Chapter 4

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The rest of the day was Hell. I had random students asking me if i was the girl that Wesley skated into every 5 minutes and each time i would just put my head down and quickly walk away while they laugh with their friends about the poor girl that the amazing Wesley Stromberg knocked over.

Why does he have to be such an ass? Why is he so loved by every clueless person in this town? How are his eyes so green? Are the thoughts that kept swarming through my head on my way to work after school.

By time i got to The Casanova Diner for my 4-8 hostess shift, i came to the conclusion that he, along with Laura, has a stick up his ass that wont come out; but his stick is a lot thicker than Lauras and it has thorns lining it from bottom to top.

"Hey Mary. How was your day today?" My coworker, Libra, asks me once im in the back room to put my uniform on.

"I would rather not talk about it." I give her a small smile and i go into the small bathroom to change out of my sweats and dentist shirt and put on my black pants, white button up shirt, and my red tie. I look into the dirty mirror and brush my hair up into a ponytail with my hands as neatly as possible and decide to do a quick sweep of lip gloss on my lips to make myself look halfway decent.

"Are you okay?" Libra asks from outside the door. Libra is one of the only people i actually talk to at my job and im okay with that cause shes unbelievably kind.

"Yea just a rough day thats all." I assure her when i open the door to her face right in the doorway.

"Did you dye your hair?" I notice that her hair looks slightly browner than last time i saw her. Libra is mixed and has bright hazel eyes that stand out with her skin tone in the most beautiful way possible. She had sandy brown hair that goes to her shoulders but now its a darker shade of brown i believe.

"Yea!" She exclaims and runs her hand through her hair.

"I went a little bit darker because i just needed a change."

"I like it, It works on you." I tell her. We walk out of the break room to go do our jobs and talk about what type of hair dye she used and how she had to do a extra special treatment to keep her hair healthy.


3 hours go by and ive lead numerous people to their tables by now.

Only one hour left, Mary. I tell myself. You can do it.

You would think i had a curse on me because as soon as i thought that, Keaton walks through the door and right before i began to wave, Wesley Stromberg follows in right behind him.

"Table for 2." Keaton tells me and im already grabbing menus while managing to keep my hair in my face as much as possible.

"Right this way." I tell them and begin walking to the booth by the bar with the Strombergs following right behind me.

"Here we are. Libra will be your server and she will be with you in just a moment." I tell them and right before i think i got cut a break because they didnt notice me..

"Hey, arent you the girl that I.." Wesley begins to say but Im already walking away back to the hostess stand before he has a chance to finish.

If i have to see his face again im going to scream.

I decide to text Drew that I probably wont be home until about 9 because there are a lot of people coming in right now and i dont want him and mom to wait up for me.

"I probably wont be home till about 9 so please don't wait up for me. (:" I press send and he responds almost automatically.

"Okay. Be safe driving back, its suppose to start storming soon." I stick my phone back into my pocket and lead a little old couple to their table.


Its 9 now and I saw Wesley and Keaton leave about 45 minutes ago and theres barely any people left in the resturant when my boss Vicky comes to tell me i've been cut. I go to the back room to get my purse out of my locker and i get my phone out to tell Drew that im on my way home but then i remember that my phone died about 20 minutes ago. Awesome.

I step outside and im automatically drenched with heavy rain. I rush to my car and my keys slip out of my hand but when i bend down to grab them, i hear somebody running on the other side of the street.

"I DONT HAVE IT!" I hear a very familiar voice scream through the sound of water hitting the pavement. I stand up and shield my eyes to try and see the figure running but slowly starting to fall to the ground.

"STOP!" He yells again and i automatically knew whos voice was breaking from about 25 feet away just as i hear a gun shot go off.

"WESLEY!" I scream before i race across the street, with rain smacking my face, to hopefully save the boy that made my day a living hell.

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