Chapter 8

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        3 days. It's been 3 days since i found Wesley on the sidewalk and him nor his brother have been at school since then. It's Friday now so i'm going to have to go the whole weekend worrying about him. I even thought about going to his house if he wasn't here today, but i quickly pushed that thought out of my mind because it probably wouldn't end well. Plus, i barely remember how i got there. But i don't know what else i can do. Nothing? I can't just do nothing. I can't... can i?

        "Mary, did you hear me?" Drews voice brings me out of my constant contemplating.

        "No, sorry. What did you say?" 

        "I asked if you wanted me to order pizza for dinner?"

        "Moms not going to be home again?" We both know that it's more of a statement than a question but i ask it anyways.

        "No, shes got the late shift at Target tonight." He looks at me with a muddled look. "What's been going on these past few days? You seem constantly worried lately."

        "I've just had a lot of school work lately and im stressing out about it." Lie.

        "That's a bunch of bullshit and you know it." Truth. What am I suppose to do? I trust Drew with everything and i take his advice with every problem i have but could he even do anything with this problem? 

        "Can I ask you something?" He throws himself next to me on the leather couch after i ask.

        "Of course." 

        "What would you do if you helped somebody, who could possibly be on their path to death, one night and you dropped them off at their house afterwards but you havent seem this person since then." I let out a big breath before continuing."And you're constantly worrying about them because of it but it doesn't make much sense for you to be worrying so much because you've never even talked to them before and anytime you did it ended bad and..."

        "Mary, breathe." Drew stops me from rambling on and i take deep breaths in and out while he just stares at me. It feels good to tell someone besides from Carter about this, but Carter doesn't know about my worrying.

        "Does this have to do with the friend you helped Tuesday night?"

        "Maybe." I mutter as i occupy myself by biting my nails, another nervous habit i have.


        "Yes." I finally admit to him and automatically feel enormous weight lifted off of my shoulder.

        "Tell me what happened."


        "Oh my god." Is all he says after i tell him the entire story in all its fullness.

        "Yeah." Is all that I say.

        "Stromberg, you said was the last name?" He asks me while picking at his pants, a nervous habit that he has. Why would he be nervous?

        "Wesley Stromberg, yea. Why?" 

        "It's just, the Strombergs aren't the type of people you want to hang around."

        "I never said i was hanging around with him i just.."

        "Don't worry about him, okay?" He cuts me off before i can finish my sentence,

        "But why?" I question him. "What aren't you telling me?" 

        "Do you trust me Mary?"

        "Well yea but.."

        "Then trust me when i tell you not to worry about him." He gets his phone out and starts dialing a number in. "What kind of pizza do you want?" He aks before getting up to walk to the kitchen, showing that he is done with this conversation.

        "Sausage." Is the last thing i say to him until the Dominoes car shows up in our driveway.

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