All to myself

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Taylor's prospective

    We're flying home today. Thank god this tour is over, but sadly Josh will be leaving on yet another tour soon. We had and early fight so no one was really talking.
    "Emma's picking us up right?" Blake asked. "Yeah and I think Kim is gonna take Mike, Matt, and Ian." I said scrolling through my phone. We boarded the plane, and I immediately fell asleep.
    Once we landed we grabbed our bags, and got into the car. "Hey Em!" I said getting in. "Hey so um I have a dress fitting like now so do you guys wanna come along?" She asked. "What choice do we have?" Blake laughed.
     We got to the dress place Emma tried it on. The dress was a beautiful ball room dress. Emma has never looked more happy and beautiful. "Auntie Em you look so beautiful!" Lyla said.
After the dress fitting for Emma she dropped Josh and I off. "I'm so fucking tired." Josh said leaving his bag in the living room. "Same." I said following him into the bed room. I took off my jeans and crawled into bed.
Josh did the same, and crawled into bed next to me. "I love you." He said staring at the ceiling. "I love you too." I said as he put his arm around me. I settled into him resting my head on his chest. Josh ran his hand through my hair.
It was soothing when he pays with my hair. He's not half bad at doing hair either. That doesn't mean he's great at it, but he can at least braid hair. Him having all sisters has made him a little feminine, but that's what I love about him.
I felt my eyes grow heavy. Josh slowly stopped running his fingers in my hair as he fell asleep. I soon joined him in a dream land.


When I woke up it was completely dark. Josh's chest slowly moved up and down with every breath. Being back in our own bed felt amazing. Josh turned his head so he was looking at me. A smile grew on his face.
"There's nothing I love more than waking up to you being right next to me." He said kissing my forehead. "Is it possible that after sleeping all day I still want to sleep?" I asked. Josh laughed. "Yeah it happens." He said sitting up.
"Hungry?" He asked pulling out his phone. "Yeah for a home cooked meal." I laughed getting out of bed. I went in the kitchen to see what we have. I opened the fridge and saw that Emma left something for us. On the food was a note.

Tay and Josh,
I came over to drop this off, but you guys were sleeping. So here's your first home cooked meal.
- Emma.

I smiled and heated up the food. I grabbed two forks and brought the plates back to the bedroom. "What's this?" Josh said when I walked in. "Emma cooked for us while we were asleep." I said handing him a fork and plate.
We ate our food in silence. It was nice to be with each other, but not have to say anything. We could just stare off or be in our thoughts, and be completely comfortable with it.
"Emma's wedding is coming up fast." Josh said breaking the silence. "Yeah it's crazy... and then you guys go to the states." I said taking his empty plate. "Yeah..." He said deep in thought.


"Taylor you got a package!" Josh said from the living room. "Okay!" I said getting out of the shower. I quickly dried off, and put on some clothes.
"It might be my dress for the wedding." I said taking the package. I went to the kitchen to get a knife to open it. "Yep." I said pulling out the dress.
"Do you wanna see what it looks like on me?" I asked. "Duh!" Josh said sitting down on the couch. "Ok I'll be right back." I said going to our room. I came back out wearing the dress that fit perfectly
"You look fucking hot..." Josh said when I came out. "Yeah?" I said looking down at the dresses. "Of course you always do." Josh said putting his hands on my hips.
"For as long as I've known you you've looked fucking hot." He said kissing me. "Awwww you're too sweet." I laughed.


Josh and I might of had a few drinks. He's had a few more than me though. "Kiss me darling." He said laying across my lap. "You're too flirty when you're drunk." I laughed.
"I can't help it if you're the sexiest lady here." Josh said winking. "Josh we're at home... I'm the only lady here." I laughed. "I really do love you Darling." Josh said playing with some of my hair.
"I love you too, but you're a bit drunk." I laughed. Josh sat up and looked me in the eyes. Our faces slowly inched closer. Eventually our lips crashed together in a passionate kiss. Josh rest one hand on my thigh, and the other on my waist. He sat back and pulled me on his lap.
"You're so drunk." I laughed pulling away. "You're just so fucking hot." Josh said tapping the small of my back. "Well I am going to sleep." I said getting up.
"Darling... take me with you!" He said holding out a hand. I took his hand, and pulled him off the couch. Once in the bedroom Josh pulled me to the bed.

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