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ashton's p.o.v.

I was doing the same thing I had done with Ryder the night before. I was sat in the chairs at the window, staring at the stars and wondering what it would be like to be with them. Being one of those stars. I remember my doctor telling me that my mother was now one of the stars to cheer me up, shining down on me to make sure I was okay.

It took me years to realise that was a lie. I remember crying in science class after learning they were just balls of gas and flames. I remember getting sent to the guidance office to calm myself down. I remember the pain, the anger at such a young age.

"Hey, Washy," it was Blue Streaks, standing at the wooden door with a huge smile on her face. "You alright, cutie?" She asks, walking farther into the room. I shrugged looking back outside the window. She sat by me, a childish grin spreading across her face.

"I know what will cheer you up," she tells me with a smile. I raise my eyebrows at her. She giggles, ushering me out of my chair before pulling me into the corridor.

She led me down the maze of hallways, so I marked our tracks in my mind. Walk for a few feet, take a right. Pass two doors, take a left. Walk a few more feet, pass some doors and bam! You're there.

I could see from out here, people were smoking. I automatically went to back down with a, "Hey, Becca. I don't smoke."

She frowns at me. "You seem so stressed though. Just one time. It calms you down, I swear," she promises, playfully taking my hand, her aqua eyes staring into mine. I couldn't say no.

The smell was awful. It stung my eyes. It didn't take me long to realise Ryder was in here with Roland and Ryan. They already had cigarettes held up to their mouths, blowing them in each other's faces for a laugh. I was nervous, to be honest. Luke hated smoking. He told me his dad did it, and he left when he was high and drunk, but this was to calm me down. He'd understand, right?

I sat on the ground by Ryder, giving him a smile as I slid down the wall. "What do you want, newbie?" He asked, a cough following his words. I look at Blue Streaks, confused. "There's more than one kind?" I knew about weed and nicotine. That was about it. My comment got some laughs, though.

"Get him a roll up," Ro tells him. Ryder complies.

After about a minute or so, I'm handed a thin sheet wrapped around plant-looking green stuff. I almost coughed already. "How.. How do I light it?" I whisper. Ryan starts laughing harder.

"Here, I'll light it for you," Ro offers, putting out in the ashtray his own to lean over and help me. "But, remember, don't take the smoke into your stomach. Only your lungs, or you'll lose it, alright?" I nod at his instructions as they show me how to place the 'roll up' to my lips. I do so, and then the flames go up.

I breathe in deeply. The taste in my mouth matched the room's scent that I already knew so, so well. I looked at Ryder, my cheeks puffed. He laughed, "In your lungs, dumbass!"

I struggle, but then the new feeling was there. The burning feeling I already hated to love. I hold it there for a few seconds before I couldn't take it anymore. I blew it all out, a cloud of smoke coming from my mouth. Fear builds in me. "What's gonna happen now?" I ask, making Ro grin.

"You'll see, mate," he tells me, standing. I started panting, rebreathing the smoke-filled air around me. Then it hit me. My head started spinning, like my brain was melting, or falling out of my ear.

"Oh no," Ryder laughs. "It hittin' ya?"
"Wow," I continue.

Ro raises his eyebrows at me, as if asking if I was alright. I giggle, "Quit staring at me!" I laugh harder after I say that.

"Oh, shit," Blue Streaks giggles, "Feel good?" I stare at her blankly, before a grin grew on my face. "You're prettyyyy," I giggle, making Ryan choke on his beer.

"Does it feel good, Ash?"
"What do you see?"
"Rainbows," I giggle.
"Not surprising," Ryan mumbles.

I looked at Ryder, letting a huge smile plaster on my face, "Thank you."
"For what, you fuckin' dickhead?"
"For being you, s'all," I reply standing. He didn't reply. He just smiled, before doing that staring thing again.

"I'm hungry," I mumble.
Ro smiles, "For what?"
I shrug. "I don't know, you guys got chips?"
"I believe so."
"I want those."
"Then you'll get those," Ryan grins.

I jump up and down, making a few of the older patients to glance at me with a grin on their face. They lead me down the corridor to the dining room. Scissor Face was their. I waved at her, causing her to wave back and smile.

They sat me down alone at a table, causing look around the spinning room. I felt good. I felt really, really good. I knew Luke would be pissed off if he found out, but I couldn't find myself to care, at the moment.

Blue Streaks was holding the chips when they came back, putting the container in front of me. "T'was part of dinner. You should've came, buddy," Ro says, smiling at me. My eyes were burning as I ate them, the potato flavour was mixed with the faded taste of smoke.

My head was normal after about 20 minutes. I had been done eating, and I was tired now. I was begging and begging Ryder to carry me back to our room, which he finally complied to. We said good night to everyone before I jumped on his back. He started heading towards our room, and I fell asleep on his shoulder.


In the morning, it was the same as yesterday. I took my pills, not wanting to get out of bed, wondering why I'm here then went along with my day. I fell asleep again after lunch, and my awakening was pleasant when I saw it was Luke waking me up.

I almost screamed when I saw him before jumping into his arms, causing him to let out a laugh. I clung to the back of his neck before I pressed my lips to his.

It's been two days, and I'm acting like it's been two years.

Ryder faked gagged, before leaving the room, making me giggle and hide my face in Luke's broad shoulder. I gripped his hair, making him complain about messing it up.

"I've missed you so much, Hemmo," I whisper. He smiles at me. Not one of those little smiles he shot me at school, not one of those fake ones he gave to teachers. His smile, that I haven't seen in so long and I almost cried. I pressed my lips to his again, before he playfully dropped me on the bed. He climbed on top of me, holding himself above me.

"The team was okay with it. Most of them, at least," he says. I was confused at first, then it kicked in. He came out last night. Wow.

I nodded in response. He laid down on top of me, kissing me again. He gave me little I love you's and playfully bumped our noses in between each kiss. We both jump once Ryder sits back down on his bed, making me laugh.

"Ash, Ro wants to meet your little guy there," he says, smirking. His bad boy act was back. Great.

I nod, before looking at Luke. "You've already made friends?"He asks, smiling at me.
I nod. "Yeah, shocking, I know."
"Not really."

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