Skin and bones

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Josh's prospective

I slowly opened my eyes the smell of strawberries attacking my nose. I looked to see Taylor resting her head on my shoulder. Mike was laying on her lap. Matt, Ian, and Blake were all tangled up on the couch. I felt Taylor wake up.
"Morning sunshine." I said just like I used to. "Mmmmm what time is it?" She asked stretching and sitting up. "I have no idea." I said with a yawn. Mike rolled over to his side. "I gotta sleep in an actual bed tonight." Taylor said with a yawn.
"Where are you staying?" I asked her. "No idea." She laughed. " Mike and Blake are my only family here.... so I guess I'll crash with one of them until I find somewhere." She said looking up at the ceiling. We both sat there in silence trying to wake up.
Johnathan opened the door slowly looking around the room. "Go home and sleep for three days you all look like you need it." He said with a laugh. "We will don't worry you won't hear from us for a week." I said. Johnathan closed the door leaving us alone. One by one the guys slowly started to wake up.
"Mmmmmm okay Tay who do you want to go with Blake or me?" Mike said standing up and stretching. Everyone was getting ready to go home and sleep for 84 years. "She should probably stay with you since Josh is staying with me." Blake said. Taylor looked at me confused.
"Why's Josh staying with you?" Taylor asked. "I- uh just got out of a relationship and it was her apartment so I'm in the process of finding one." I said looking down at my shoes. "Just go to Mike's get some sleep and I'll see you later." Blake said patting his sister on the head.
"But what if I want to go with you?!" She pouted. "Then you're sleeping on yet another couch cause I need my bed, and Josh is in my guest bedroom." He said walking out. "She can sleep in my room I have a few things I have to do today." I lied. "Aww thanks Joshie!" She said with a smile that made me weak in the knees.
"Alright will you be back later?" Blake asked me before getting in his car. "Yeah I just have to check a few things out and I'll be back." I said. "Ok see you." Blake and Taylor waved.
You could physically see how tired Taylor is just by looking in her eyes. Her Hazel eyes were dull almost like all color has been taken out of them. Usually her eyes look like.... a honey glazed olive. With more of a green on the outer part and a honey color in the center of her eyes. It kinda looks like a sunflower in a meadow.
"Come on let's go." Mike said patting my shoulder. I gave him a confused look. "I know you don't have anything to do you're just being nice, so get in the car you can crash at my place for a few hours." Mike said getting in the car. He was right I had absolutely nothing to do.

Taylor's prospective

Blake opened the door to his apartment and were greeted by a dog. "Hello! And who are you?!" I asked bending down and petting the dog. "That's Bennie she's Josh's dog. He had two cats too they're somewhere around here." Blake said kicking off his shoes. "Well I'm going to bed help yourself to whatever. You know you're not a guest here." He said walking down the hall to his room.
The living room had boxes stacked up that had "Josh's shit" written on them. I kicked off my shoes and went down the hallway to where Josh's room was. Bennie followed me into the room. Josh kept the room surprisingly clean. Aside from a few boxes with his stuff in them.
I got in his bed and Bennie jumped on. I pulled his blankets up past my shoulders, and Bennie took her spot next to me. His blankets smell like.... laundry detergent and ..... well him.
I curled up in a ball holding the blankets close to me. The smell of his blankets is vaguely familiar... like I've been somewhere like this before. I mean I did fall asleep on his shoulder last night that's probably it...... but this smell is different. Soon the sleep became too much to fight back and I gave in.

Taylor's dream

"Taylor." I heard a voice call. I looked around to see who was calling me. "Taylor... you said you would never....." the voice said. "I said that I would never what?!" I called out. "Never leave me..." the voice said. It was a familiar voice.
Suddenly I was in my childhood room. I saw a 15 year old me looking in the full length mirror. My face drained of all happiness. I was very literally just skin and bones. There was a knock at the door. Blake walked in my room. "It's time to go." He said with a sad expression on his face.
Suddenly I was in the rehab I went to for my eating disorder. The walls were all gray. Everyone was gray except for one guy. I stepped closer to get a better look at him. He turned his head he had no recognizable features except a pare of sparkling blue eyes.
He looked so sad.... I mean everyone does but he looked some how worse. It pains me to see him like that. His big blue eyes looked at me. I could feel his pain... it was horrible. I blinked and he was gone.
There I was alone in the a meadow of sunflowers. There were two people sitting on a hill.... one of them was me. "I love you.." I heard the familiar voice say. The girl disappeared. I guy looked at me with those blue eyes. I tried to run to him, but no matter what I did he only got farther from me.
"WHO ARE YOU?!" I yelled. "What do you mean? Don't you know who I am, Porcelain?" The voice said. "Porcelain?" I whispered. Suddenly I got really dizzy. "You said you would never leave me, Porcelain." The voice said again. I fell to the floor. All I could see was a pair of red converse.
End dream

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