with my first look I quickly got changed. The first set was a red lace bra with matching lace underwear. Just as I finished changing I got a text from Mike saying they just pulled into the parking lot. I went out to the set with just a robe and the underwear on. The set was all white.
      I stood in the middle of the white set talking to the photographer about poses and facial expressions. From the corner of my eye I saw Mike walk in. "Alright let's do this I think if maybe we went for a sexy look and then progressed into a fun casual look to show the different moods the set brings off." The photographer said. I nodded and got in the zone in my mind.
    I started with sexy. I bit my bottom lip. I did a few more poses messing up my hair a bit. I heard from the Back a whistle guessing it was Mike. "Perfect now just have a good time." The photographer said. That was easy since we had my playlist of music on. The song changed to celebrity status by Mike's band Marianas trench. I started dancing around just having a good time. My smile for once was genuine.

Josh's prospective

      When we walked in there was a girl standing in the middle of a white set. She was wearing red lace bra and underwear set. She looked fantastic with just the right amount of curves. Her long blonde hair went down to the small of her back. As we got closer I recognized who she was.... Taylor.
      "I-is that Taylor?" I whispered to Mike. He nodded. "She-she changed her hair." I said. Mike nodded again. Taylor bit her lip and messed up her hair a bit. Damn she's still hot. Mike whistled and Taylor winked at the camera. Your love is my drug by Kesha was playing.
     "Perfect now just have a good time." The photographer said as the song ended. Once I heard the first note to the next song I immediately recognized it... Celebrity status. How does she know our band?! I looked like an idiot; who was just smiling watching her have a good time. "Alright can we get the next outfit." The photographer said looking at the pictures.
    Taylor ran up to Mike giving him a big hug. "MIKE I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!!" She said jumping into his arms. "I missed you too Tay." He said. I stood there awkwardly. "Taylor this is my friend and band mate Josh." Mike said once they pulled away. "Hi it's nice to meet you. I'm Taylor." She said shaking my hand with a smile brighter than the sun. "I gotta go change but you guys just have fun wander around if you want." She said turning on her heels and running towards hair and makeup.
      "She hasn't changed much has she?" Mike said once she left. "I don't know if this is possible.... but she's even more breath taking than the first day I met her." I said watching her take her seat in the makeup chair.
     "Don't drool too much." Mike said with a laugh. "Now I see why you took me away from finishing the fucking album that has to be done by tomorrow morning to come here." I said chuckling. "You need a break. Matt and Ian can come up with some ideas we'll be back in an hour and hopefully you'll be inspired to finish those transitions." Mike said leaning against the wall.
     Taylor came back wearing a similar bra and underwear set except in black. "Baby, I sorely miss that vibrant gleam that's in your eyes." Taylor sang as she walked back on set. She truly is a one of a kind girl. You will not find any girl as crazy, bubbly, beautiful, energetic, smart, caring the list goes on. She was having a grand old time dancing to the music that came on occasionally singing along. The photographer loved her energy and how much fun she's having. Truly she loved doing this and you can tell.

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