Ever After

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Taylor's prospective

    "And you are done!" Hayley said as she finished lightly curling my hair. "Damn Tay you look good! If Josh doesn't rip off your clothes tonight then I will!" Emma joked.
    "Emma I told you we're taking it slow." I laughed. "She's right you looked beautiful." Hayley said. "Thank you." I smiled.
   "Im gonna go change quickly and then we can go." Hayley said leaving us. "I can't wait for Josh to see you." Emma said. I laughed. "Please I'm not all that look at you! You might be enough to turn me at least bi!" I laughed.
    Emma is grate when you need a laugh. She's been hurt a lot in her life, but she always manages to look on the bright side of things. Hayley was dressed and we were on our way to the studio.

Emma says you look hot can't wait to see you!- josh

Well maybe I'll keep you waiting;) -Tay

Come on you can't do that to me! - Josh

Watch me! - Tay

    I put my phone in my purse, and turned to the window. When we pulled up Josh was waiting outside for me. He smiled opening my door.
   "Well look at you." Josh said as I got out. "Look at me?! Look at you!" I said kissing him. "You look fucking hot." He whispered in my ear. I smiled taking his hand.
   "Josh, this is my girlfriend Hayley." Emma said. "Hey it's nice to meet you. Well shall we get inside?" Josh said leading the way.
   "There's an old friend of ours here." Josh whispered in my ear. Before I could ask who I heard someone calling my name. I turned to see Luke standing there.
    "Oh my god..." I said standing in shock. Luke walked over giving me a big hug. "It's good to see you kid!" He said. "Now this isn't the wedding, but I think this is a bit better." Josh said giving him a hug.
    "You two look great! Everywhere I look I see the two of you, and I couldn't be more proud. Taylor with you focusing on health and modeling, and Josh with his music. I'm so proud of you two." He said looking at the two of us.
    "Thank you... I mean it when I say this but with Josh gone I wouldn't have made it out of there with out you." I said. Luke smiled. "Yes you would... you're a lot stronger than you think." Luke poked my nose.
    "So you guys together yet?" Luke asked. "Mmmm kinda we dated for a year and then some memory loss separated us for five years, and here we are now." Josh laughed.

Josh's prospective

Luke might have gotten Taylor a little drunk by the end of the night. "Josh... you know you're the hottest guy in the band." Taylor slurred as she clung to me. "Yeah so I've been told." I winked.
   "How could I forget a face like you." She said pinching my cheeks. "I don't know." I laughed helping her into my car. She sat down and gave me a kinda sloppy kiss.
    "You're amazing." She whispered. I laughed Buckling her seatbelt, and gently closing her door. "Take care of our princess!" Mike and Blake calling waving to me. I waved back.
    "Alright ready?" I asked getting in the car buckling up. Taylor nodded her head slowly. Her head was turned towards me. Her eyes slowly closed as we drove drifting her away to a dream land.

Taylor's prospective

      I woke up with the feeling of warmth around me. I turned my head to the left and saw Josh's sleeping face. So peaceful... I watched his chest slowly move up and down with every breath.
    His eyelids slowly raised revealing his sparkling blue eyes. A smile grew on his face. "Good morning sunshine." He whispered. I felt safe with him. Like nothing bad can happen to me when we're together.

--------- six months later

     Josh and I have been taking things slow, but I think I'm finally ready. The cold winter morning hits my face as I walk out. Blake wanted to talk to me about something. We're meeting at tims.
I opened the door looking around for Blake. Instantly I spotted him. I walked over and sat down across from him. "Hey hey!" I said.
"Hey Tay." He smiled. "So what did you need to talk to me about?" I asked taking off my light pink coat. "Umm Taylor... do you remember Kristen?" He asked holding his coffee close.
"The girl that's in the Orchestra? From like a million years ago?" I asked. He nodded his head. "Umm well... I just got news from her. Well her mom. Back in the day when we were together Kristen got pregnant, and didn't tell me." Blake said. My eyes widened oh my god if he's about to say that he's a dad.
"Her mom tracked me down to tell me that Kristen died... and left a fourteen year old daughter behind." He said in a weak voice. I held his hand. "Her name is Lyla, and she's my daughter." He said. We sat in silence for a minute.
"You see... Kristen's mom wants her to live with me. She has a lot of health problems and can't keep up with her like she used to." Blake said. "When are you meeting her?" I asked.
"Right now..." he said nodding towards the door. A fourteen year old girl walked in with her grandma. The girl had dark brown hair like Kristen, and green eyes just like Blake. She had on a brown coat and gray scarf. She was wearing black converse.
Blake stood up. "Hi Blake it's good to see you." The grandma said. "Hi Ms.Vega." Blake said. "This is Lyla... Lyla this is your dad." She said with a smile. The little girl looked past Blake and right at me. Yikes.
I stood up and joined Blake by his side. "Um Ms. Vega I don't know if you remember her... she's kind of an adult now, but my sister Taylor." Blake said looking at me.
"Oh my gosh look at you all grown up!" She said. I smiled. "Hi it's nice to see you and it's nice to meet you Lyla." I said with a small wave.
We chatted with Ms. Vega and Lyla for an hour getting to know her. "Well I have to get home... Lyla if you'd like to stay with your dad and Aunt longer you may." Ms. Vega said standing up. "Is that okay?" Lyla asked Blake. He nodded his head.
"Do you mind bring her back later?"Ms. Vega asked. "That's not a problem!" Blake said. He was slowly getting used to the idea of being a dad.
"Bye grandma!" Lyla said as we parted ways with her. "So Lyla what kind of music do you like?" I asked. "Well my favorite band at the moment is Marianas Trench." She said shoving her hands in her pocket.
I looked at Blake and smiled. "Cool." I said. "You're a model aren't you?" She asked me. "I am. How'd you know?" I asked. "I googled my dad and you came up." She said. Blake and I laughed.
My phone started to buzz. "Hello?" I said answering my phone. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN BLAKE HAS A KID?!" Emma said on the other line. "Yeah that's a thing. She's pretty chill tho we're with her right now if you wanna meet her." I laughed. "I'm on my way to Blake's. See you." Emma said hanging up the phone.
"Emma's on her way to your place." I said to Blake. "Grate. Well Lyla I'm sorry but you're about to be exposed to a crazy lesbian." Blake joked. "Cool." Lyla said continuing to walk. Not gonna lie this kid is chill.

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