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Ashton's P.O.V.

I needed a job. My dad giving me only 10 pounds a day isn't going to work. I applied for some all over town, until I finally got one. It was at this little antique shop in town. I know Luke loves it. Most of his room items are from here.

I've always been interested in antique and vintage items. Every time I went to 'dust the items,' I spend most of the time exploring the store.

After my first day, Luke came in to walk me home. He grinned when he saw me. "Aw, you look so cute in your little uniform." I laughed, looking up at him. "Thank you." I giggled.

"I'll be back tomorrow, Mark." I assure my manager who's roaming one of the aisles. "See you then, Ashton."

Luke took my hand before leading me out and letting go of it. He does that a lot, acting like we're just friends (with benefits).

He hasn't told his mum yet. That hurt when he told me, but I know he's going through a lot at the moment. He was planning on telling her tonight.

We went to Starbucks before we started to his. I didn't feel like getting tea, so I just got a latte with a cake pop. We carelessly talked as we made our way. We walked up the pathway to his house before he unlocked the door. I walked in first so he could close it behind me.

"Hey, guys." We looked up to see Michael and Calum already on the couch, munching away on Cool Ranch Doritos. They were watching Teen Nick; Luke screamed when he saw Drake and Josh was on.

"Luke, you're late." His mother warned, walking out from the kitchen. "I know, I'm sorry. I picked Ashton up from his job downtown." He mumbled before adding, "Speaking of Ashton, may we speak with you?"


"Sure, what's up?" His mother smiled at me before looking at Luke with concern. "For the past couple months, Ashton and I have been dating."

I couldn't help but add: "Just incase we didn't make it obvious." That made her laugh.

I smiled at her kindly. "Great! Even though you guys did make it obvious, and Ashton's father told me."

I groan after hearing that. We could have told her, but Luke was fine with it, so I brush it off.

She smiled at me before Jack randomly appeared and told me to watch where I put my lips, which made everyone laugh before Luke pressed his lips to my cheek. "You're an idiot." I mumbled so only he could hear me.

"You boys can go upstairs until dinner's ready. Jack, can you help me with something in the kitchen?" Then they disappeared behind the door.

"Wait, Ashton, I have a surprise." He took my hand and pulled me up the stairs. Calum and Michael followed close behind.

Once we were in his room, he let go of my hand and ran to the side of his bed closest to the wall. "So," he started himself. "Around my birthday, I told my family about how I wanted to start making YouTube videos, you know, to get my music out there.

"I told them I was nervous to start posting them before I had the proper equipment. You know, for quality." He pulled out a large blue, plastic box from behind his bed. On the side, 'VIDEO STUFF' was written across the side in his lazy hand writing.

"So, my uncle, who lives in America and is fucking rich, got me all of this." He motions towards the box. "It's full of microphones and cameras with different lenses. We can start a channel! I mean, if you want.."

I stared at him with a smile on my face. Luke and I making videos together. I loved the sound of that. Since we're already mildly popular on the internet, it wouldn't take us that long to get well known.

I nodded before walking over and opening the box. This was high-tech shit. It was packed with Cannon cameras, Blue microphones, but at the bottom I found these two small, pink speakers. The rest of the stuff made them look like trash.

They were actually scuffed up, so it's obvious Luke's had them for a while. "Whoa, you still have those?" Calum asked, sitting next to me before taking one of them out of my hand.

Luke nods from above us with a smile on his face. I studied the speaker more. They were old. 2009 was written on the back with the companies and such.

"What are we waiting for? Let's make a video!" Michael half-screamed. Luke laughed before pulling out a camera stand while Calum got one of the cameras that looked the nicest. We got them set up.

"Professional." I mumbled with a smile. Luke plugged the camera to his computer so the screen showed Calum, who was already sitting on Luke's bed in front of the camera.

Luke sat in between me and Calum while Michael got three headphone sets out of the box. "Can we?" I nodded. "I wanna say the sentence first!" Luke screamed.

We all laughed while Michael, Calum and I put the headphones in. Michael hit record before Luke and I faced each other.

I grinned at him while he said a sentence that looked a lot like, I love poo. I asked him to say it again. After the second time I realised it was I love you.

I nodded. "Got it." He climbed to the head of the bed before Michael sat down in front of me. "I love you." I simply stated. He nodded before saying he got it also. I moved so Calum could sit.

I took out the earphones before I heard Michael say: I love Beau. Luke laughed, so I did also. Calum stared at him strangely before nodded slowly. "I believe I've got it."

They both took out their earphones before Calum confusingly said: "I love poo?" Luke and I laughed before Michael went, "What was it?"

"It was 'I love you.' I have no idea how you got Beau from you, and poo from Beau." He laughed.

After filming two other videos, Michael and Calum left. We went back up to Luke's room before I crawled onto his bed. He grinned at me, obviously entertained as I snuggled into the duvet. He crawled next to me before his large hands were placed on my hips.

I sighed before placing a lazy kiss on his lips. "I better be heading home soon also." Luke shook his head.

"Stay the night."

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