No place like home

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Taylor's prospective (a dream)

The sound of a heart beat was the only thing there. The room was completely dark and the only thing I could hear was a heart beat. "Taylor." The familiar voice said. "Will you show yourself?" I asked.
   A silhouette of a guy appeared. He was wearing red converse, and had sparkling blue eyes. He pulled out a necklace from his pant pocket. It was the shape of an old key. He put the necklace on me. "You already knows what I look like, Porcelain." He said his hand cupping the side of my face. I took his hand in my own, and examined it. I noticed he had calluses on his fingertips. Before I could ask him about them he disappeared.
    Suddenly I heard someone playing the piano. The song sounded familiar.... what is it? Suddenly I was on a rainy street. There was silhouettes of a couple kissing in the rain. The guy got in a car and drove off. Suddenly the girl was alone. "I never left you, but you left me porcelain." The familiar voice said. The girl stared walking.
    I turned my head and saw headlights. Suddenly I was hit by a car. I blinked and I was in the hospital. My brother was sitting in a chair next to me crying. The amount of pain I was in was too much to bare. My head was pounding. "I'm sorry... you were supposed to be my perfect little porcelain doll.... and then I broke you." The voice said to me.
    The same song continued to play in the piano. GOD WHAT THE HELL IS THIS SONG I KNOW IT BUT I CANT REMEMBER IT. "Just remember porcelain.... you will always be my home,and there's no place like home."
End dream

   My eyes flew open. My breathing heavy. Josh turned next to me. "Tay? Are you okay?" He said in a raspy voice. "It was just a dream..." I said laying down. "It was all just a dream." I said I felt Josh wrap his arm around me holding me. "It's okay now just go back to sleep." He said kissing my head.


Josh's prospective

I woke up to the smell off coffee and faint talking. "I've been having weird dreams Blake." Taylor said. "What about?" Blake said. "It's like I'm forgetting a whole part of my life.... I keep seeing these blue eyes and they look.... kinda like Josh's, and bits a peaces of them like red converse, and calluses on his finger tips.,"
"Last night there was a song playing on the piano, and it sounded so familiar the amount of pain in the piano was unbearable, and then there was a cat and then it hit me. A couple was kissing in the rain and then the guy left, and this voice kept saying calling me porcelain... why does that sound familiar? Like I feel like that was a nickname someone would call me. I hate this ever since that fucking accident I haven't been able to remember things." Taylor said. You could hear the tears and the pain in her voice.
Taylor normally doesn't swear so for her to say fucking is a big thing. "What else did you see?" Blake asked in a calm tone. "A necklace... in the shape of an old key.... for some reason when I saw it... it hurt me, but I also felt love. Who ever gave that necklace to someone must have really loved them." She said in a sad voice.
Holy shit she's remembering me! I got out of bed and went to the kitchen. Everyone had left it was just Blake and Taylor. "Hey Josh, I have a favor to ask you." Blake said when I entered the kitchen. "What is it?" I asked leaning against the counter. "Can you entertain Tay today I have to go in to the studio and record Carly's new album." He said finishing off his coffee.
"I don't need a babysitter..." Taylor said looking down at her hands. "I'd be happy to." I said smiling at her. She looked at me with her honey glazed olive eyes. You could practically see her sadness even though she hid it well.
"Alright I've gotta go. See you guys later." He said kissing Taylor's head before leaving. "Sooooo" I said breaking our silence. We sat there in deep thought for a minute. "I'm gonna take you somewhere get dressed." I said tapping the counter before going back to my room.
All of my jeans were in the wash right now so I just put on the ones from yesterday. I put on a gray button up, and my red converse. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and fix my hair. Taylor looked at me while brushing her teeth. She had on a white flowy dress.
I pulled out my toothbrush and began brushing my teeth. Taylor put her toothbrush away and quickly put on some eyeliner? And mascara? I think that's what she did. She brushed out her hair leaving it down with her natural waves. I fixed up my hair a bit and smiled.
"Ready?" I asked smiling at her. "Ready!" She said with a smile that could bring 1,000 men to their knees. I grabbed my car keys and we headed out. "So where are we going?" She asked. "My thinking place." I said getting in the elevator.
We made it to my car and I turned on the radio. Celebrity status was playing on the radio. "I LOVE THIS SONG!" Taylor said dancing to the music. "You know this is one of my songs right?" I asked with a laugh. Taylor nodded her head. "I know this is Mike's band but I don't know what any of you guys do, but I know Mike plays the base." She said slightly blushing.
"It never stops, stops, never stops, well you better." I sang along with my voice on the radio. Taylor's jaw dropped. "No freaking way you're the singer?! I love the way your voice sounds!!" She said her smile pure and genuine.
"Why thank you." I laughed stopping at a red light. We drove around singing to the radio, and talking about music we like. Finally we got to where I wanted to take her. There was a field of tall grass and wild flowers.
"Whoa this place is crazy beautiful." Taylor said getting out of the car. "Yeah I used to come here a lot with an old friend." I said joining her. She smiled kicking off her shoes. Before I could question her she handed me her shoes and started to run through the field.
This girl is something else. I smiled and ran after her. When I caught up to her she was starring at a hill. "I've been here before.... in a dream." She said. "Come on." I said taking her hand pulling her up the hill.
So there we were holding hands on the top of the hill looking at a field of sunflowers. "Wow." Taylor said sitting down. I sat down next to her. "I've been here before... I feel it." She said.
"Ever since that fucking car accident I feel like I'm missing a whole chuck of my life..." she said resting her head on my shoulder. Her hair smelling like strawberries. "Remember my brother, Mike, my mom and dad, my best friend, but I feel like I'm missing something. Like someone I loved." She said.
I felt something poke me in the leg. I reached in my pocket and pulled out the necklace. I forgot that was in there. Taylor sat up and faced me. "Where the hell did you get that?!" She asked her eyes wide she looked as if she had just seen a ghost.
"It was an old friends I forgot it was in my pocket." I said holding it out. "That's the-" she couldn't finish her sentence. She leaned in closer to me studying the necklace. She looked into my eyes our faces inches apart. I don't know if I'll be able to hold myself back. Our faces slowly got closer. "J-" I couldn't hold back and I crashed my lips against hers.
Her arms resting on my shoulders. I pulled her on to my lap. I felt the sparks fly for the first time in five years.

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