Cross my heart

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Blake's prospective day of the wedding

Mike had just left to go get coffee and breakfast for all of us. Taylor and Emma were still sleeping snuggled up in my bed. I folded the blankets Mike and I used.
"Hey dad!" Lyla called closing the door behind her. "Hey honey you're home early." I said going to meet her in the hall.
"Yeah I wanted to grab a quick shower." She said. "Alright. Taylor and Emma are asleep in my room, and Mike just left to get coffee." I said. "Cool imma shower before its to late." She laughed heading to the bathroom.
    Eventually my apartment came to life. Taylor, Emma, and Lyla sat doing their makeup while Mike and I sat chatting.
     "So Emma said something about a girl" Mike said sipping his coffee. "Yeahhhhhhh...." I sighed. "You don't sound to excited..." Mike said.
    "I mean.... it's hard you know... she looks so much like her, and I'm new to well being a dad... I don't want to disappoint her." I said looking down at my hands.
     "Tada!!!" Taylor said walking in with Lyla. Her brown hair was curled and draped to one side. She looked just like her mother in that moment. So much so that I felt a pain in my chest.
      "What do you think?" Lyla asked spinning around. "You look beautiful sweetheart." I said. "Yeah you'll have all the girls falling to their knees." Mike added.
    As the time got closer for us to leave Mike and I quickly changed into our wedding outfits. We all gathered in the car making our way to the venue. Today is the start of a new chapter in our lives.


After the wedding I watched as everyone danced. Josh's arms wrapped around my sister reminded me of when we were young. The way he looks at her with pure love and joy hasn't changed. I can tell Taylor's memories of him are still fuzzy, but she still loves him with all her heart.
"Blake this is my friend Carly the one I was telling you about." Emma said. I looked over to see a woman about my age

Josh's prospective

Taylor looks absolutely breathtaking. That's all I can say... not that she doesn't always look breath taking.
"What?" She said pulling me out of my thoughts. "Nothing just looking at the most beautiful girl here." I said poking her nose. Her cute child like laugh filled my ears above the music.
"I never want to forget how I feel at this very moment." Taylor said resting her head on my chest. "And that is?" I asked spinning her.
"Uncontrollably in love with you." She said kissing me. "You and me both." I whispered. "I love you... and don't forget that." I whispered.
Once we got back to our apartment we went straight to bed. We laid there in silence. I wrapped my arms around Taylor taking in the smell of strawberries and mint. I love this girl with all my heart. I would go through all those years of her not remembering me all over again just to spend the rest of my life with her.
"Josh..." she whispered. "Yeah babe?" I whispered back. "If something were to happen where one of us lost their memory like I did... promise me we'll fall back in love." She said turning to face me.
"Cross my heart and hope to die... I would never want to know a day with out you." I said kissing her forehead.

Blake's POV

     "So you and Josh are friends too??" I asked resting my head on my hands. "Yeah he's helped me write and produce some songs." Carly said smiling.
       "Excuse me but we're closing." One of the workers at the coffee shop we're at said. "Oh yeah sorry." I said realizing how late it had gotten. Carly and I left the coffee shop.
        "Do you want to go for a walk?" She asked as we left. "I know it's late, but I really like talking to you." She quickly added. "A walk would be nice." I laughed.
          We walked hand in hand through the Vancouver streets. "So tell me about your daughter." She said gently swinging our arms as we walked.
           "Well if I'm being completely honest I didn't know I had one until a little while ago. Her mom was a young love, and left without even telling me she was pregnant. Lyla came to me after her mom died... she's an amazing girl, and I love her with all my heart. She gives me a reason to get up in the morning, and work hard. She pushes me to be the very best version of myself, and tests me at the same time." I said.
        "You seem like a really good dad." She said taking a seat on a bench. "I try..... I couldn't do anything with out my sister and everyone else." I said sitting next to her.
         "I really like spending time with you Blake." She said. "And I like spending time with you......  I just don't know if I'm ready to start dating again....." I said looking into her brown eyes.
        "Let's just take things slow and get to know  each other first." She said placing her hand on my knee. "I'd like that." I smiled. "Alright.... I should get going home." Carly said standing up.
       "Let me walk you." I said standing up as well. "I'll be fine you go home to your daughter..." she said kissing my cheek. "Text me when you get home." I said. She nodded.
       "Bye Blake." She said turning to walk away. "Bye Carly." I said in almost a whisper. She took my breath away. She's beautiful. I made my way back to my apartment.
        "Mike.... do you think my dad will forget about me?" Lyla said with a yawn. "Of course not." Mike said in a gentle voice. Lyla yawned again. "He loves you with all his heart." Mike added. I could hear Lyla drift to sleep.
         When I turned the corner I saw Mike getting up from the couch. He scooped Lyla up in his arms. "I can take her..." I whispered. Mike nodded and handed my sleeping daughter over to me.
         Her head rested on my chest. She took slow and shallow breaths as she drifted to sleep. "You can take my bed if you want." I said. "Thanks. Night." Mike whispered heading into my room.
        I carried Lyla into her bedroom. I gently laid her down. I pulled her blankets up to her chin, and kissed her forehead. "Night baby." I whispered before leaving her room closing the door behind me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2018 ⏰

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