Chapter 14

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Im so stupid. So fucking stupid. I thought Wesley Stromberg, the Wesley Stromberg that is known for screwing around with every female he can get his hands on, the Wesley Stromberg that couldn't give more than 2 shits about me 2 weeks ago, the Wesley Stromberg that i foolishly thought cared about me after I saved his ass from God knows what, the Wesley Stromberg that i enjoyed talking to for hours last night on his bed where he has probably had millions of other girls on, I thought he was different. I thought that maybe he wasn't what he seems; but now, seeing him walk out behind the shadows, hand in hand with none other than Laura Peters, i know that all of my thoughts had been horribly wrong.

"Skating, huh?" Is all i could get out without breaking out into tears, which would add on to my already shaking voice. Even in the darkness of the night, i can see Wesleys eyes fill with surprise when he turns to see where the voice came from.

"How does she know you?" I hear Laura ask him at the same time I begin to get into my jeep before i embarrass myself more than i already have.

"Mary, wait." Wesleys hand is wrapped around my wrist and it takes every ounce of my being to avoid looking into his green eyes.

"Let. Go. Of. Me." I have to bite my lip to keep the tears from falling out of my eyes but my vision is already starting to blur.

"I thought you weren't working?" I rip my arm out of his grasp and turn to face him, the rage inside of

me starting to replace the sadness.

"Are you being serious? You told me that you were going skating when in reality you were screwing around with Laura and you have the nerve to ask me about that?" Im shaking with a mixture of sadness and anger so much that I completely missed Laura walk up behind Wesley.

"What the hell is going on?" She asks.

"You want to know whats going on? I'll tell you whats going on." My feet are moving closer to Laura

every word and they seem to be controlling themselves.

"Wesley over here, who by the way told me that he couldn't give a shit about you, spent his whole night last night talking to me then kissed me, making me think he actually cared about me, which you think he would giving the fact that i practically saved his ass not too long ago from some type of gang that would have killed him if i hadn't been there then today he lied about-"

"Wait, she doesn't know?" Laura cuts me off.

"What? What do i not know?" My insides are flaming and now my feet are changing direction, making their way towards Wesley who is staring at Laura.

"No, she doesn't and I plan on keeping it that way."

"How does she not know?"

"Quit acting like i'm not here! What should I know?!"

"Mary, let me explain." He places his hand on my arm and before I have a chance to react, I hear a very familiar voice come from behind me.

"Get your arms off of her!" I turn around to see Drew running out of his car with Libra following closely behind. Drew looks heated, more angry than i ever seen him look and he's running straight towards Wesley.

"NO!" I scream out once Drew collides with Wesley and they both fall on the hard concrete ground, their arms moving too rapidly for me to keep track of.

"I told you never to touch her!" Drew grunts out before throwing a punch straight to Wesleys jaw.

"I didn't mean for this to happen!" Wesley grunts back after his fist connects with Drews nose and i swear I hear it break into a million pieces.

"STOP IT!" Im terrified for both of them by the time their faces are covered in blood. I start to make my way in between them when Libra steps in front of me.

"LIBRA, MOVE!" I try to walk past her but she grabs my shoulders and I use all my strength to get past her but she's a lot more stronger than i thought.

"Mary, you have to stop." I'm crying before i know what else to do and all i can do is repeatedly scream for them to stop. The last thing i see is Wesleys fist ramming into Drews stomach and something along the lines of "for my mom" before Libra and Laura pull me into the diner.


20 minutes go by and I'm still shaking in Libras arms while Laura stares out the window, watching the nightmare go down outside. After trying to run outside 5 times, i give up cause Libra pulls me right back every single time. The diner is closed by now and the only person here was my boss but he left once Laura explained to him what was going on.

"Laura, what did you mean about me not knowing something?" She turns to face me but takes a big breath before turning back around to look out the glass.

"Don't ignore me. You know something and i want to know what." She doesn't turn back around but i can hear her take another big breath.

"I don't believe that i'm the best person to explain this to you." She says without looking at me just as the door opens and Drew walks in, limping and his nose is bleeding non stop. I don't see Wesley behind him but i decide against asking where he is.

"Mary," He says. "We need to have a talk."

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