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Luke's P.O.V.

I sigh tightening my grey sweatpants on my waist before throwing my book bag over my shoulder. "Good job today, Luke. Excited to have you on the team." The coach smiled at me while walking out of his office. "Thank you, sir! Excited to be on the team."

I hold the heavy door open for him while we walk out of the locker room to our cars. "Why haven't you tried out for the team before?" He questions me, flipping through some papers he's holding. "Oh, I'm not really close to anyone on the team, but I'll attempt to make friends, I suppose."

"Alright, see you tomorrow." I nod, sending a wave before walking to my car. I get into the passenger's seat to see 20 missed texts from Ashton. I only scroll through 5, already knowing the topic.

What the hell?!

Why didn't you tell me?!

Luke, answer!

Carter's at the store right now ugh

Whatever I'll stop trying.

I frantically type in an apology with an explanation before starting the car. I pull out of the parking lot before simply pulling onto the freeway.

It takes 30 minutes to get to the store from the school so I'm parking while Carter's walking down the street with the rest of the team. "Hey, Luke. Wanna head to Starbucks with us? I pay." Andrew offers with a smile. I kindly decline before running into the antique store to find Carsyn watching the cash register.

"If you're looking for your boyfriend he's dusting some stuff in the aisles." She mumbles before Calum stand from his chair.

"Oh," he snorts. "Was practice fun? Are you and Carter best friends now?"

I frown at him. "Where's Ash?" I mumble. Stepping towards the aisles. Calum rolls his eyes. "He gets off work in a couple minutes, can't you wait?"

"What's the big deal about me being on the footie team?" I groan, stomping my foot like a crying toddler. I hated this. "Because you didn't tell us." He fired back.

I push past him to look down the aisles. Ashton's in the back, dusting some old statues. "Is it 4 yet?" He grumbles.

I look at my phone to look at the clock. "It's 4:01." He turns around before smiling. He walks towards me slyly before smacking my face. I flinch back.

"Hope you had fun at practice." He snorts.

"I'll quit the team." I sigh, rubbing the side of my face before continuing, "I'm sorry, Ashton. I love you."

His face softens. "No, don't quit the team. I'm so proud of you." What? "I'm upset with you because you didn't tell me." He sighs, playing with the globe that was close to his side, spinning it around.

"Can I make it up to you?" I smile slightly, letting my hand move from my face to his, "Date, on me." He makes a face as if he's thinking before a smirk grows across his face. "Pick me up at 7." He giggles, wrapping his arms around my neck. "See you then, cutie."

"And, my make-up date at 10, pizza and movies, Michael pays." Calum declares, standing in the same spot I left him in. "No school tomorrow?" I laugh. Calum scoffs. "'Corse not."



I stand at Ashton's door, tapping my foot, anxious once again over that fucking curly-headed little shit. Once 7:00 appears on my phone screen, I ring the doorbell. Mr. Irwin opened the door obviously not surprised to see me. "You look nice." He nods at me before turning around to look at hopefully Ashton. "You both do." Yeah, when does your son not look great, sir?

"Hi." He greets me, I glance at his appearance. He was wearing a light grey sweater, that wasn't oversized, which is shocking for his style. He was also wearing tight, light blue pants with messed up Sperrys.

I then think of my own appearance. My light blue button up with dark jeans with my old flip-flops. "Aw, you do look nice." Ashton smiles. I hold out my hand before he takes it. "Be back later!" He calls back to his dad.

I lead him to my old, red car that Ashton loved so much. I open the door for him before walking around to the driver's seat. "Where are we going?" He giggled, making me smile. I shake my head, pulling out of his driveway.

20 minutes later, I'm pulling up to the beach's parking lot. "Here we are." I smile, cutting off the engine. I open up the car door before running around to Ashton's side to swing open the door. "At Sunset, too. Nice," he grins.

I grab the basket I brought with food in it from the backseat before leading him onto the warm sand. We sat where the sand started cooling, where the water was barely painting my toes with foam.

The sunset was beautiful and bright. Dark blue slowly fading into orange. A ball of yellow setting on the horizon. Ashton has his legs stretched out in front of him, his head dipped back and hands holding him up behind him. The light sunlight danced across his skin lightly, causing him to almost glow.

"We don't go to the beach enough." I breathe out, my hand covering his. His laugh erupts, before he replies, "Real Australians don't go to the beach." He grins, "Too hot."

I nod over to some girls dancing around with beers in their hands, "What 'bout them?" Besides them the sand was nearly empty, I'm glad I chose this time. "They're here."

"They're probably British," he teases. His hand wraps around the Coke I had sat beside me. "Don't chew on my straw," I playfully warn him.

He scoffs, "I don't chew on straws."

"Yes you do." I laugh, as he plants a sloppy kiss to my neck before I lean away from his mouth. "I'm sweaty."
"You're salty."
"I'm gross."
"You're hot."

I laugh again, "You sure know how to sweet-talk a guy, don't you?" He grins widely, hands raking through my hair. "I'm totally a Casanova."

The night went along like that, us eating the food I packed, kissing, making jokes about each other, completely forgetting about the world.

"Ever had sex on the beach?" He teases, laying back. I grin, laying next to him. "Real Australians don't have sex on the beach." I mock, before continuing, "Too hot."

"Smart-ass," he giggles, letting himself cuddle into my side. The sun had gone done by now, so we could look at the stars. We spent 10 minutes counting them before giving up at 1,000. "What time is it?" He yawns, rolling over so he's halfway on top of me.

"9:45," I smile. "We better get back to mine so we can have our date with the lads." I state before planting a kiss on his curls. He nods, pulling himself up.

"I really enjoyed tonight, Luke." He finally says once we get to the car, he leans on the hood once I catch up with him. I stand in front of him. "Good, I'm sorry I didn't tell you." I sigh, stroking his cheek slowly. "That was a dick move, I know."

"I overreacted," he says, resting his forehead against mine. "I'm sorry, also. I'll be at every game. I'll take you out to dinner every win or lose." He promises, taking my hand. "I'll look for you in the stands."

We got home right as Michael's car was rounding the corner. I had ordered the pizza on the drive back, so we look through my movies before finding some old comedies my dad left. After 10 minutes, the doorbell rings. "I'll get it!" Ashton chirps, jumping up.

He walks over to the door, before opening it.

"Oh, Andrew and Carter; what a surprise." My eyes widen before I pause the movie. "Hey, Luke! Sorry to crash the party, but coach called me and asked me to bring you your jersey." Andrew smiles politely. "Oh," I smile back, slowly taking it from him. "Thank you, I'll see you at practice."

"Alright, bye, mate." Carter calls as they walk away. I look down at the green shirt in my hands with Hemmings printed clearly across the back.

I decided to get over it quickly, throwing it on the recliner before sitting back on the ground.

"Back to Will Ferrell." Ashton giggles, cuddling next to me.

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