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a/n: 3 more chapters then the epilogue. this chapter is bad but it's building to what im planning, so the next chapter is gonna be kinda sad

ashton's p.o.v.

I was sat in the principal's office awkwardly. My first day back and I'm already being called to the office. I fiddle my fingers before the door opens, and a man, who was about my dad's age walked in; with black hair and grey streaks, wearing fancy clothing. He was my school's principal.

"Hello, Ashton. How have you been?" He asks, walking behind his desk to sit down. I smile at him. "Fantastic, actually! And yourself?"

"I've been well. Ashton, we're here to talk about something very serious, okay?" He says, leaning forward in his chair slightly. I nod at him, not very comfortable with replying.

"You've heard of an early graduation, correct?" He asks; I nod, replying with a yes sir. "Well, Ashton, as I'm sure you know, all the days you were out were excused and you won't have to make anything up, so you still have A's in all classes." I nod. "Well, Ashton, thanks to that, you cam graduate early!"

My eyes widen, "Wait, w-what?"

"I spoke with the head of Manchester. You're grades are phenomenal, Mr. Irwin. Also, with the college credit you took in grade 10 under your belt, the college wants you there A-S-A-P. If you graduate early next month, we can have you at the university by May!"

I was at a loss for words. Are my grades really that good? I smile at him, not even having to think about my response. "Yes! Yes, that'd be great! I'd love that!"

"Great! I'll talk to your father and add you to the graduation list. Congratulations!" He shakes my hand has I stand.

"Thank you so much for this opportunity, Mr. Golden. This means so much," I tell him as we're walking out of the room.

I wave as I leave the office, doing a little victory dance in the hallway. Everyone was in class, so no one would see me. Then right in that moment, I had a thought I haven't thought before, that shocked me:

Thank god I'm alive.


I didn't tell Luke. I was too scared too. I was moving out of the country in two months, and I didn't tell my boyfriend. Of course I felt awful, but what was I supposed to say?

So, since we were sat in his bedroom with him trying to teach me the basic chords on guitar, I felt guilty. Really, really guilty, but I tried to push it away, out of my heart. It was still there, but I ignored it.

"Ash, one fret down on your middle finger," Luke tells me, trying to help me move it. I giggle, forcing my finger down. He grins at me, "Now strum."

I do as he commands, strumming the 6 strings gingerly. (a/n: this made me think about the time this hot guy in my class told me he plays an instrument w 8 strings bye.) He furrows his eyebrows. "You sound a little flat," he presses down on my fingers, causing pain to flow through them. "Strum again."

I do. He nods, an achieved smile on his face. "You can play C add9!" He cheers, clapping his hands. I giggle, "Bass is way easier than this."

He nods in agreement before showing me the next chord.

And that's how it went. Him showing me the chords while I complained about how tired I was. By 6, we were lying on his bed with our legs intertwined and both of us almost half asleep. He mumbled sweet nothings in my ear that I barely listened to. The last one I heard before drifting to sleep was:

"Thank you for telling me everything."


a/n: i was up songwriting so i decided to post another chapter

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