Hospital bells

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Blake's prospective

    "Yeah when I got the call I almost lost my shit." I said eating a fry. Josh and Taylor sat across from Mike and I. Josh's arm draped around Tay as we talked about the events of the night the accident happened.
     "I'm sorry I caused you guys so much pain..." Taylor said with tears filling her eyes. "Hey... don't cry you're here with me now that's all that matters." Josh said lifting her chin to look at him with one finger. He kissed her nose and she smiled weakly.
     "I'll be honest you were out for almost a week.... that whole time I was trying to think what I would do if I lost you too." I said looking down at my hands.

At the hospital Blake's prospective

    "She'll make it through this... Taytay is a strong girl. Don't worry." Mike said. "Why do I feel like in my 19 years of being her older brother... I've failed her some how?" I said tears creeping up on me.
     "Blake.... I've known Tay since I was 8 years old. Trust me you haven't failed her. " he said. "Yes I have... I could have protected her from those kids... if I was a better brother she wouldn't have had an eating disorder.... I could have stopped her from getting in the car,and asked her to come out with us. I know she feels like she gets in the way, and that's why she didn't want to come with." I said covering my face with my hands.
    "Anything?" Josh said walking in holding flowers. I shook my head. "J-josh ... can you promise me something?" I asked looking at him. "Uh sure what?" He said putting the flowers down next to Taylor.
    "The Doctor said she might not remember things from the past couple of years..... if she doesn't remember you.... please don't push for her to remember you..." I said looking at my hands. "Blake... if you're telling me that when Taylor wakes up, and doesn't remember me.... that I should move on. I'm not going to. Taylor- I - I love her.... and if she doesn't remember me then I will wait until she does." Josh said in a stern tone.
      "Please don't push her.... she's been through enough." I said tears now falling from my eyes. "Omg..." I looked up to see Emma standing in the doorway. She's been Taylor's best friend since first grade. "Em-" I said standing up. Tears falling from her eyes. "Is she.... will she?" She cried. I walked over to her pulling her in a hug. Emma has been like my little sister for as long as I've known her.
    "Shhhh she's going to be okay." I said trying to calm her down. I ran my fingers through her blonde hair. She buried her face in my chest. Tears uncontrollably falling. After a while Mike and Josh left leaving Emma and I alone.
   "Hey..." I said moving my knee from side to side gently hitting her knee. "Hey." She said resting her head on my shoulder. "Tay... she really adores you.... your friendship means the world to her." I said. Emma sighed.
   "I'm scared Blake.... if I lose her... I'll be all alone." She said. "Mike and I will always be here for you.... you're like a little sister to the both of us." I said. "Since Mom died... your family and Mike have been the only thing I have left... now it's just you, Mike, and Tay." She said with so much pain in her voice.
     "Blake... I wanted to tell you this... Tay already knows,but..." she took a deep breath. "I-I like girls..." she said. "I know." I chuckled. "How?!" She said turning to look at me. "Thin walls..." I said looking at her smirking. She looked confused.
     "You were probably... mmm 12 is and I was 18. The two of you were in Tay's room with the door closed. All I could hear was constant giggling." I chuckled thinking back. "You two were talking about kissing or something like that..." I chuckled. "I know you were Tay's first kiss.... and I know you had a crush on Jaime in grade 10, and-" Emma cut me off. "So you were listening to our conversations?!" She asked.
     "Well it was late at night and you guys were talking loudly what else was I supposed to do?!" I laughed. Emma hit my chest. "I don't know NOT LISTEN!!" She said. "Either way we still love you Em." I said lightly pushing her.


    It's been a month since the accident, and Taylor still doesn't remember Josh. She sits in her room a lot just staring out the window. Emma moved in to help me take care of her.
    "How's he holding up?" Emma asked eating some grapes. "He's a mess if I'm being honest with you... I told him it would come back to her eventually." I said taking one of her grapes. We've decided that we wouldn't mention Josh until she remembers him. It's too painful watching her struggle to remember.
     "Well I gotta go." Emma said. "Where are you going?" I asked. "I gotta get ready.... I've got a hot date!" She said running up the stairs. I laughed to myself. I went upstairs.
     "No I like the red one." Tay said on the other side of her door. "Really?! It's not too..... slutty?" Emma asked. The two of them giggled. "Now that you say that the blue one does bring out your eyes more." Tay laughed.
     I shook my head laughing to myself. I opened the door to my room. I'm 27 year old and I'm still listening to those two giggling and talking about their love life. I know pathetic, but sometimes it's actually interesting. I put on my headphones and sat at my desk.
     Josh sent over some vocal tracks for me to mix with everything else. We're working on their EP to hopefully get them signed somewhere. Prime time is what the song is called. May I just say that it's amazing..... and no it's not because I mixed it.
      I hope either Josh can pull himself together or Taylor remembers him soon. It's hard seeing both of them so lost.

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