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Josh's prospective

I let the water run down my back. The warmth was calming. There was a knock on the bathroom. "YEAH!" I shouted over the water. "I'm leaving for Emma's now." Taylor said her voice muffled. "Okay have fun!" I called back turning off the water.
I grabbed my towel shaking out the water from my hair before wrapping the towel around my waist. I opened the bathroom door just as Taylor was walking by.
"Have fun! Text me when you guys are ready, and I'll come over." I said kissing her. "Nope! You're gonna have to wait until the party." Taylor said with a smirk. "That's not fair!!" I whined. "Aww muffin." She laughed kissing me.
"I'll see you later!" She said walking away. Taylor and I had a long talk last night on where we are in our relationship. We both decided it was best if we take things slow. I completely understand why I mean it's been a day of her actually remembering who I am to her. Although my feelings have only grown stronger I respect that she wants to take it slow.
Everything must have been very overwhelming for her. I mean I can still remember like it was yesterday the first time I saw her. She took my breath away... dare I say it was love at first sight.

Throw back to when they first met:

Group therapy... what can I say other than it sucks. "Today we have a new face joining us. This is Taylor... she'll be joining our group from now on." The lady leading the group said as a girl about my age walked in the room. I glanced up at her then back down at my feet.
Wait she's kinda cute. I looked back up at her. She wore a baggy navy blue hoodie. Her dirty blonde hair was in a lose bun. She looked like she had been crying, and didn't sleep.
"Taylor would you like to start? How about you share what got you here?" The lady said. "Umm- well I'm a bulimic." Taylor said crossing her arms sinking farther into her seat.
"We have a lot of people in this group that have struggled with that. I want to remind you all that this is a safe place to talk about what you're going through." The lady said. Taylor sat staring at her feet.
Even though she kinda looks like a mess right now... she's really pretty. It's been a hot minute since I've seen a hot girl.
"Let's go around and introduce ourselves. Josh you start." I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard my name. "Uh I'm Josh..." I said. "What's going on with you Josh?" What the fuck kind of question is that?! "Ummm I'm in this hell hole because I'm bulimic, and addicted to heroine. Is that what you want me to fucking say?" I said glaring at the lady.
"Okay, Josh I understand you're a little upset why don't we move on." She said. "It's about fucking time." I mumbled. I looked up and notice Taylor was looking at me. Our eyes met and she quickly looked down.


The lyrics flowed through me and on the paper. All I want to be right now is far away from here. A muffled crying ways coming from the other side of the wall. I closed my note book and got up to see who was crying.
On the floor was Taylor. She was holding herself rocking slightly back and forth. "A-are you okay?" I asked. She shook her head no. "D-do you want me to get someone?" I asked stepping closer to her. Again she shook her head no.
I sat down next to her. "Scared you're gonna get fat?" I asked. She looked up at me, and nodded her head slowly. "Don't worry... we all are. For some of us it's our third time being here... others first." I said patting her knee.
"How many times have you been here?" She asked in a weak voice. "Do you really want to know?" I asked. She nodded. "Then you're gonna have to get fat." I said standing up walking out the door.
"Wait!" She called after me, but I continued to walk. "JOSH!" She called following me. She remembered my name. I stopped in my tracks. "Aren't you scared?" She said. I turned to face her.
"There are other things more important than worrying about getting fat. It's taken me a while to realize it, but now that I have I just want to get the fuck out of here." I said turning back to walk away. "Like what?" She asked.
"Eat and maybe you'll find out." I said walking back to my room. "W-wait!" She said grabbing my hand. I looked down at our hands then back at her.
"Um" was all she said. I raised an eyebrow at her."I want to talk to you more." She said. I smirked putting my arm around her. "Come on kid." I said leading her back to the lounge.
"How old are you?" I asked. "S-seventeen." She said holding her arms close to her. "And you're from Vancouver? I'm guessing." I said. She nodded her head.
I sighed. "I'm Josh I'm 17 as well and I'm from Vancouver as well." I said sitting down on the couch. She looked at me as if she was trying to peace together a puzzle. "So let me guess bullying?" I said breaking the silence. "Kinda... I'm a model... well if you could call me that." She said.
That's why she's so freaking beautiful she's a model. "So what lead you to this place?" I asked. "My brother found me unconscious..." she said looking down at her hands. "How old is your brother?" I asked wanting to know more about her.
"He just turned 25..." she said. "Are you close?" I asked. She nodded her head. "What about you?" She asked. I shook my head. "If you wanna learn more about me you gotta eat." I said pulling out my note book pretending to write.
"Guys it's lunch time." One of the nurses said. I nodded and stood up. She stared at me in awe. "Well? Do you wanna know?" I asked. She nodded her head. "I guess we'll see how badly you want to know." I winked at her. Walking to the cafeteria.
"Hey Josh! I hear you might get to go home for a weekend." One of the nurses (Luke)said handing me a plate of food. "I kinda have a goal that I'm working for other than going home." I said winking nodding my head towards Taylor who just walked in.
"Aww man you better be careful... she just got out of extreme." He whispered. "Don't worry I have a plan." I said leaving to find a seat.
A plate was set across from me. I looked up to see Taylor. She sat down and picked up her fork. I watched her with raised eyebrows. I put a fork full of food in my mouth.
"One bite... one question answered." I said. She looked at the food, and put a pea in her mouth.
"You can do better than that." I said putting another fork full in my mouth. She pressed her lips together. I noticed Luke staring at us. She sighed and put a fork full of peas in her mouth.
"Chew and swallow." I said. She chewed the peas slowly. "Now swallow." I said raising an eyebrow to see if she would. She held the food in her mouth for a minute thinking then swallowed.
"How many times have you been in here?" She asked. "This is my first..." I admit. "Hopefully my last." I added taking in another fork full. You could see she was struggling to decide if she was going to eat again.
Suddenly she put more peas in her mouth quickly chewing and swallowing. "What is there to worry about other than being fat?" She asked quickly. "Well for me the most important thing in my life above heroine, and being skinny... is music. I love music more than anything, and I just want to get back to it." I added.


