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Lyla's prospective last day of school

"Lyla hurry up you're gonna be late for school." Dad said. I put on some ripped jeans and a white t-shirt. I quickly pulled my hair up in a lose bun.
"Josh is taking you to school today I have a meeting with a new artist, and Taylor has a photo shoot." Dad said throwing me an apple. "Cool." I said biting into it. "Are you finished packing yet?" Dad asked walking into the bathroom to brush his teeth.
"Nah imma pack tonight." I said checking my phone. "Hey is it cool if I bring a friend to the show?" I asked. "YOU HAVE A FRIEND?!" Dad joked.
"Just because I hate like everyone at school doesn't mean I don't have friends.... I have four." I said. Well actually just two... the other is my girlfriend and the other was her boyfriend, but they don't need to know.
"I mean yeah of course you can bring someone." Dad said. "I gotta go imma be late Josh should be here soon." Dad said kissing my forehead before leaving. I got a text not long after dad left.

Im down stairs- Josh

Omw- Lyla

I went down stairs to Josh's car. "What the fuck does 'omw' mean?" He asked when I opened the door. "On my way." I laughed getting in.
"You kids and your crazy slang." Josh joked driving away. I swear sometimes Josh acts so old even though he's only 12 years older than me.
"Are you excited for the show?" Josh asked. "Yeah I think I'm gonna bring a friend.... don't ask if I have friends because yes I do." I said. Josh laughed.
"Well good luck in hell!" Josh said pulling up to my school. "Thanks see you later." I said getting out. "Oh I'm picking you up too!" Josh said. I nodded and waved.
"Lyla looking like a damn snack!" Ellen my actual friend said as I got out of the car. "Ellen!" I said running to her. "So what are you and Alyssa gonna do over the summer?" Ellen asked putting her arm around me as we walked into school.
"Well I'm going on tour with my dad and uncles band, so I'll be gone for most of it. BUT I'm gonna take her to the show tomorrow." I said. "Ouuuu are you gonna introduce her as your girlfriend?" Ellen asked. "I met my dad like 6 months ago I don't think so. The reason why my grandma gave up on me is because I came out." I said walking into first period. "But isn't one of your aunts lesbian? So your dad would be cool with it." Ellen said taking her seat next to me.
"I'm not gonna take my chances. Finally something is going right in my life and I don't wanna fuck it up." I said. "Bitch alert." Ellen said nodding towards the door.
Grace the girl who's hated me since I got to this school walked in. I rolled my eyes. "I was kinda hoping that she wouldn't be here." I said turning back to Ellen.

Josh's prospective after school

I have nothing todo so I went to the school early. Once I saw students leaving I got out of my car and leaned against it so Lyla could see me. I saw Lyla walking out with three other girls and a guy. One girl was holding his hand; her red hair was beaded. Damn her and her friends look like Neapolitan ice cream.So she did have friends. A blonde hair girl came up behind Lyla pushing her to the ground.
"Slut." She said walking away. One of the girls helped her up. Her brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail. She... whoa she kissed Lyla! Was not expecting that. I got back in my car and texted Lyla.

In the parking lot- Josh

Okay be right there- Lyla

Ok Josh it's cool it was probably a friend kiss. I looked back over and Lyla was practically making out with this girl. Okay definitely not a friend kiss. I noticed Lyla walking over and quickly pulled out my phone going on Twitter.
"Hey!" She said getting in throwing her backpack in the backseat. "How was hell?" I asked pretending I didn't see anything. "Meh it was hell." She said. I put my phone down and started to drive.
Do I just pretend I didn't see that or do I ask her about it?! Lyla sighed looking at her phone. She put it back in her pocket. "You good?" I asked. "Yeah it's just the same old bit- girl who hates me." Lyla stopped herself from swearing. I laughed.
"What's up now?" I asked stopping at a red light. "Oh you know the usual... that I'm a slut and have slept with half the school. I HAVENT BY THE WAY!" Lyla said. Damn kids never change do they.
"Damn kids never change they were saying that shit when I was in high school." I said. "Yeah well she's a bit-"Lyla started. "A what?" I said raising an eyebrow. "BITCH!" She yelled. I laughed. Yep we broke her.
"That felt good." She laughed. "Do you wanna come with me to get Taylor?" I asked. "Sure!" She said looking back at her phone smiling.

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