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A/N: I might end this story at like, chapter 20 or 25 and write a sequel, if you guys are okay with that. I might write a few actually, since I want to keep them short, but as always, enjoy the chapter! It's short and shitty but..


"Those girls behind us shipped us harder than Michael does, and that's saying something." Ashton says from the foot of the bed, slipping off his Vans before glancing at me. I shift on my feet, watching him before smiling and nodding.

"Can we go for a walk?" I look at him, then his shoes he had just taken off. "I don't know why I did that..." He mumbles, embarrassed. I laugh at him, "Sure, lovely." He smiles, pushing his feet back into his shoes before jumping up. "Good! I have a little something planned." He takes my hand before pulling me out of the room into the hallway.

By the time we were in the lobby, it was lightly raining outside, making me stop in my tracks. He playfully scoffs at me, "Afraid of a little water?" He smirks at me before running into the rain. "Psh, no." I mumble as I follow him into the mist. The street lights were lit so it gave the black pavement a golden color.

The streets that were once full of cars and noise, were now empty and silent. The only thing I could see was my boyfriend, standing in the rain under one of the street lamps. He smiles at me, motioning me to come towards him. He grins at me as I walk his way.

Once I'm close enough, he pulls me in the direction of the park I asked him out at. He starts skipping playfully. Once we get there, I hear him mumble, "It wasn't supposed to rain..." He pulls me towards a small pier with a small pavilion on the end. As we get closer I see a man standing there, dressed nicely. I see a table that has a red table dressing over it and a candle that's still lit even though there's wind that's blowing.

"What's this?" I stutter out, gaping at the beautiful sight. Ashton smiles at me before pulling me to the table. We're soaked by now, with our hair dripping wet and our clothes becoming heavy, but we seem to both ignore it as we sit down. "How many things have you planned me?" I laugh as the man sets down food I've never seen before in front of us.

"Thank you." Ashton nods at him before he walks back over to his corner. Ashton chuckles before looking back at me, "This was a last minute thing. I wanted to celebrate my birthday and end it with a bang." He grins that stupid grin at me before he starts to eat.


After we were done with dinner, Ashton paid the man and thanked him before we left. It stopped raining, so we decided to go for an actual walk this time. Every few minutes, he would randomly sing out I love you while swinging our hands in between us.

"Have you seen that post about One Direction that's going around on Tumblr?" He smiles, walking backwards so he's looking at me. "Do you realize how many posts there are on that damn website?" I laugh at him when realization spreads across his face.

"Oh, yeah, well, it's like..." As he continues on, he talked about multiple posts, laughing in the middle of some sentences. I zoned out and I was now staring at that broken piece of plastic on his wrist. My heart clenches at the cracks through it.

"Luke, what's wrong?" He asks suddenly at my sad expression. I shake my head, smiling at him slightly.

I hated Carter. I hated him. He hurt Ashton, my, now, boyfriend. He made fun of him for nothing. He technically ruined his life. I wanted to hurt him. I wanted to get revenge for Ashton, but I can't. That'll just bring me down to his level. I have to help Ashton forget him; I hope I've been doing that job well.

He was staring at me now. "Babe," He said sternly, stopping his steps and cutting off mine. "Tell me, now." He says confidently. After a few seconds of me staring at him blankly, he says softly, "Luke, you can tell me anything." I shake my head, pressing my lips to his gently, causing him to stumble back at the sudden contact. I gripped his hips, pulling them against mine. He pulls away from me to look in my eyes.

We stay like that for a while, his eyes locked on mine. He looks at my hands which were running up his sides. "S-Sorry. You have such beautiful eyes, Luke." I smile at him. "You do also, Ashton." He smiled back, before his cheeks reddened lightly.


Once we got to the hotel, we changed. Ashton decided to change in front of me today which he found awkward. He cuddled into my side once we were lying by each other. His slightly larger hand intertwined with mine. He brings my hand up to his mouth, kissing the knuckles before the back of my hand. "I love your hands." He mumbled lazily, once our hands were in between our bodies once more.

His free hand made its way to my now messy hair before he placed a gentle kiss to my lips. He laid his head on my chest. "I'm in love with you, Luke."

After a few hours, he was long asleep. He lips were parted and he had shifted so his back was pressed against my chest while his head was tilted back. His eyes would squeeze shut every now and then. Eventually, he let a whimper fall from his lips. I bite my lip when his face scrunches up in almost pleasure before his eyes bat open. "Lukey..." He yawns, as his back arches in a stretch. "Why are you still up, Lukey?" He whispers before letting out a groan.

"What were you dreaming about?" I whisper back, he gives me an uneasy look before looking at the time. He sighs. "You." He mumbles. I smirk at him. "Me?" I tease. "You." He mockingly assures me in an annoyed tone. "You're pissy when you're tired." I pout at my boyfriend who's attempting to go back to sleep.

In the morning, I'm woken up from playful kisses being pressed to my neck and jawline by my boyfriend. After I shift under his weight, he stops before whispering random things in my ear that I just stared at him weirdly for. He climbs off of me, laughing, so we can get ready. We don't take that long since I decided to get a shower after him.

Once we were on the streets, the sound of crying children and loud car engines were the only thing to be heard. Ashton looked up at the blue sky, then back at me. "It's... Weird this place is so quiet at night." I nod at him.


We ended up going back to the hotel since nothing was really happening today. We shared a few kisses and a few words, but otherwise, we laid in silence. After a few minutes, he mumbled an excusal before heading to the restroom. I pushed myself to rest against the headboard and pulled out my phone to see 20 missed texts from Michael.

I chuckled when I see they're all about one topic: Ashton tweeted about how much he loved me.

Ashton joined me after a few minutes of me reading these tweets. The second he walked into the room, I grinned at him. He gave me a confused glance before I read out in a mocking tone:

"To be honest, I don't know what I'd do without your jokes or your smile. You're just so beautiful. Like, what the fuck."

He giggles as I continue down the line. They each get more lovey and cuter as I get to the top.

I walked to him and pecked his lips repetitively. I let them linger on the last peck. He pulls my hips against his before pressing his lips against mine firmly before he pulled away and studied my eyes. He pressed our lips together once more as his arms wrapped around my neck, trying to keep me close as if I would actually pull away.

He backed himself up so he was leaning on the wall before he brought me even closer than before. My head was spinning and my heart was pounding. I couldn't help the groan the escaped when he sunk his teeth into my lip. I let my hands trace his sides as he began moving his lips against mine feverishly once more.

He mumbled words that weren't understandable against my lips, making them tingle. I shivered slightly as his hands made their way to my hair. I began to say something, when I was immediately cut off by his tongue brushing against mine.

I twisted my head to deepen the kiss, making our nose bump together. Ashton giggles against my lips as his hands now rest on my cheeks.

We both pulled away with groans when there was a knock at the door. He let out a huff before pecking my lips once more and playfully pushing me off him.

He made his way to the door before opening it. I heard him say 'Yeah, dad?' and I knew we couldn't continue. Eventually, Ashton's closing the door telling me to freshen up. I pout at him as he walks into the restroom. I hear him mocking my whining, so I give up and start fixing my hair in the mirror.

"Let's go!" He giggles before running out of the door.

A/N: Sorry, this was a shitty chapter. I have to read for school. I'll update again soon.xx

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