The Day I Got New Shoes

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Chapter 5
The Day I Got New Shoes

I think my mouth may have been open for about an hour after that statement.

"Your?... So she?...But how?...Wait what!?" The unfinished questions tumble out of my mouth and I can't seem to stop them.

I don't think that Steph minds though, she just continues to sit there. Legs crossed, hands folded delicately across her knees, a wide smile on her lips.

"You were so kind as to save my daughter Maisie and might I just apologise for Whitney. She to the job and it's not her fault" she continues to smile and show off her pearly white teeth. I bet she had braces once.

I just nod. I really have no idea what to say. I have never really been good at small talk, my friends were always the social butterflies and I was the anti-social caterpillar, waiting for her wings.

I cough after a few moments and speak again, finally knowing how to respond.. "Thankyou for giving me a chance to get my life back, it was no trouble really to save her.." I shrug.

I mean I died but hey, all in a days work.

Feeling a chill on my foot, I look down at my now bare feet. My eyebrows furrow and my mouth forms a perfect O.

"Something wrong?" Steph asks and I look up quickly.

I mourn at the loss of my favourite wellies "Oh.. Well it's just that I was wearing wellies and they-" I stop speaking when she gestures to the left of me.

"I have read all of your background info: hobbies, school, age, favourite colour, likes dislikes" she moves her hands in a spinning gesture. "I know everything about you."

I can't help but swallow. "Everything?" I ask, my eyes wide. Jeez.

She nods and looks at the ground next to me. My eyes follow hers and there, on my left is the most gorgeous pair of wellies I have ever seen. (And I have seen a lot)

A white silicone structure with shimmering gold soles, diamantés and big gold bows adorning the front.

Omg. New shoes!

"I thought they would go well with your 2nd chance uniform. It's just a simple white dress and a pair of gold wings...." She continues to speak but I'm no longer listening.


Huh. Looks like the caterpillar is finally getting her wings then.

I zone back in again, paying close attention. "-on Friday... If I hadn't of ended up here-" she points upwards and I can only assume she means here as in heaven, "I would have loved to be a fashion designer!" She smoothes the white dress that has appeared on her lap while she speaks. I wonder how she ended up here.

"What about the life I'll be saving? Who is it? Do you know?" My face lights up with curiosity and I hesitantly reach forward and pull the wellies onto my feet.

I look up when Steph doesn't answer and see that her face has fallen.

I sit up slowly, one wellie still half on my right foot.

"Steph?" I ask quietly, reaching over to tap her knee. I almost don't want to... What is she thinking about?

Just before my fingers brush her knee she catches my hand, surprising me.

"Oh... Uh sorry I just-"

She shakes her head and releases my hand. The room is suddenly silent and as I pull my wellie on, Steph stands up.

"Ill be right back." She says, hastily thrusting the dress into my arms and walking towards the door. Her fingers just reach the door handle when the door flies open. Making Steph stumble back and fall.

"Watch out, wouldn't want you to fall and die-again, would we?" The voice is low and gruff, with a touch of arrogance and a mean edge. Steph ignores him and slams the door behind her, giving me a sympathetic look over her shoulder before she does so.

The boy turns toward me and I inwardly gasp.

"Sam?" I whisper, why is he here?

He seems to be having the same reaction and I'm stuck for words, I feel like time is frozen.

"Scarlett?" He mutters, taking a few large steps toward me and wrapping me in his arms. The feather light dress falls to the floor, forgotten.

"Long time no see little sis." He whispers into my hair, a few stray tears run down my face and I take a deep breath.

"Only 7 years." I reply quietly, my voice raspy with emotion.

I guess I should explain.

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