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A/N: So, I wrote half of this on my computer and the other half on my phone so um??? Also, I'm sorry updates are slow. I'm v v busy. And I have a Malum story out.. OH. And I know it confusing but I changed Ashton's birthday in here so it was after Luke's.. So yeah. Enjoy ig.


After that, we went back to the room. Ashton kept talking about how excited he was to talk to Michael and Calum. Once we got back, Ashton started going through my back-pack before pulling out my laptop. Once they had answered, they instantly started screaming about 'Lashton' making Ashton giggle.

We talked a bit about what we've done and how to date went, until Michael said he'd let us 'have our fun' and then we hung up after saying our goodbyes. Shortly after, Ashton went to go get a shower, so I climbed into the bed. After about 5 minutes of him being in there, I knock on the door before playfully asking, "Hey, babe? Can I join?"

I hear his laugh (that beautiful laugh); I hear him playfully reply. "Sure! Get in!" followed by another laugh. I chuckle, walking over to my suitcase to get my pajamas. I'm joined in bed by Ashton after we're both in our clothes. He cuddles into my side before intertwining his hand in mine, mumbling, "Goodnight, Lukey."


In the morning, I slowly open my eyes, smiling when I feel Ashton next to me. I roll over so I'm hovering over him before kissing his forehead to wake him up. "Happy birthday, baby." He smiles, closing his eyes. "You mean happy concert day?" I laugh, crawling off him, running into the bathroom to get ready.

Once Ashton and I are both dressed, he goes to his dad's room to see if he's ready to head down to his birthday lunch. Once he's out of the room, I send a text to Calum:

What exactly can me and Ashton do before the concert?

He replies back twice:

Have sex.

sorry michael took my phone

I laugh at that before Ashton walks in, motioning me to come with him. I follow him to the lifts where his dad is waiting. Once we're in the lobby, Ashton takes my hand in his.

Lunch went by slow, with Ashton telling his dad about how last night went and about the concert tonight. After lunch, Ashton pulled me and his dad back to Oxford Street to the Urban Outfitters. Ashton got the shirts he was looking at and gave them to his dad. "Here you go." His dad laughed at that, taking them.

After we were done, we carelessly walked around the city, looking in stores every now and then. Eventually, Ashton said we should go back to the hotel if we wanted to give gifts. I was planning to give him mine after the concert, but we went back anyway.

Within 10 minutes, all of us were sitting in me and Ashton's room with a few boxes surrounding us; I kept the present I got for him hidden in the closet. Ashton opened his gifts, which were a new watch, some new hoodies, and a few other things. We talked about the next week for a bit, what we could do, what we had planned.

After a bit, his dad left so we could get ready. Ashton got a shower, since I had gotten one that morning. Once he got out, he threw on his Ed Sheeran hoodie and black skinny jeans before he went back into the restroom to spend another 30 minutes on his hair.

I had changed my clothes and fixed my hair while he was in the shower, so I was Skyping Michael for a bit, talking about random subjects to keep myself entertained. After a bit, Ashton was finally ready, so Michael hung up so we could 'do the deed.'

"I hate him sometimes." Ashton rolls his eyes before cuddling next to me, probably ruining his hair that he spent so long on. I wrapped my arms around him, humming in response. We had an hour before the concert even started, so we could wait. He played Flappy Bird on my phone since he had deleted it in a rage. He had his hair messy, but in a nice way. He had one of his ankles resting on mine, and his free hand in mine.

After a while, he sits up, stretching slightly, still not letting go of my hand. "We should get going." I nod slightly before smiling.


His hand never left mine the entire walk to the arena. He got the tickets out of his pocket, handing me mine. Once we got in he look down at his ticket before looking at the yellow signs that were above our head.

We got to our seats, which weren't that far away from the stage, and sat down. It started in 10 minutes so we just talked aimlessly to the girls behind us.

Ashton had his head on my shoulder throughout the opening act since we didn't know who they were. He played with my fingers, tapping his foot along to the beat of the repetitive song.

Once their act was finally over, they bowed before running off stage, away from the squealing girls. People scurried up the aisles, probably trying to get to the restroom before the other 15,000 people did.

I slowly traced his faded scars, that were on his wrist. I felt his head move off my shoulder before his hand left mine quickly. "Sorry." I mumbled.

After a bit, the lights dimmed and squeals erupted from the audience. I couldn't help but laugh at my now 18 year old boyfriend jumping up and down. Once the first beat of the drum sounded, the screams got louder. I eventually stood up also, as Ashton freaked out about the 5 guys that were now running on the stage.

I've never seen this side of Ashton before. He was giggly and happy and seemed to never stop jumping. His curls bounced with him, hitting his forehead every time his feet hit the ground.

He made me dance during a few songs as we both screamed the lyrics. "I said hey, it's alright, if it makes you feel alive."

I sat down during Little Things, Ashton doing the same. He laid his chin on my shoulder, softly mumbling the lyrics into my ear, making my stomach flip.

I glance at him. Since it was hot in the arena, he had sweat collecting on his forehead. He was continuously running his tongue over his bottom lip. The crowd let out a few screams as Niall sang his soft solo.

"And you'll never treat yourself right, darling, but I want you to. If I let you know, I'm here for you."

I hesitate, staring at Ashton. We both stand up for the last chorus, still looking at each other. This was my only chance, why waste it? I let out a small breath, before leaning in. His soft lips touched my slightly rough ones.

Everything drowned out around me and turned into a blur. I loved this feeling. I loved the feeling of his lips against mine. I loved his hand slowly raking through my hair. I loved how shy he was. I slowly wrapped my arms around his waist.

I knew this was his first kiss, obviously. So I had to make it special. His timer broke. My timer broke. We fell in love. We fell in love naturally. Those are the things I can't stop telling myself. All the thoughts, all of the feelings, I couldn't help but mumble, "I love you, Ashton Irwin," against his lips.

And that's when it happened.

His body melted into mine, allowing his lips to move against mine. He wrapped one of his arms around my neck while his free hand rest on my cheek. I let my hands move from his waist to rest on his hips, stroking the bone that was still visible with the pads of my thumbs. My entire mind was Ashton. Ashton, Ashton, Ashton. I loved him. I was completely in love with him. I wanted to run somewhere and scream it at the top of my lungs. I wanted to tell everyone who passed by me.

I loved Ashton Irwin.

Eventually, we pulled away. He stares at me, completely dumbfounded. Everything sinks back in as a British accent screams into a microphone, "This song is from the deluxe edition of our album, and it's called Does He Know?"

Ashton slowly moved his other arm around my neck also, as he pecks at my lips a few times. I smile makes its way across my face as he glances at the stage. We pay attention to the stage for a bit, before I hear his familiar accent whisper, "You're a good kisser, Lukey."

I chuckle lightly, before biting my lip. I hear his giggle before he pulls away, wrapping one of his arms around my waist. He whispers in my ear again:

"I love you too, Luke Hemmings."

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