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A/N: hi. im really liking writing in ashtons point of view soooooo. and looks like we didnt make it to our goal, so how about 10k reads by chapter 25? (i might make the story longer, depends on how i decide to plot it)

Ashton's P.O.V.

I sigh, rolling out of Luke's bed to find him combing his hair in the mirror. "I left the dry shampoo on the counter for you, and some clothes are folded and sat on the toilet seat. We have school in an hour."

I roll my eyes at him. "Good morning to you, too." He laughs before walking over. "Morning babe!" Before pecking my lips, making me laugh also.

I walk into his small bathroom before cleaning my face with his Proactive cleanser then trying to make my hair look clean with the shampoo. I pull off my shirt before grabbing the hoodie Luke folded for me. I picked it up before pulling it on. It was a little long, but it was comfy.

I pulled on the black skinny jeans that I've seen him wear so many times. They fit my hips and legs, but were too long, so I rolled them up.

I walked out of the restroom to Luke still working on his hair. He smiled at me in the mirror. I walked up next to him before running my fingers through my hair, making him complain about how I was ruining it.

We had time to spare after we ate breakfast. So we decided to run through Starbucks and get us some drinks. We got back in the car and started towards the school. "You know, you never told me about Carter."

I sighed, glancing at him. "He's cooled off." is all I said. Luke rolled his eyes before letting his words push me into sentences I don't want to say. "He just calls me fat, and a fag, just like always. Just like I deserve." I let my voice falter at the end.

The car jolts to a stop before Luke looks at me, "Never fucking say that!" I flinch at how loud his voice is. "I'm sorry.." I whisper, moving away from him slightly.

He sighs, "Don't, we'll talk more about this later." I nod at his statement, allowing it to be a fact.

Once we got to the school, I grabbed my things and waited for Luke to meet me at the front of the car. He walks to me before sitting on the hood. "We have 10 minutes." I nod, sitting next to him.

He sighed before taking my hand in his. "Hey, just don't listen to Carter or his asshole friends. They're wrong." I glance at him before a pair of lips jump on mine.

He taste like a mix of peppermint and pumpkin, which was making my stomach squirm. I sighed happily when I feel his breath on my neck. "You're perfect." He mumbles. I smirk before letting my lips turn into a grin.

He pulls away when his phone rings. He takes it out of his pocket and puts it to his ear. "Hey, mate. Now's not a good time." He says simply, walking away from the car slightly. He made his voice sounds deep and raspy, which confused me.

"Alright, yeah. I'm in the parking lot." He stops, listening to the person on the other line. "'Kay, bye." He pulls the phone away. "Sorry, babe." He smiles at me. "It's fine." I reply, standing, "We should probably get to class, anyways."

As we walk into the school, he nods at a few people I've never seen him speak to before. He walks me to my class before he sends me a quick 'bye' and runs down the hallway.

That's the last time I saw him that day. He wasn't at lunch, nor was he at study hall. I gave up on looking for him and stayed with Calum.

Michael drove me home. Before I got out, I quickly said "Thank you," before walking to my front door. I unlocked it with the key on my lanyard and walked in. My dad was sat on the couch in his usual position.

I walk upstairs and change into a pair of khaki pants before realising I left my work shirt at Luke's. I sigh before throwing on a random undershirt and walk down stairs. I get an apple before heading out the front door. I walk down the street to Luke's house before knocking on the door. I'm soon greeted by Jack. "Hey, Ashton! Luke's not here." I flinch before mumbling why I was there. He lets me in and I job up to Luke's room.

My shirt was lying on the floor. I quickly grabbed it and pulled it on before fixing my hair in the mirror. I looked down before seeing a paper laying on his dresser.

October 10, 2014

Hello Luke,

I know you're probably not the happiest with me -- because I wouldn't be either -- but I think it's time we catch up. I'm going to be in town in two weeks, so maybe we can go out for dinner and just have a father and son day.

Please do consider, because it's time I become a fatherly figure to you, Jack, and Ben. I'm truly sorry for our past.

I love you,

James Hemmings.

My eyes widen as my mind races back to all the times Luke has snickered at the mention of him and groaned when he's gotten text from him. I sigh, I looking back at the mirror before walking out of the poster-filled room.

I say good bye to Liz and Jack before walking out. It's time I become a father figure to you, Jack, and Ben.

I shoved my hands into my pockets as I walked to the bus station. Luke and his father being together for a full day. I wonder if Luke replied. I wonder if he got aggravated. I wonder if he saw it yet.

I pushed those thoughts out of my head as the bus approached. I walked on, kindly smiling at some of the elders before taking a seat near the back. I sent a few text to Luke, one including:

Hi! Are you alright?

My head spun, I checked the date on my phone to realise it was the 16th, so the letter probably just got in today. I scratch at a mosquito bite on my arm before resting my head on the seat in front of me.

Soon enough, it was my stop and I was now stood in downtown Sydney. I walked down the familiar streets before walking into the small antique shop. The smell of dust and old wood filled my nose. I clocked in before greeting my manager. I took my seat behind the cash register before a group of teenagers walked in.

One of them I recognised as the footie captain at my school. I sighed when I saw Carter laggard at the back of the six boys. "Hey, Irwin. Y'all got any desks in?" I send him one of those Hi we're not friends but if I'm rude to you I'll get fired, you bastard smiles.

"If we do, they should be towards the back wall. Ask me if you need any help." They leave towards the aisles without another word. I let air blow through my lips before leaning back in the stool, thanking god there was actually a back there.

After a few minutes of hearing the assholes laughing and chatting, Calum walks in with Carsyn close to his side. "Hey, Ash."

I smile at him before hearing a crash followed by an Oh shit! I groan before hearing Mark yell, "You break it you buy it!"

"Happy Monday, stranger." I greet them as they walk closer. "Have you seen Luke?" I add on, sitting up.

"He was at practice." Carter comments, walking from one of the aisles. I blink at him before Calum says, "Excuse me?" Carter laughs at our confused expressions.

"Yup, Mr. Hemmings joined footie. So excited to work with him."

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