Chapter 5

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His body was violently shaking on the concrete by the time i got to him and he was drenched in water all over. I get on my knees next to his body and i search him for gun shot wounds but i didnt find any so that's a good sign.

"Dont hurt me." He forces out and struggles to lift his head to look at who the stranger helping him was but by the condition of his bloody lip and brusied face, it was obvious he didnt have enough energy to. He looks so helpless yet.... beautiful.

"Shh Shhh you're going to be fine I promise." I soothe him while gently stroking his soaking wet hair to hopefully get him to stop shaking so bad.

"Make sure they aren't coming I don't want them to hurt.."

"I saw them run away once i got over here, im not going to let anyone hurt you, okay?" I assure him as I gently grasp his arm to help him stand up

"Come on, let's get you out of the rain." His arm is wrapped around my shoulder to support himself and we hobble across the empty street with the rain getting heavier on both of us.

"Here, we're about to be at my car." I get my keys off of the ground to unlock my yellow jeep and i carefully boost Wesley into the passengar seat. I rush to unlock my door and i get into the car.

"Oh my god it's you." He turns to look at me in shock once i get in and it's obvious that I was the last person he expected to be his savior.

"Yep. It's me." Im dripping wet and freezing so i turn the heat on in the car, attempting to ignore the conversation i knew that was going to happen.

"I am so sorry for today it was a complete dick move of me and for you to help me after I did that.."

"It's fine i promise." I cut him off to stop him from rambling on, partially because he had blood dripping off of his lip but mainly because i don't want to talk about this.

"Thank you. I didn't deserve your help at all." He puts his head down and his hair drops water onto my seat.

"How are you feeling?" I ask to steer the conversation into a different direction.

"Like absolute shit to be honest with you."

"Yeah, you're face looks a bit beat up." I pull out a tissue from my front console and hand it to him to wipe up some of the blood on his chin.

"Thanks." He begins to wipe his face but he keeps missing the blood by a hair.

"Here, let me help." I grab another tissue and bring it to his face but i hesitate to make sure he's okay with it and when he nods, i start to wipe up the blood thats already starting to dry up underneath his lip.

"What's your name anyways?" He winces when i go over his swollen lip and i jerk back but i slowly go back over it.

"Mary. Mary Chadwick."

"Well, Mary Chadwick. Thank you for being my savior tonight." He gives a smiile to show me his honesty and i give him a small smile back.

"Oh and im Wesley. Wesley Stromberg."

"Yeah, i know exactly who you are."

"A lot of people do I guess." He quietly says to himself while fixing his hair that is more damp than soaked now.

"So, where am i driving too?"


We drive in silence for 10 minutes besides from him giving me directions every now and then and the sound of rain hitting the windshield. Seeing him so quiet is so weird and foreign to me because everytime i have ever seen him, he has been obnoxiously yelling with his group of other guys.

"I was wondering, if you don't mind me asking, what exactly happened back there?" I break the silence with my curiosity and automatically wish i didn't.

"Nothing that i'm going to tell you." He snaps back at me.

"I.. I'm sorry i was just..."

"Sorry sorry i didn't mean to snap at you like that." He cuts me off before i can finish my attempted apology with his apology.

"It's okay. I shouldn't have asked." I respond and we go back to silence for the next 5 minutes.

"Turn left at this light." He directs me and i do as he says until we pull up to a 2 story, yellow house with the porch light on, illuminating a man who i assume is his father.

"Shit." He mutters when the house comes in sight.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing its just my dad, thats all." He says before rushing to unbuckle his seatbelt. I stop the car and he winces when he steps out onto the driveway. The rain has stopped by now but his clothes are still very damp and his left cheek is purple and blue from brusing.

"Are you going to be okay?" I ask him because he's just staring at me with the side door wide open and i thought he was waiting for me to stay something.

"Yea i'll be fine. Will you?"

"Well im not the one with a swollen face so i believe i will be." I let out a little laugh and he does the same before turning to look at his dad still standing on the porch.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow?" I ask him, already knowing what type of answer i was going to get back but i was stupid enough to ask, hoping for a different response.

"Uh, yeah. But please dont mention any of this to anybody please."

"Yea, your girlfriend probably wouldn't be too happy if she finds out that you were with me." I say while he closes the door but he stops when i say it.

"Who, Laura?" I nod and he laughs again.

"No no, we aren't a thing. She's a little too uptight for me."

"Oh. Well, does she know that?" I wonder out loud.

"I guess not." He answers my out loud thought.

"So why don't you want me to mention that we saw each other. I mean, i understand not telling about whatever happened with you but why is it so hard for you to say you were with me?" It's out of my mouth before i could stop it.

"It's complicated." Is all he says.


"Bye Mary. Thank you for helping me when i needed it and im so sorry for earlier today." He tells me but im already hurt by the fact that he's too ashamed to say he was with some nobody to respond to him before he closes the door. I pull out his driveway as fast as possible before i start to cry for no reason in front of Wesley Strombergs house.


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