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A/N: Whoa, whoa, whoa, more drama in this chapter, can I get a fuck yeah? No? Okay. So, on the 4th of June, I probably won't update that much, maybe once. I'm going to be in Nashville, TN for CMA Fest, so I'll probably upload once or twice that week, but until then, I'll update as much as I can. Enjoy this chapter.


The tears never stopped. I didn't eat dinner. I didn't go to school the next day.

I couldn't, I wouldn't.

Ashton, Michael, and Calum were calling and texting me all day. Eventually, mum came up to the room and whispered, "Luke, honey, Ashton's here to speak to you." I start tearing up again, before replying in a cracked voice, "Send him in."

After a few minutes, the foot of the bed shrinks. I look down at Ashton. I smiled at his appearance. His wavy hair fell in his face; he was wearing a bright blue jumpsuit and black Vans. After the door was closed, I sat up. His was looking at his timer, eyes glossed over with tears. "I feel so bad, Luke." He looks at me, wiping his eyes with the heel of his hand.

"Why?" I asked nonchalantly. He shakes his head, standing up, I watch him slowly walk to the corner of the room, studying the albums on the wall; he looked just like he did that first day. I'm staring at him again.

He looks through my albums again, talking about how much he loves Paramore. "I already know this, Ashton." He looks at me with a confused expression. "What do you mean?" I send him the same look back. "We just met." He states. "What?" He looks in the corner of my room. "You play guitar?" I nod slowly, looking at him as he walks towards the guitar on its stand. "Can you play for me?"

"What the hell, Ash?" He looks at me, ignoring my comment completely. "Can you?" I nod. "Yeah, okay." He smiles picking it up, giving it to me. He pulls up a chair and sits on it, staring at me with a happy glint in his eyes.

I played for what must have been an hour. We talked for another two, he kept asking me questions, and I asked some back until we got into a conversation. "My timer goes off tomorrow." He says shyly. I close my eyes at the comment, nodding. "Cool." He sighs before I open my eyes. "I should get going; it was nice seeing you, Luke. Maybe I'll see you at school tomorrow." He rubs my knee before leaving my room.


Everyone had heard about my timer breaking.

Sympathetic looks came from left and right. People got quiet as I walked by. I hated all of the attention, it made me uncomfortable. I would snicker or scoff at a view people. I decided not to eat lunch in the lunchroom, so I ate in the bathroom stall. I had a small sandwich with a bag of crisps. I took two bites of the sandwich; I then stopped eating.

I walked into the cafeteria, receiving a few glances. I let my head face the ground as I walked to Michael. He was sitting alone. "Where's Ashton?" He shrugged, so I shrugged it off. He might've gone home early to get ready for his meeting time. Michael made me talk about how I felt about everything, making sure I was okay. I don't know when we started to like him, but apparently we do now. He asked me what I did yesterday, what happened, just random things that made me really uncomfortable.

Eventually, Calum joined us. This time, thankfully, he didn't bring up Carsyn. We had a conversation just like we did before Ashton came along. We just talked about Tumblr posts and YouTube videos. I could tell they were trying to get my mind off everything.


After math, which Ashton wasn't in either, the school cleared out quickly, judging it was a Friday. I was walking through the empty hallways before I heard a familiar accent.

"Can't you just fucking stop?" I've never have really listened to his voice, just the words they form. His voice was high, but low enough to be a boy's. Shortly after that, voices commented back, "Make us, fatass." I froze, hearing their footsteps come nearer, I ran into the bathroom, cracking the door, so I can see what's happening. Ashton's small body fell on the floor in-front of me, he tries to stand but a boy, I recognized him as Carter Andrews, stopped him with his foot. I flinched when he hit the floor. Carter grips his shirt before slamming him back on the ground. "Ah, Carter," a voice says simply, "Why are you being so easy on this emo fag?"

I close the door all the way, calling Michael on my phone.


"Hi, Michael," I whisper, careful so they can't hear me, "Can you get back to the school?"

"Why? You alright, mate?"

"Ashton's getting hurt, please, Michael."

"I'll be there in a few minutes; I'm just outside, where are you?"

"Outside the cafeteria."

We hung up after that, and I look again, panic surges through me, Ashton lies on the ground, failing at self-defense. I couldn't help it, I suddenly blurted out, "Stop it!" I walk out of the bathroom slowly. "Fuck off, Hemmings."

"I wouldn't be saying that." Michael smiles from the end of the hallway. I help Ashton up after pushing the boys off him. "Are you alright?" He nods, staring at Michael. "Oh, hey, Michael," Carter nervously smiles. Michael pushes past him, gripping Ashton's arm, making him flinch, and pulling him with him; I follow close behind.


I take them both back to my home, leading them into my room. I sat Ashton on my bed, wiping his bleeding eyebrow with my thumb. Ashton looks up at me, his face blank of expression, with tears glossed over his eyes. "What's wrong?"

"L-Luke, my timer..." I slowly look down at his timer on his wrists. It was cracked, pieces missing. The time was no longer running. I look back at Ashton who now had tears running down his face. "Oh my god..." Michael whispered, staring at the broken plastic.

I wipe Ashton's tears away. "It's okay, Ash." I whisper. Michael sits next to Ashton on the bed, rubbing his back. Ashton pulls himself away from both of us, standing up. "I'm hungry." I look at him, shocked. Michael nods. "Then let's get you something to eat." Ashton gave me a look, so I gave him a knowing one. "Wait," Michael stares at my clock on my bedside table. "Fuck, it's already six! I have to get home."

Once we make it down the stairs, Michael hugs both of us before leaving. Ashton and I walk into the kitchen. I start going through the cabinets, "What kind of food do you like?" I look at him; he's staring at me nervously. "I don't know..."

I nod, "You don't have to do this for me..." He nods back. "Yes, I do." I sigh, shaking my head. "No, you really don't. I don't control you." He stares at me before walking to me. "I'll take some cereal." I'm smiling so wide it hurts. "What kind?" He grabs the Krave and walks to the fridge. "I'm proud of you, Ashton."


He went home after he ate, so I went up to my room and played my guitar alone, humming along gently. I played Ashton's favorite song, If It Means A Lot by A Day to Remember, Calum's favorite song, You & I by One Direction, Michael's favorite song, Free Now by Sleeping with Sirens, and just a few random ones.

I stopped after a while, getting bored with it without any of the boys here. I look at my timer, sighing.


I run my finger over the piece of plastic. My eyes sting from tears. "You sounded good." I jump from the sudden voice, turning around. "Holy fuck, Ben! You scared the shit out of me!" He chuckles. "You sounded good, on your guitar. I didn't know you still played."

I shrug, "I didn't." He nods, "I heard about your timer... Calum told me."

"I think everyone knows about that." I sigh, scratching at my wrist again. He walks to me, grabbing my hand before kissing my forehead. I let the tears fall before falling into him. He holds me, letting me cry. We stand like that for a while; him trying to calm me down as I cry. I stopped after a while, he went to bed and I got in my own.

I fell asleep thinking about Ashton. I kept wondering if the food he ate stayed down, or if he told his dad about his timer.

I hope he did.

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