The Day I Drank Hot Chocolate

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Chapter 21

The Day I Drank Hot Chocolate

By the time I reach Costa, it's 11:20 and I feel really bad about being late.

Costa is virtually empty.

A small woman sits at a table with a computer and an empty coffee. Her fingers zip over the keyboard and she only pauses to eye the muffin case almost longingly.

Another woman is sat in one of the large squishy sofas, her hair scraped back into a messy bun. A baby sits majestically in his high chair eating a handful of raisins next to her, giggling as she smiles and pinches his cheeks.

The only other people who are in here are the baristas and Alice; she's right in the corner, tapping away at her iPhone.

I run over and slide onto the booth, smiling apologetically.

"Sorry I'm late."

She holds the phone to her ear and shakes her head.

"It's fine, I got here a few minutes ago. I knew you'd be late."

I can't help but grin.

"What's that about?" I ask, pointing towards the phone.

Alice smirks. "So it doesn't look like I'm talking to thin air. I'm not ready for the crazy house just yet."

I laugh and cross my legs, deciding what to have.

"I might get a Hot Chocolate and a raspberry muffin.." I ponder out loud.

"Sounds good, I'll get the same."

She stands up and taps her foot.

"Come on then, I don't want to go by myself."

I reluctantly stand up and we walk over to the counter. The baby is crying now and the woman is tucking into a chocolate muffin; a look of accomplishment on her face,

"Hey, I'll have two hot chocolates, um.. two raspberry muffins and a shot of espresso." She hands over a crisp twenty pound note and winks at the young barista.

"Keep the change." She says smiling and I roll my eyes.

She still flirts with everyone, even when her dead friend is next to her.

He hands the tray over and I reach forwards to take it; Alice slaps my hand away and the guy frowns.

"It was a bee!" She says, grabbing the tray and rushing back to our table.

She waits until we are in the furthest corner before slapping my arm.

"What were you thinking! It would have looked like a floating tray you moron!"

I bite my lip and grab my muffin.

"Sorry, I forgot..."

She sighs and grabs the espresso, downing it in one.

"Ewww, how can you do that?!" I ask, shuddering at the thought of the bitterness.

She just shrugs and takes a huge bite out of her muffin.

I sigh and take my hot chocolate off the tray; taking a small sip of the silky liquid. The next time I look up, Alice is licking her fingers and I let out a bark of laughter.

"Have you eaten it already!?" I exclaim and she shrugs again.


I can almost forget about dying and everything else because this is so normal.

Just like old times,

But then Alice gets curious, and I'm forced to break out of my moment of living and sink back into the sad truth.

I'm dead.

Nevertheless, I spend the next 30 minutes telling Alice everything. From Heavens waiting room to the barbie receptionist to Liam to Kaley to My Parents, She sits through it all, silent except for the odd comment or confused question.

"You, my friend. Have had a very busy 4 days." She says smartly, drinking the remains of her hot chocolate.

Has it really only been 4 days?

It seems like so much longer!

We finish our drinks and sigh simultaneously.

"Lets go shopping." Alice exclaims out of nowhere and I shake my head.

"I can't I have no mon-"

I stop in my tracks. I can't buy anything anyway, I don't exist, I have to stay in these clothes.

Alice seems to ignore my words and instead takes out her receipt and delves into her bag for a pen.

She scribbles a few numbers and stands up.

"Come on, lets go."

I walk behind her, smiling in disbelief as she passes the paper to the guy from earlier and winks.

"Call me!" She shouts, holding her hand up to signal being on the phone.

I don't even mention it, there is no need. Alice knows that I'm laughing internally because she keeps glancing at me and wiggling her eyebrows.

We walk into town leisurely, savouring the almost-warm weather, it'll be gone soon.

"I need to get some new shoes and a scarf. Oh! And maybe these shiny trousers I've wanted for-ev-errrr!"

Alice continues to talk and my mind drifts to Liam.

Why? I have no idea.

Why did he laugh when I mentioned the icing sugar, unless....?


Alice jumps, and I smile apologetically.

"So lets say hypothetically I found this white substance under the cooker in a bag with a name on it and-"

"It's Cocaine." She says, without hesitating.


"Yes. Without a doubt."

Oh my God.



"Alice, I think Liam's a drug dealer and a criminal!"

Alice wraps an arm around my shoulder.

"Well, so am I."

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