"You're such a loser!" Taylor laughed. "Yeah but I'm an awesome loser." I said chuckling. Taylor has put some meat on her bones. It's been a month since I've met her, and I think she's finally found something that she wants to get back to.
"Josh... it's time to say goodbye." Luke said. My smile faded. I tore out a peace of paper and wrote down my address. I folded up the paper. "Hurry up and get better. Get out of this hell hole and go here." I said handing her the paper.
Tears filled her eyes. She wrapped her arms around me giving me a hug. Taylor has become my best friend in this hell hole. She brought the sun back, and helped me recover. This girl is some one I definitely don't want to lose.
"Two months.... at most. I'm going to get better, and I'll write to you my progress." She said between sobs. "Take care Porcelain." I said kissing her forehead. "Josh let's go." Luke said.
"You better freaking write me back or when I get out of here I will find you, and fight you!" Taylor called out as I began to walk away. I smiled and blew her a kiss. She laughed pretending to catch it. Her smile lights up my day, but sadly this would be the last time I saw it for a while.


"Hey guys I want you to meet my best friend Blake. Be nice to him he's missing his sister." Mike said. "That's Matt, Ian, and Josh." He said pointing to each of us.
"Why are you missing your sister?" I asked. "She uh had to go away for a little bit..." Blake said in a weak voice. "What's her name?" Matt asked.
"T-Taylor." Blake saidv. Wait. Blake with a sister named Taylor. "Are you by any chance 25, and is your sister 17 and in rehab because she's bulimic?" I asked.
"Josh you can't ju-" Matt started but was cut off by Blake. "Yeah she is... do you know her?" He asked. "I spent this past month with her in rehab... she misses you too." I said.


Finally! Taylor is getting out of rehab today! Blake and Mike are going to go pick her up. "Hey Josh do you wanna surprise her and come with?" Blake asked.
"Fuck yeah!" I said. "Come on let's go then." Blake said heading out to his car. I got in the back seat of his car. "So Josh... you excited to meet our princess?" Mike said turning in his seat. "I'm really excited to see her progress. It's not easy." I said staring out the window.
   Our drive was quite. Finally I never thought I'd be happy to be back in this hell hole. We got out of the car, and I practically ran to the door. "Calm your tits Josh!" Mike called out to me. "I can't she's getting out!!!" I said opening the door.
    "Well look what the cat dragged back in." Luke said when I walked in. "How's it goin man?" He asked giving me a hug. "Good I'm clean I'm eating, and Tay is getting out today!" I said. "Shhhh you're a surprise." Blake said walking up to the front desk.
   "Hey... let's make this surprise extra magical. Josh come." Luke said walking to the back. "Taylor baby your brother is here to break you out!" Luke said knocking on her door. "I'm almost done packing tell him to wait a minute." She said her back was turned to us.
   I was proud... she actually did look a whole lot healthier. I went up behind her. "I'm sorry miss I've seem to have forgotten where I left my porcelain doll." I whispered in her ear. She froze.
   "Joshua!" She said turning around and hugging me. "Hey porcelain long time no see." I said hugging her back. When I pulled away Tay had tears in her eyes.
   "What's wrong?" I asked cupping her face. "I never thought I'd see you again and here you are!" She said letting the tears flow. "Let's get out of here." I whispered. She nodded her head closing her suitcase. I grabbed her bag and we were on our way.
   "Hey I better be invited to the wedding!" Luke called just before we left. "You will! And thank you Luke!" Tay called leaving. We walked out of that hell hole and ran to the car.
    "Alright kids let's get our princess home!" Blake said pulling out of the parking lot. Taylor held my hand the whole way. Mike would occasionally look back at me and give me the death glare. Everything was finally right with the world, and if it's possible Taylor got even more beautiful.

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