Good to you

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Taylor's prospective

   "Tay get the fuck up." Blake said. "What?!" I said I was so tired. I didn't get to sleep until 4 in the morning. "Why are there underwear and shorts in the shower?" Blake asked.
   "Omg just move them." I said covering my head with a pillow. "You!" Blake said. I got out of bed and went to the shower. Josh, Mike, Matt, and Ian were sitting on the couches.
   I went in the shower and grabbed Lyla's underwear and shorts. They were dry good. "There now quit your bitchin." I said going back to bed.
   Lyla was in Josh's spot. "How you feeling?" I asked throwing her clothes on a chair. "Like someone is stabbing me repeatedly." She said. She curled up in a ball.
   "Just try and sleep if the guys get to loud I'll fight them. I don't know about you, but I barely slept." I said getting into bed. "Same." Lyla said pulling blankets up to her chin.
    We stayed in bed together until we stopped for lunch. "Babe Lyla we're getting lunch." Josh said poking his head in. We got out of bed fixing our hair kinda. Lyla grabbed a pad and tampon putting them in her pocket. We ate and after lunch Josh pulled me aside.
   "Is everything okay?" He asked. "Yeah I'm just tired I didn't get bed until 4 in the morning. I was helping Lyla cause she got her period last night, so we had to stop and get stuff cause both of us were idiots and didn't bring any." I said. "Oh... Okay." Josh said and got back on the bus.

Josh's prospective

   "Hey can I ask you something?" I asked Blake as he was putting he mic pack on me. "What?" He asked adjusting it. "Can... can I have your blessing... to marry your sister?" I asked.
    "Well... I was not expecting that to be the question." Blake said stepping back. "What was the question?" Mike asked putting in his ear peace. "Joshie wants to marry our princess." Blake said sitting down.
   "Well Josh you've taken care of her for like 7 years... I'd be cool with it."Mike said patting me on the back. "Yeah... me too..." Blake said. "Really?!" I said a stupid smile plastered on my face.
   Blake laughed. "Just take care of her." He said getting up to move on to Matt. "Yeah of course... I wouldn't think about hurting her." I said sitting down in shock.
    Lyla came in. "Hey Dad his book is fucking wack. Sorry language I know." She said. "Dose that mean you like it?" Blake laughed. "Who knew you and mom were so wild?!" Lyla said sitting down next to me. "Is that the Journal Kristen kept of every moment she was with you?" Mike asked.
   "Yep she wanted to know so before we left I went over to her grandmas asked for all the books, and here we are." Blake said. "Wait dad is this you?!" Lyla asked holding an old picture.
   "Oh my god..." Blake said looking at the picture. "Yeah... Josh take a look... recognize this field." Blake said handing me the picture. There picture was of Blake... he was really young, and a girl who looked almost exactly Lyla, but with brown eyes. They were in... a field of sunflowers.
   "Is this... our field?" I asked. "Technically it was mine, and Kristen's field first." Blake said taking the picture handing it to Lyla. "We were best friends... even after everything I would still consider her a friend." Blake said walking out.
    "Did you know your dad and mom got matching tattoos." Mike whispered. "Really of what?!" Lyla asked. "Sunflowers.... you probably don't wanna know, but that field was where you were made." Mike laughed.
    "Ew!" Lyla said. I laughed and put my arm around her. "Can I ask you something?" I asked as Mike left. "What?" She asked pulling her legs to her chest. "How should I propose to your aunt?" I asked.
   "Well it obviously has to me like a classic romance story... what if you did it during one of the shows!" She said a light twinkling in her eyes. It was the same kind of light that Taylor gets when she's excited.
   "We'll work out the details later." I said patting her knee standing up. "Right now... I've got a show todo." I laughed walking towards the box I have to sit in.


   Taylor is a fucking wizard with a camera. She so graciously agreed to come on the tour with us to film behind the scenes. It's probably because she's comfortable being in front of the camera as a model, but she's also completely confortable be hind the camera filming and taking pictures.
     I don't know what it is about her family, but they're all crazy good at something. Blake is crazy good at producing and dealing with the sound and stuff, and his daughter is crazy good at drawing and singing. I've heard her sing a few times and each time I've been impressed. Every show so far I've had her come on stage with the choir for fallout and stutter.
     "I'm really not that good I don't know why you want me to do this Josh." Lyla said as I pulled her into the locker room the choir was in to practice. "Cause you've got some pipes kid." I said opening the door.
   "Hi! I'm Josh as you guys probably already know, and this is Lyla. She's gonna be joining us for this performance." I said to the group of kids around her age. Lyla I've noticed is very flexible with where you put her. She can hit the high notes and she can hit the low notes.
    We practice with the choir. Taylor came in a little after we started to film some. The kids are great. I love seeing the twinkle in their eyes when they sing. Some of these kids are gonna make it one day.
   Just before the show Taylor likes to help in every way she can. She's like crazy strong so she like always helping move stuff, and set up the stage. Today was our day off, but Taylor still managed to keep busy.
   "Have you seen Taylor?" I asked Blake. "Ugh yeah Lyla and her went off to film something." Blake said reading a book. This family has a thing for reading too. I pulled out my phone and texted Taylor.

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