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Luke's P.O.V.
Ashton and I decided to leave at the same time, which pissed me off even more. His defined dimples were showing as he bounced down the hallway. He looked so damn cute. I missed him so much.

Once we got to the lobby, I finally sighed out, "Ashton, will you give me a second chance?"
He didn't even think. "Yes," he replied, I smiled, but it didn't last long when he added, "but not now."

"What do you mean?" I ask, staring into his eyes, honestly offended.

"Calum's in a rehab centre, Luke. Let's wait this out," he nods, smiling. "I miss talking to you though," he adds with a smile before walking out the door.

I just stand there, dumbfounded. He missed me, but he ignores me and makes new friends? Makes sense. Wait! No, no it fucking doesn't.
My feet finally learn how to move again. I pull my navy blue beanie as I walk out, pushing my sleeves up my arms.

I walk to the bus stop, bouncing my knees up and down in the heat. I wish I was in London again, where I could play in the cold snow like a five year-old. I loved snow.

When the large bus finally pulled forward, I stepped on, careful not to trip. I walked near the back to an empty seat. I fixed my hair lazily, my hand brushing over my beanie. I looked down at my lap when I realised some people were staring at me.

I got off downtown. There's one place I wanted to go.

The coffee shop.


I walked in, instantly greeted by Elisa's pale skin. I didn't know why I was doing this.

"Luke!" She greets, jumping over the counter. "Me!" I reply, almost mocking her.

I sigh, trying to find what to say. "How about you get me a pumpkin spice, we can sit down and talk about things." She nodded, "Got it." Her hair was blonde now, for some strange reason she decided to dye it.

"Take a seat," she offers, walking through the door that leads behind the counter. I slowly push my feet to drag me over to a booth by the door. I didn't know why I was doing this.

Was I mad at Ashton? Myself? I have no idea, this was a punishment for both of us. He said we could get back together. Why don't I just get the coffee and leave?

Why must I be so complicated?

She walks up before sitting in front of me. "Hi," she smiles. "What do you want to talk about?" I don't know, I wanted to scream. I didn't. I didn't at all.

"Why don't we be friends?" I force a smile, "I think we could be, nice friends." I wanted to slap myself. "That sounded less creepy in my head."
She giggles at me. "You're silly, but I'd love to!" She smiles. Why was I doing this to myself?

I nodded with a smile. "Running away from you was a dick move, and I'm sorry, but me and Ashton are broken up right now, and I don't have a life without him," I tell her. She was grinning the second I said broken up, and I swear I'd punch her if she was a guy.

"I'm getting off work soon, we could hang out, go to the mall?" She tries, that grin being whipped her face. It was replaced with a sympathetic smile.

"Sure," I reply with a nod. "How long?" I take a sip of my latte. Goddamn, she's good at making drinks.

"Probably, 30 minutes." She estimates.

I nod, "I'll see you at the mall in an hour." I smile at her before standing up. "I'm gonna get home and freshen up."

"Oh, yeah," she agrees. "I probably don't wanna go in these clothes anyway," she comments, motioning towards her baggy clothes.

"Um," I start. "Do you have a phone?" I ask, knowing I'm going to regret giving her my number.

She nods, jogging to the counter to grab a pen and motions me over. I drag my feet, standing in front of her. She takes my hand before writing 7 little numbers on my hand. She wrote Elisa under them.

"Just text me when you get there," she tells me, patting my cheek playfully. I nod, walking towards the door. "Alright, bye!" I call out, pushing the door open, the little bell slightly startling me.

Here we go.


I walked home since the buses stopped running by now.

I gave my mum a peck on the cheek when I walk into the kitchen to find her washing some dishes from last night's dinner, maybe the night before's. Or the night before that.

We're not a very organised household, alright?
"I'm going to the mall with a new friend, 'right? I'll probably be back 'round 7, depending on what we do," I inform her, standing beside her to help her dry a few.

"Oh, what's their name?" She asks cheerfully, looking up at me.

"Elisa," I nod.

She sends me a look. "Honey, give Ashton some time," she tells me, patting my hand which was drying a bowl.

"I just need some friends, that aren't di- um, jerks," I smile innocently at her as she laughs. She nods before sighing.

"Have fun, I suppose," She finally adds. I nod before saying a thank you and running up the stairs.

I change into a new shirt and spray on some fresh cologne. I shouldn't be trying so hard. I put the beanie back on, backing up to get a better look before grabbing my black on and replacing it.

I jog down the stairs before giving Jack a lazy hello as he sat on the couch, watching the news. He sent me a wave followed by sup, that allowed myself to walk out the door.

I stopped before pulling out my phone to see one text from Elisa. I'm honestly surprised 20 aren't there.

Just got off work, see you in probably 30 minutes.(:

Maybe she wasn't that bad.

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