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(A/N: this part is gonna be mostly about Lyla so suck it up or just don't read it 💛💛)

Lyla's prospective

"Josh there's only one thing I want for my birthday." I said joining him Matt and Mike in the back room. "And that is?" He asked playing his video game. "I want you to get a freaking ring already and propose to Taylor." I said quite enough so Taylor won't hear.
"That's it?" Josh laughed. "I was gonna do it at our next show." Josh said. "And you didn't tell me?!" I said offend. "I was going to but you're always with her." Josh laughed.
"Anyway if that's it then done." He said handing the controller to Matt when he died. "Well then I guess my birthday wish is done." I said heading back to the front. I felt my phone vibrate.

Wanna Skype? I've had a rough day. :( -Alyssa

Sure give me a minute! - Lyla

I went to my bunk and pulled out my laptop and ear buds. I went back to the front of the bus and sat next to Taylor. I opened up my laptop and logged onto Skype. Soon Alyssa's face popped up on my screen. I put my earbuds in smiling at her.
"Hey!" I said so excited to see her. "Hey babe! I miss you so much!!!!" She wined. I could tell she was on her bed. "I miss you too! I'll be home soon though!" I said trying to keep the mood up.
"I can't wait to see you hanging out with Ellen, Lilly, and Chris isn't the same without you." She said. "Who the fuck is Lyla talking to she's the only one talking!" Josh said getting some water.
"I'm talking to my friend leave me alone Josh!" I laughed. "Friend? You still haven't told them?" Alyssa said. I shook my head. The bus turned and Ian fell to the floor.
"What was that?!" Alyssa laughed. "Ian fell. Anyway how's everyone?" I laughed. "Are you okay Ian?!" Taylor laughed. "I'm fine." He said.
"Give me a bus tour!" Alyssa demanded. "Okay well here's Ian on the floor." I said turning my laptop so she could see. Ian waved. "There's Josh trying to not die of dehydration, and my aunt mmmm I don't know probably thinking about the meaning of life, and Dad probably working on something the other guys don't want to do." I said everyone laughed.
I got up and showed her the bunks, toilet, and shower. "And here's Matt and my uncle playing god knows what. That's the bed Taylor sleeps in. Sometimes I'll sleep with her, but most of the time it's Josh. And that's the whole bus." I said sitting down next to Mike.
"That's really small for seven people." Alyssa laughed. "Yeah trust me when we get to the hotel I'm gonna want to stay away from all of them. The only place I can do that on the bus is my bunk." I laughed.
"But you love me!!!" Mike wined. "Of course, but not when we're on the bus." I laughed. "Your family is so cool." Alyssa said. "Try living this close to them for three months." I laughed.
"Well I gotta go to work thanks for talking with me." Alyssa said. "Bye love you!" I said as I clicked off. "Who do you love?" Dad asked. "Ouu that would be a good song title!" Josh said. (A/N: appreciate my late night writing comedy)
"When will we get to the hotel?" I asked putting my laptop away. "Like three hours." Taylor said looking at her phone. "Hello?" She said holding the phone to her ear. "Umm okay. Mike, Matt get over here." She said taking the phone away from her ear, and putting it on speaker.
   "What's up?" Mike asked. "Emma has something she wants to tell us. Ok Emma we can all hear you." Taylor said. Josh sat next to her making room for Matt.
    "Okay... omg ahhh okay IM GETTING MARRIED!!!" Emma said on the other line. "OH MY GOD WHO PROPOSED?! WHEN?! HOW?! YOU HAVE TO TELL ME EVERYTHING!!!!" Taylor gushed.
    "Hayley proposed... and there's something else. Blake, Mike you've been like brothers to me... and it would mean the world to me if you guys gave me away.... and also joined the wedding party." Dad and Mike looked shocked.
    "We'd be happy to Em." Blake said. "And Tay... you know you're my best friend... so it only seems right if you would be my maid of honor..... and Lyla would you be one of my bridesmaids?" Emma said.
    "Omg yes duh is that even something you have to ask?!" Taylor said with so much excitement in her voice. "Of course I will auntie Em." I said.
    "Ahh there's so much work to be done! I wanna get married before the guys go on tour again!" Emma said. "Omg what do you need help with I have so much free time right now say the word and we'll get it done." Taylor said.
    "Well you know me better than anyone... so if you want to start looking at dresses that would be great. Hayley and I are taking today to think about food and venue and stuff." Emma said. "Yeah for sure Lyla and I have three hours to kill now." Taylor said. "Thank you I love you guys so much! Have fun on the rest of tour! I can't wait to see you guys!" Emma said.
    We said bye to Emma, and Taylor and I got right to working. "Emma loves like a blush pink... so I'm thinking flowy floor length dresses that are blush pink." Taylor said looking at her laptop. I nodded.
   Taylor sat leaning against Josh for the rest of the three hours. Josh looked at the dresses Taylor was looking at, and gave input. "Tay.... I just had an idea. Emma and Hayley are all about expressing yourself, so what if we had pink floor length dresses but we got to pick the style. So each dress is different." I said.
   "Ouuu yes let me text Emma to confirm." She said pulling out her phone. "It's a go!" Taylor said smiling. Perfect I have just the dress. "Ouuu I like that one." Josh said pointing at a dress on her screen. "Yeah?" Taylor asked looking up at him. "Yeah get some shoulder action." Josh said wiggling his shoulders. Taylor laughed. "Okay I'll keep this one in mind." She said.

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