Chapter 1

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I stare blankly at my laptop screen, unsure on how to compose a 4 page report on teen rights. I have been sitting here for 2 hours trying to come up with some pointless argument on why teens shouldn't have to let their parents look through their phone, but all i have is my name in the right hand corner. Which i now realize has a typo in it. When you misspell your own name, thats basically a sign from the gods saying that you should probably shut the computer down and take a break; todays not the day i start to ignore their signs.

A few minutes after I put my macbook up, Drew slowly creaks open my door. "Lets go up. The sky is really clear tonight

." My older brother tells me.

"Okay, give me a minute to clean up and i'll be up there." I answer. When me and my brother were younger, about 11 and 12 probably, our parents began to fight almost every night. We would sit in Drews room with the stereo all the way turned up to drown out the screaming, but it eventually stopped working. We decided to try the attic and one night, while hiding from the storm going on downstairs, I realized that the window in the attic had a ledge on the outside of it that allows you to push yourself up onto the roof. That was our safety spot for the next 6 months until our parents got divorced. 5 years later, we still go up there just to relax.

After Drew closes my door, I quickly put all my essays paper into my red literature binder and place the pens into my wooden desks top drawer.

The ladder to the attic is already pulled down by the time i get to it and i carefully climb the 8 wobbly steps into our old hideaway. Theres an abundance of boxes everywhere filled with objects from Christmas decorations to ancient toys that havent been touched in years. In the back, on top of the cardboard box filled with Santa knick-knacks is a box of my Dads old books that he must have forgot about when he moved out years ago.

Just as quickly as i decided to go look at the box, Drew's voice comes from outside sarcastically asking if i will be up there before the sun comes up. The floor creaks beneath my feet as i walk over to the window and i grab both sides of the opening and step out of the stuffy attic into the crisp California air. Drew gives me his hand to help me onto the roof and i plant myself next to him on the maroon squares.

He turns his head to look at me and i realize just how blue my brothers eyes are. You wouldn't guess that me and him were siblings unless you actually knew us. He has soft blue eyes,almost like the ocean, dirty blonde hair, and some stubble on his face. I was given coffee brown eyes, straight and long dark brown hair, and greatfully no stubble on my face.

"Do you ever wish that everybody could love themselves and find peace within themselves?" His voice jolts me out of my thoughts.

"Everyday. Why?"

"Because i want to do something about it. Maybe start a project type of thing with a friend to help make the world a better place and to help people find their greatness." He rubs his stubble while looking at the sky.

"I think thats a beautiful idea."

"I doubt it will work though." He puts his head down and brushes his hair back with his hands.

"Hey, you inspire me everyday Drew. You will work wonders with this and you will inspire other minds all across the world!" I exclaim with my arms stretched out.

"Yeah, whatever you say Mary."

We sit there in silence for a good few minutes just listening to to the sound of crickets filling the air and inhaling the smell of salt and water from the beach a few blocks in front of us.

"Hey, im gonna go to bed. It's getting late." He tells me and begins to lower himself onto the window ledge.

"Inspire, I like that. Maybe i can call it Inspire." He says just before he climbs into the window.

"Maybe ill join that team!" I call to him.

"Goodnight Mary!"

"Goodnight." I quietly say as i lay down on the rough squares. I stay like that, just staring at up at the stars for a good 10 minutes before going back to my room.

I wish to find somebody to love and inspire is my 11:11 wish and the last thing i think before closing my eyes and giving into sleep.

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